
Wasn’t Wrong or Was I ?

After "The best day of my life" I knew it won't happen again, I KNEW IT WONT! I made my breakfast (Almond Milk with scrambled eggs) not the best but it filled me. As I took the bus (like every other morning) I always wondered how a heavy; metallic block would move on four rubber tires. How? I know this question can be answered but it's quite strange how someone would invent this incredible moving "thing".

Getting back on track:

I stepped down the stairs of the bus and walked two street lights and boom, I'm at work opening the restaurant before the others would come. After exactly 25 minutes,Mason enters the restaurant by the sound of the bell on top of the door. And gave him his usual order. Once I got my lunch brake , I would ask for permission to call an early out to do some errands. It was quite sad not seeing Mason my whole working hours. Once lunch brake was over he came to me and asked if me and him go out sometime. Me trying to keep my temper and not going Mylie Cyrus wild , I gave a soft smile and said yes while my brain fan girling. I told him about the plans I had today and asked when. He said "On the weekends, like maybe Saturday, 4:00.",(which was my favorite days on resting) . I agreed.

After errands were done , Friday came zapping in. Which means .... I HAVE SCHOOL. I came out running with my hair not done , to the bus and got on as fast as I could.(I woke up late). Once I got in the classroom , I Began to daydream what would happen on Saturday ,DATE NIGHT!! Me fan girling makes me sound ridiculous. "JULIA!!! What is the answer to #25 on your notebook??"

Mr.Martinez my math teacher questioned . JUST NOTICING THAT I DON'T EVEN HAVE MY BACKPACK NOR MY WORK!! Yup I was right best day won't happen ever again. While Mr. Martinez still waiting for an answer , I sighed and told him I forgotten my work and my backpack at home because I was late for school. The whole class grinned and snickered, as he was about to threaten me with his annoying words about DON'T MAKE ME CALL YOUR MOTHER AGAIN or GO TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE JULIA. There was a knock on the door , one of the Staff members said that we would have a new student. OH HERE WE GO AGAIN WITH ANOTHER STUDENT WHO WILL MAKE FUN OF ME ALL THE WAY TO COLLEGE, I stared outside the window not caring about anything anymore . Mr.Martinez asked the new student "Move to the empty seat next to Julia". OH COME ON WHY ME!! As Mr. Martinez lends me an extra book and tells me to start working I hear "PSST!" ,, "PSSSTTTT!" (It's the new student) I turned and noticed "MASON!! "I whispered.

Not believing he would be in this class but I think I was wrong about this not being the worst day. After class we went to lunch and hanged out and he sat beside me in every other class. He would ride the bus with me also , and the best part he held my hand while walking me to my house while me leading him. He hugged me once again and rubbed my hair like how it was in the morning. "Don't forget about tomorrow's event and Have a good evening and night " and we both said at THE SAME TIME "is it weird if I could have your number?" We both laughed and me being an idiot not controlling my laugh snorted .WHYYYYY IM SUCH AN IDOT NOW HES NOT GONNA LIKE ME ANYMORE AND THEN HE-" I think our question has been answered and that was cute." He cut my ungrateful mind off. Wait did he just call my snort cute, no one has never said that only my mum . " heheh thanks" I looked and felt red if that made sense . We exchanged numbers and he told me he will text me once he goes home. The whole entire night we texted like if we were parrots singing along to the radio.
