
Inked In

Maxima King had 'The Perfect Life'. Cause honestly; Blue eyes? Blonde hair? Spectacular at sports? Amazing at Art? From a rich family? Yeah, she has it all cut out for her. Maxima King knows the truth. She knows her family's dark secrets, knows her outlined and planned future set down by her parents, knows that the books have it better, knows that her dog is her only true companion, knows... that what she can do isn't normal. But something new has been cropping up and honestly, she can't control where she is running to now, and the only thing she can do is stick to the things she knows.

0Writing_Reader0 · Book&Literature
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16 Chs


It wasn't that Maxima didn't enjoy the game of weaving through words. She did! It was thrilling. Just a few well-placed words to create allies and wrong ones to destroy them. Well-placed words could change worlds and minds while wrong ones could hurt beyond repair. She just didn't like it when you had to do it with your family and friends.

And because she had been in somewhat a similar situation, she could understand the fact that Draco was the way he was. But, if she 'met' up with him a few times while Professor Snape met with Lucius Malfoy for 'work', she could influence him well enough. She had words planned. A mountain full. But she couldn't be a Slytherin about it, no. She'd have to go the Hufflepuff route. If Slytherins don't know how to handle one thing, it's overly-friendly Hufflepuff. Besides, Draco wasn't all that bad, Maxima thought, I hope.

As she wore braided her hair, she reevaluated her looks. Her (subtle, she wasn't going to a party. Maxima rolled her eyes.) silver heels looked fabulous and matched well with the black pants and green shirt. The dark emerald robes made the whole thing come together. Her makeup wasn't too bold or in-your-face either. Subtle enough to be noticed but not so much that it's all that you can see. Not to mention the fact she didn't need it. Salt Water Mermaids, such as her mother, were naturally beautiful as their ancestors used to lure people underwater to a) eat them or b) use them for their benefit. Being the daughter of a sea-water mermaind helped in her that area.

As she walked to the gates, she wondered where they would go to meet Lucius and Draco Malfoy. Certainly not Hogsmead, not the Leaky Cauldron. Were there places in Knocturn Alley? Probably. Wasn't Malfoy rich? They probably had loads of summer homes. Maxima shook her head and saw Poseidon playing around with Fang. Maxima whistled and yelled for Poseidon to come over. He ran over and started padding alongside her as she continued onto the gates.

Maxima saw Professor Snape standing in his usual black ensemble. (Did he not have anything else? A bit of green or silver would have been nice. Or navy?) "Good Morning, Professor!"

Professor Snape nodded, "We shall be meeting up with Lucius Malfoy and his son at one of their summer homes, assumably they want me to take Draco away from the manor where the Dark Lord is currently residing."

Maxima nodded, "Anything that the Malfoy's will like sir? Provided it doesn't go against myself?"

Maxima swore her question made the Professor's lip twitch. Professor Snape tilted his head slightly, "The best way would be to be polite and pay emphasis on tradition. Draco, however," He paused to look at Maxima, "appreciates things being said bluntly."

Maxima blinked before smiling softly, message received professor. Neither you nor I want Draco there. "Alright, thanks Professor."

Maxima held onto Poseidon's collar and Professor Snape's arm. The sensation of being squeezed through a tube was nauseous as well. Once there, Maxima did not let go Professor Snape's arm until she was sure she would fall. Posedion was covering his eyes, whimpering and laying down.

"Uncle Sev!"

Maxima jolted and let go of the Professor to tend to Poseidon. And she could evaluate her surroundings whilst not being obvious.

Draco Malfoy was walking over to Professor Snape looking ever so relaxed but there was the tell-tale crack of apparition and there stood Lucius Malfoy, not to mention the fact Draco had gained the poised look, she always wore in front of her parents.

Maxima stood up with the grace of a queen. Time to live up to the name, thought Maxima. Professor Snape walked forward to greet Malfoy. Maxima followed. She did a slight bow to both of the Malfoys, "Good Morning Lord Malfoy, Heir Malfoy. Myself, Maxima King. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Malfoy seemed impressed and calculating something. Draco looked like he wanted to know something already. Professor Snape, as usual, seemed to have his resting bitch face though it was slightly lessened.

Soon enough, Lucius Malfoy and Snape seemed to be walking and talking while they made their way to the house while Draco, Poseidon and Maxima were walking a little way behind them. Well enough away to not be heard.

"So, what do you like to do?"

Draco glanced to her, "Potions and Quidditch. Do you play as well?"

Maxima smiled, "I play a little, I quite like the Keeper position. I play a few muggle games as well. Keeps me fit," she paused for effect, "and safe from boredom, I suppose."

Draco looked curious but it was hidden well. "Muggles can't have any good games. I'm sure."

Maxima smiled, "Have you actually played with them or know the rules? It's plenty of fun. Poseidon here likes to run a lot so I get the same treatment."

Draco smiled, it was a little one but one nonetheless. "What's your favourite quidditch team?"

Maxima hummed, "I think it has to be The Holyhead Harpies. What about you?"

Draco nodded, "I quite like that team too but father-"

Maxima snorted and dropped her voice even lower, "No offense but I don't quite care about what your father thinks, besides, I asked you didn't I?"

Draco blinked before nodding. He opened his mouth to ask something but they had reached the house and Lord Malfoy had turned around.

"Welcome to one of our many summer homes."

Maxima nodded in a show of respect. Emphasis on show, Maxima thought. As they walked into the main parlour, Malfoy called for an elf for some strong tea.

"Draco, show Ms King around while your godfather and I discuss a few things."

"Yes Father."

Draco started walking and motioned for her to follow. And follow she did. Poseidon was having the time of his life pretending to be a fancy trained dog. He was as proud as his namesake. Maxima rolled her eyes as the door closed.

"I want to leave."

Maxima's eyes bugged out, maybe he had already known truth. Maxima shook her head minutely, "I'm sorry, what?"

As they walked the hallways, Draco spoke softly, "Father said that Potter grew up in the wizarding world and knew most things. The first time I met him though, looking back on it, he was oblivious. And Se-" He hesitated. "Uncle Sev always seemed to hate him. A few days back Uncle Sev said some things about blood purity that... and he also admitted he was wrong. I didn't tell anyone but.."

They had reached the open grounds. Maxima didn't say anything. Draco seemed to in deep thought. He tossed her a broomstick. She caught and gave Poseidon a look which meant 'Stay.'

As they flew high up, Draco spoke once more, "He also mentioned a new Slytherin in our year."

Maxima smiled a little, "Yep, that's me. Dra-" She paused, "Can I call you Draco?" At his nod she continued, "Draco, I don't know what Professor Snape said but blood doesn't really matter. I mean, isn't Longbottom a pureblood? Isn't Granger a muggle born? Aren't Crabbe and Goyle purebloods as well?" She paused to throw the quaffle, "Speaking of pure blood, how far are you willing to go for 'pureblood'? There aren't many'pure' families left are there? Do you even know how many muggles there are?" She caught the quaffle and held it as she stared at Draco.

"I..fathe-" he paused and looked away, "I don't know."

Maxima licked her lips, "Out of the total 7 billion people on the earth only 68 Million, approximately, are Magical."

Draco's eyes bugged out, "And that's in the whole world isn't it?"

Maxima nodded as she threw the quaffle. "Besides, Muggles have invented quite a few neat things. Instanteous Messages, Face to Face Calling, tons of good fiction books, Air Travel for multiple people at a time to name a few."

Draco looked interested. "Mind...if I ask a few questions? I'm assuming you grew up with Muggles?"

"Raised, yes."

Draco stuck out his hand, "I would be pleased to be your friend, if you want to that is?"

Maxima grinned and shook his hand. "Brilliant!"

Draco looked away, before smirking at her, "Last one to the other side of the pitch is a dungbomb!"

Maxima let out a laugh and Draco started to move. They raced neck and neck. The speed of the wind made her hair go mad with delight. While swimming was fun, the ground was cozy and campfires were crackling, flying at high speeds was something else. Even if she didn't make the quidditch team, she would definitely spend her weekends flying.

And she was so close to...

"HAH! I win!" exclaimed Maxima. Her hair was probably a mess, Draco's definitely was.

Draco nodded, "Well played." He paused to look down and around, "Potter sent me an apology letter today morning. I think I'll forgive him. We've been.."

Maxima looked away from Draco who was thinking, he looked too much like her brother(when he used to be nice). "Equally horrid?" suggested Maxima.

Draco grinned, "Yeah yeah." He rolled his eyes before looking serious, "If you want to change the world which I can see you want to cause well.." He gave a look which said 'It's kinda obvious' , "You'll need all the information about Slytherins and the status quo. You're goon enough and swaying people. All you need now is a bit of catching up to do."

Maxima grinned, "Alright Draco."

Draco adopted a faux regal look, "Lesson number one, let's begin!" He turned around and sped away. Maxima let out an amused huff and followed. Let's begin indeed.