Amidst the event that jumps scared Unit 4, Inmate 1103 slept like a log on the lounge couch. One would think that any prison inmate would dream of the outside or parole.
However, this inmate wouldn't know since he'd never remembered his dreams, or maybe he never dreamt at all.
1103 stirred, noting that he grew rather comfortable each time he tried looking for a feeling of discomfort.
Opening his yellow-white eyes slightly, he noted he was surrounded by cushions.
"A couch?" he thought.
In the midst of missions, you might find remains of destroyed furniture. If inmates wanted a break in the middle of an operation they'd use those.
That was as good as it gets. Prison beds would be good for maybe one year, but after that sleep on a rock, your back will thank you.
This couch was like a marshmallow supporting every limb and compared to the prison bench he called a bed this was heaven.
Sitting upright, he adjusted his eyes to his surroundings.
A recent addition to the Den, The Lounge, was decorated with cushy seats and plants.
A pool table, and a record player with a couch in the left corner, and just beyond a bookcase filled up in every section with a piece of literature.
To the right a piano with a group seat, and lavished table with a white cloth. In the center was a bartender's countertop roundtable, filled with many bottles of alcohol and wines.
Off to the right was a dispenser for water and coffee. Farther to the back was a set of cooking utensils and supplies along with a mini-stove and oven.
After he scanned the room he looked to his right to see the pink ponytail of Kanon. As she peeked to his side, she noticed his open eyes.
She waved with a smile and pointed at his chest.
Turning his eyes down, he saw a sandwich filled to the brim with tomatoes and cheese. Upon further inspections, there seemed to a few peppers and meatballs in the bun.
Taking the glorified Oden Sandwich, the inmate stuffed it in his mouth. Noting that despite how cold it was, it held the flavor quite well. It was pretty good for a weirdly built sandwich.
1103 turned to the center roundtable and spotted Mutsumi writing something.
He paused his chewing, and with a swallow spoke.
"Did I scare you?" 1103 asked, bluntly.
Mutsumi barely heard him, taking her eyes off the paper she was writing.
"No, it was cool." she said happily.
"I'm glad." the inmate said, hiding his smile as he stuffed the rest of the sandwich in his mouth.
Kanon giggled seeing his interaction with the chef. She let him finish stuffing down the Oden Sandwich before speaking. Or rather tried to speak.
"I haven't forgotten." he said, putting his feet up on the table, surprising Kanon.
Her expression turned hard as she faced the inmate in the eye.
"So what does the lady wish for?" 1103 asked hanging his arms over the couch.
"I want you to help me!" Kanon managed to say,
The inmate stared at her for a moment, as if waiting for more.
"...With?" he asked, after a moment of silence.
"With-me. I really have a pain-staking record of friendly fire, but you're the first time I ever fired a good shot around people, ya know without trial error. I don't have the best reputation, but I try hard. I'm committed to improving in any way I can, and I do improve! I think." Kanon finished with a frown.
Kanon felt like she still had minced her words and was going to attempt again.
"It was a clean shoot. If it wasn't for you I'd still have to be hooked to an IV for breakfast, and lunch, and dinner." 1103 said, stopping Kanon, making her more comfortable.
His words reached deep. If only she could tell him, at that moment there was little rhyme or reason for her actions.
Her MO was shoot first, think of where to shoot later. If it could be blown up, blow it up.
"I need help to get better, A-LOT of help." Kanon said, finally confidently.
"You said you were a medic, but you don't fight like one." the inmate said, staring her dead in the eye.
"I..." Kanon wasn't sure how to respond.
"So quit trying to." 1103 suggested though it sounded more like an order.
These words clicked in Kanon's head and begun to intrigue her.
"Maybe you could help with that?" she said eagerly.
"That's not a short-term wish...and I don't know how long I"ll be here. Your director has likely contacted my warden by now. It could be in no time, they'll pick me up and I'm off back to prison." 1103 said, puzzlingly scratching his cheeks.
Kanons' heart sank, sighing in disappointment.
"But hey, it's your wish, so that just means I have to give it my all. However, that means since you're stepping up, you've gotta KEEP UP." the inmate said with a smirk.
Kanon's spirits were instantly raised, and she pumped her fists in determination.
"I will, we'll make most of the time we do have, and before you know it, I"ll be your ultimate disciple, your strongest disciple!" Kanon flared her nostrils in anticipation.
"...Let's just stick to training partner." 1103 said as he got up from the couch. Motioning for Kanon to stand with him he grabbed the blanket and bundled it.
He made his way over to Mustumi who humming to herself.
As she heard his footsteps Mutsumi stood at attention and smiled up at the criminal.
"What can I do ya for?" she asked, respectfully.
"Hey. Where I can put this?" he asked, holding out the blanket she gifted him before.
"Oh, I've got that. Just leave it with me." Mutsumi said, holding out her arms to take the bundle.
"Are you sure?" 1103 asked, sincerely, impressing Kanon.
"Yeah, I can take it." Mutsumi said.
As the inmate gave her the bundle, he peaked at the paper she was writing on. Mutsumi, neatly tucked in the folds of the blanket and laid it at her feet.
"Write in, Kuishinbo." 1103 said, before turning away from the counter.
Mutsumi looked at the paper and penciled in the word. She smiled and graciously thanked him.
Kanon quickly looked over the paper and understood the action. "What does it mean?" Kanon asked catching up with the inmate.
"A person who loves to eat." 1103 said, massaging his neck.
"Come again, I'm gonna get extra credit points." Mutsumi cheered.
"How long was I out?" the inmate wondered as he left the lounge with Kanon.
"Only 30 minutes, it was cat nap, I totally thought you were gonna be out longer. You sank in that couch like a stone." Kanon said.
"Think we'll get a mission before the days out?" 1103 asked.
"It's up to Captain Haru, if it's not a resident emergency, one good mission will do for a day. At least thats what he says. So, when do we start training?" Kanon asked, getting jittery.
"You're gonna have to decide that, I'm an inmate remember. I don't get to decide much of anything." 1103 said.
"Oh! Me? I mean, if you gave me a time I could book us a session in one of the training rooms. Just tell me when and it'll be no problem. Half the time we don't even have to if the engineers don't need them." Kanon said with a bright smile.
"(Did she not hear a word I said?)Well getting some after supper exercise wouldn't hurt, are they open now?" 1103 asked.
"Should be, we can go now and check. Oh wait! we can ask Hibari!" Kanon said, urging him to the stairs of the reception area.
At the risk of being drug by force, the inmate hurried with her down to see Hibari sifting through an Ipad like device.
She stopped however after seeing Kanons eager face with the Inmates rather sour one.
"You're up. Hope the food was good." Hibari joked.
"Anything trumps prison food standards, but going straight to 5-star is life-changing. That being said..." the inmate inched closer to Hibari.
"You're wondering why we have a 9-year-old working here." Hibari stated. She's clearly been practicing that response.
"Oh, that! Yeah, when we got her application, we thought her age was a typo, and we pretended to give her a chance. But her food was soooooo good!" Kanon answered, with building drool.
"Plus she needs the money, and she cooked better than all the adults." Hibari said with a bit of frustration.
"(She's not even in double digits!?) Ok, that answers my question." the inmate said, with a hint of disapproval.
"Hey, Hibari is any of the training rooms open? Ya know, without having to sign up in advance?" Kanon asked.
"Should be, Ciel didn't pick today to have team exorcises. However, you are due for a check-up with Yae." Hibari said, pointing to the inmate.
"The kid with blue hair?" 1103 asked.
"Yes, and please don't say that, she's an experienced nurse. More experience than a 16-year-old should have. " Hibari thought sadly typing on her keyboards.
"On that, we can agree." 1103 said, slowly caressing his scarred wrist. Which didn't go unnoticed by the girls.
"Aww, but my wish." Kanon whined.
"Take-HOLD ON!" Hibard suddenly shouted out, jump scaring Kanon.
"What?" Kanon said shakingly.
"What the heck do we call you?" Hibari said, trying to keep calm. This frustration over learning his name was past its limit.
"Wow, you really just don't want to call me inmate or my number." 1103 said with a laugh.
"This isn't prison! I told you I take my job seriously." Hibari said, slamming her hands on the keyboard.
"Ha...alright." the inmate said softly. He held out a hand to Hibari.
You can call me Sano Shimazaki
Does anyone know if those IPads have their own unique name in GE? Cause Fenrir Pad would seem lazy.