


/"Okay,/" I said after we all gathered outside, Dylan and Blake immediately lighting up their cigarettes as we talked. /"Do you guys want to go to the movies after all?/"

/"Oh, I want to!/" Char yelled jumping up and down like a little girl, I rolled my eyes and nodded in her direction to reassure her.

/"There's a new horror story we have to see!/" Dylan said with equal enthusiasm. My face must have mirrored my thoughts because the idiot smirked making his nose ring shine a bit. /"Are you scared little Brook?/"

‘’What? No! I yelled and at the same time Bennett was heard yelling a /"Yes!/" ‘’You don't even dare to speak because you're a coward, Benny.’’

/"Not as scared as you./" In a very mature way I stuck my tongue out at him and crossed my arms over my chest in annoyance.

/"I heard there's a new comedy,/" Charlotte said trying to help me but Dylan immediately jumped.