

#Chapter33 MUSE

I woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee, plus the sound of birds outside my window. Strange, the birds never sang outside my window. Then I opened my eyes and I saw some cream colored sheets and everything that happened last night hit me like a warm ray of sunshine, I stretched a little but I didn't see Chris, at least not until I looked down and saw him sitting with his hands up. crossed legs at the end of the bed.

/"Good morning,/" he said with that hoarse and sexy voice of just getting up, his hair was a mess with one side flattened and the other completely standing on end in a cute way, his cheeks were covered with that beard he loved so much, he had a notebook and a pencil on his lap and he was wearing nothing but blue boxers. A nice image to start the day.

/"Good,/" he leaned down and gave me a kiss that took my breath away, /"days./"