

#Chapter37 COME BACK TO ME

/"You should know that I can arrest you for hacking the system,/" said officer Collins showing her identification to Blake who just swallowed thickly and nodded but didn't say anything, I was too anxious to get out of here to realize that the woman was of the FBI.

/"I don't care, she's almost to the city limits and I don't think she's running away from home or anything./" I swore once more and started to move to the door but Officer Hastings' uniformed body stopped me.

/"You know we can't let you go, son,/" I growled almost like a rabid animal and tried to turn around to go out the back door but Officer Collins was there.

/"Officers,/" I said in a thick voice with suppressed rage, /"Brooklyn is almost in the middle of nowhere with a fucking degenerate who hurt him a long time ago! I don't fucking care if they drag me to jail but at least I hope to go after I know that!/" she is fine! They understand me?