
Inked:Devil's Road

What happens when everything you knew was a lie. And everything you've been told doesn't exist does. Tracy was always good at running away from her problems, but when she saw the rune for the first time, that was the last thing the Guardians would allow her to do. When you're constantly breaking the law, the last thing you think is gonna happen is that you'd end up being bound to Ancient Laws. Read on to find out what happens when the rebel meets the most powerful beings in the universe.

Onyx_Rose · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Cruelest Mind

*10 years ago*

I ran like I'd never run before. Even though my lungs hurt like hell and my legs were feeling heavy like lead, I kept on running. I could not lose the game, it would not be good for me if I did. So I kept on running through the dark forest. I was running for my life, yes my life was a game. I soon reached a tall tree with overhanging leaves. Quickly, I ducked under and hoped that he wouldn't find me here. Maybe this time I'd win the game. I sat down on the wet grassy ground and waited. Birds tweeted and a stream flowed nearby. My heart raced like a hurricane but a small smile was on my lips. Then suddenly I heard loud footsteps like those of a giant. I swear I felt the ground shake. I froze and silently prayed that he'd carry on. He came to a stop in front of the tree.

"Honey, come out, wherever you are,"he purred.

I gritted my teeth and covered my mouth, hoping he'd move on. A second later he began walking and i felt such deep relief. I stood up after a minute and made my way out of the tree. Then I felt arms thick as logs lock around me and pull me off the ground.

Oh no. I'd lost.

"Those pink shoes are a tell sweetheart. I caught you, now what should I do with you?"

No. No. No