
Innocent intent

The APV door was half pried open by now and Kanon's demeanor only grew more stiff.

"You're serious aren't you?" Sano said. Feeling Kanon's grip he already had his answer, her eyes told him she meant every word.

They don't have to leave here at all if you don't want them to.

The inmate thought as much as he could on those words before responding.

It's not the worst idea, and I'm not just saying that cause she scares me. I'd personally like some payback.

Sano ignored the tension on his neck and spoke to Kanon.

"If it was just us----maybe." Sano said, sadly nodding to the god-eaters of Unit 1. Kanon begrudgingly looked at the trio and her head tilted to the ground shamefully.

When you put it that way...

Kanon felt Sano's wrist leave her grasp and her jaw clenched. As she tried to mutter, she felt a hand brush her hair.

"Don't feel bad. I might've done the same." Sano said. Kanon stroked her unbound hair with a smile.

Sano turned to the APV and nodded to Kanon to follow. At the bottom of her heart she still felt reprehensive, but silently followed along.

"And-we---Got it!" Erina levied her God-arc against the door with Kota and Emil's weight jamming it open.

An arm reached out from the bottom grasping the edge.

"Hold on, I got ya." Kota grabbed the mystery hand and up came Officer Churchill.

"AAGh---Thank you! THANK YOU!" Churchill let himself fall against the APV nearly to his knees.

"Fear not good sir, we will ensure you a safe passage from here on out!" Emil declared as he patted him on the back.

"Two more down in here! Hey, you guys alright!?" Kota asked.

In the cockpit, the female officer was in the grasp of the other male officer. The female guard unbound herself from the other guard's arms.

"We still alive?" he said.

"Yeah, thanks." the female said solemnly as she stood up to look at Kota.

"I'm 1st Unit Captain Kota Fujiki, we're here to escort you out." Kota said. The captain reached for the female and she jumped to reach.

"Is it dead?" the woman asked.

"You tell me?" Kota nodded to his side. Seeing the last passenger below, Kota jumped inside the APV.

The female guard looked around and saw what was left of the Ouroboros disintegrating and a crater.

"(They killed something that big?)" she wondered, as she adjusted to the light.

"Are you alright mam?" Erina asked, startling the woman.

"(How damn old is she!?)" she thought. Looking Erina up and down, she could note how she barely looked her age.

"Is something wrong, do you need to lie down?" Erina asked innocently. The female guard looked at Erina's armlet and couldn't believe her eyes.

"(This child is a god-eater?) I'm fine, excuse me for a minute." The female guard, let herself off at the edge of the APV to gather herself.

"Um...ok." Erina mumbled.

"One coming up!" Kota jumped on top of the APV and pulled another guard officer up and out.

"Put him over here please." The female guard directed.

Erina supported his legs while Kota supported his Torso. They slowly lowered near the back wheels, letting him balance himself.

"Hayden you still alright?" Churchill asked.

"I'm still all here, just a bit roughed up." Hayden replied, letting the female guard rest him against the vehicle.

"We'll have our doctors check you out, but that's gonna have to wait until we can get a new ride. Hey Sano could you fly us all?" Kota asked.

Sano inspected the appearances of all the passengers as he approached the APV. Sano's eyes leered to Churchill as he was looked over by Emil.

He looked ragged and out of breath.

When the inmate thought of his initial reaction to the pilot before, it hit him just how different the circumstances were.

No helm, no "jolts", nothing short of a handgun and compared to Sano's god-arc what could it do?

The inmate looked back at two other officers glimpsing at their handguns. Even if Kanon's initial offer was impulsive, it wasn't impossible.

"(Let it go.)" the inmate told himself, remembering why he had to deny her.

I agree with you I do, but if Pinky got one thing right its making sure these asses don't come back. HIM specifically.

"(He could look more miserable.)" Sano thought, nearly flashing a smirk.

"Sano?" Kota called again with concern.

Sano looked back and forth between Kota and Churchill, then to Erina and Emil. As he heard Kanon step to his side, he smiled and stuck his god-arc into the ground.

"Too many people. The most my god-arc could do is 4-5, and that's depending on the weight." Sano said.

"Ah that's a bummer we can't all go back at once then, plus it looks like the back wheels got destroyed on this baby." Kota said. The remains of the tires were vaporized via the Ouroboros lasers.

"I'm sorry to ask, but you think you could get these three back to the den, I might be able to drive us back if my jeep survived." Kota said with a frown.

"H-Hold on what was that about flying?" Churchill asked.

"No need to worry, it's completely safe, and it's really fun!" Erina said. A light-bulb went off in Kanon's head.

"Yeah, it's completely safe sir! Why don't you just take a step right here and we'll show you? Churchill, right?" Kanon took Churchill by the arm and wrenched him towards the inmate. Her bangs hid her face full of ill-intent.

Is she reading our minds?

"Hey, how did you know my last name?" Churchill asked, as Kanon effortlessly shoved him.

Right into Sano.

Sano's buster began morphing into predator form and sprouted two wings over spanning the APV.

When Churchill noticed the lack of light, he lifted his head to see the Predator towering over him. Menacingly.

"Hold on tight." Sano said. A tendril wrapped itself around Churchill's wrist and he was lifted to the God-arcs growling face.

This has been a long time coming.

"W-wait, hold a second!" Churchill pleaded to no avail.

With one hard flap, the god-arc took off into the sky as Churchill's screams echoed in the wind.

2 as I hoped, with a hopeful 3rd not far behind. I was sloppy on my test and I still did well. I noticed those stones still pouring in while I was busy.

Shoutouts to

Jay_clarke, Buffadez(old username may have been ESQERWF), Anthony_Higgins, DragonKingKyo, and new reader Dark_Clown_Terror

Hase0creators' thoughts