
Injured Werewolf Love

In "Injured Werewolf love" the werewolf is a former soldier struggling to reintegrate into civilian life after returning from a traumatic deployment. The CEO girlfriend, dealing with her own issues of loneliness and isolation despite her wealth and success, unexpectedly finds herself drawn to him. As they navigate their relationship, they discover that they both harbor deep emotional wounds that only seem to heal in each other's presence. However, their happiness is threatened by external forces, including the werewolf's former comrades who see him as a liability and the CEO's cutthroat business rivals who will stop at nothing to sabotage her success. Together, they must confront their pasts and fight for a future where they can find peace and acceptance, both within themselves and in each other's arms.

adegbite_feranmi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


On the third day, Emily woke up with a mix of nerves and anticipation, waiting to hear from the Johnsons. She sat on her couch, her phone positioned on the coffee table in front of her. The tension in the room was palpable as she tried to distract herself with some documents.

 The door creaked open, and Loretta entered, her face mirroring the anxiety Emily felt. "Any news yet?" Loretta asked softly, hoping for a positive update.

 Emily sighed and shook her head. "Not yet. I feel like I've been waiting forever."

 Loretta gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "It'll come, Emily. Just be patient."

 Just as Loretta finished her sentence, the phone rang. Emily's heart leaped into her throat. She snatched it up with trembling hands.


 "Hello, this is Jacob Johnson," the voice on the other end said. "The family has decided, after thorough consideration, to accept the contract. The contract has been signed by our board representative. Please come pick it up."

 Emily let out a squeal of delight. "Thank you so much, Mr. Johnson! This is wonderful news!"

 After ending the call, Emily couldn't contain her excitement. She immediately dialed Alex's number.

 "Hello, Alex. Good morning," she said, barely able to keep her voice steady.

 "Good morning, Emily," Alex replied, a smile in his voice. "You sound excited this morning."

 "Yes! The Johnsons just called and they've signed the contract!" she exclaimed, almost bouncing in her seat. "I'm so excited!"

 "Wow. Congratulations, Emily," Alex said warmly. "You worked hard for this."

 "This calls for celebration," Emily declared, her mind already racing with plans.

 Alex, ever the practical one, responded, "It's not time for celebration yet. We still have three more major families to convince."

 Emily wouldn't be deterred. "It's only going to get better and easier from here. I can feel it," she said confidently.

 Alex chuckled. "Okay, Emily. But please, get prepared for the next family."

 "You don't have to tell me that. I will," she promised. "But for today, we are going to celebrate."

 "Alright," Alex agreed, his voice warm with understanding. "By what time and where?"

 "I'll let you know soon. Just be ready," she replied, a grin spreading across her face.

 She ended the call, her heart soaring. Alex couldn't help but smile, feeling a shared sense of accomplishment and anticipation.

 Emily quickly got dressed, her excitement manifesting in the brightness of her attire. As she stepped out of her room, Loretta was waiting, looking equally thrilled.

 "We did it, Loretta!" Emily exclaimed, giving her a quick hug.

 "Yes, we did," Loretta replied. "But remember, we still have a lot of work ahead."

 "I know, I know. But today, we celebrate. We've earned it.

 Alex stood by the dining room, smiling as he ended the call with Emily. Nana entered from behind, noticing his cheerful demeanor.

 "Hmm, looks like you and this Emily from Watson Corporation have gotten used to each other," Nana remarked, a teasing glint in her eye.

 Alex tried to shrug off the smile, his face flushing slightly. "Oh, no, not really. It's nothing serious. We just got the good news that the Johnson family signed the contract."

 "Wow!" Nana exclaimed, her eyes widening. "The Johnsons have agreed to work with Watson Corporation?"

 "Yes, they have. They just signed the contract this morning. Emily called to share the news," Alex replied, still unable to completely hide his excitement."

 That's wonderful news, really wonderful," Nana said, her smile broadening. "Where's young Emily? Is she not going to get ready for school?"

 "She is. I think she's in her bedroom," Alex answered, glancing towards the hallway.

 Nana gave him a knowing smile. "And you're going out this evening, right?"

 Alex's face showed a hint of embarrassment. "Yes, Nana," he admitted.

 "With Emily, right?" she prodded, clearly enjoying his discomfort.

 "Yes, Nana," he said again, this time with a resigned smile.

 "Good. It's nice to see you both so happy. Enjoy your evening," Nana said, patting his shoulder affectionately before heading towards young Emily's room.

 Alex watched her go, his thoughts already drifting to the celebration dinner that awaited him and Emily. He felt a warm sense of anticipation

 Emily and Lauretta made their way to the car, and Emily dialed Jane's number, determined to keep her informed.

 "Jane, it's Emily. The Johnsons have signed the contract. We're going to pick it up now," she said as soon as Jane answered.

 "That's fantastic news, Emily!" Jane responded, though her enthusiasm was somewhat muted. "I knew you could do it."

 "Thank you, Jane. I'll see you at the factory later. We're moving forward full steam," Emily said before hanging up.

 As they arrived at the Johnsons' factory, Emily's excitement was palpable. She and Loretta walked up to the office where Jacob and Titus Johnson were waiting. Jacob greeted them warmly, while Titus gave a curt nod, still slightly wary.

 "Congratulations, Emily. We're pleased to move forward with this partnership," Jacob said, shaking her hand.

 "Thank you, Mr. Johnson. This means a lot to us," Emily replied, her smile genuine and bright.

 Titus, however, remained reserved. 

 "We'll see how things go," he muttered, eyeing Emily and Loretta critically."We'll make sure you won't regret this decision, Mr. Titus," Emily said firmly, meeting his gaze.

 After finalizing the details, Emily and Loretta collected the signed contract and headed back to the car.

 As Emily and Loretta stepped out of the factory and headed towards the car, they noticed a taxi pulling up to the factory. Jane rushed out of the taxi, her expression a mix of urgency and annoyance."

 Jane, you're here!" Emily called out, unable to hide her amusement at Jane's flustered appearance.

 Jane approached, trying to compose herself. "Yes, I... I came as soon as I could," she replied, glancing around anxiously.

 "We've already signed the contract," Emily announced, her tone cheerful yet firm.

 A flicker of disappointment crossed Jane's face. She had hoped to be present during the signing, possibly to find a way to sabotage it. But now, her plans were thwarted. "Oh, I see," she said, forcing a smile. "That's... great news."

 Emily studied Jane for a moment, her own smile unwavering. "Yes, it is. The Johnsons were very cooperative once everything was explained."

 "Well, that's... good," Jane replied, though her tone lacked enthusiasm. She quickly tried to regain her professional demeanor. "So, what's next on the agenda?"

 Emily glanced at Loretta before responding. "We need to prepare for our next meeting with another local family. But for now, I think it's time we take a moment to celebrate this achievement."

 Jane nodded, though her disappointment was still evident. She had hoped to make her mark by disrupting Emily's progress, but now she would have to rethink her strategy.

 Emily decided to host a celebratory dinner that evening and invited Alex, Loretta, and even Jane. Jane was surprised by the invitation but agreed to join. The dinner was at an exquisite restaurant known for its elegant ambiance and stellar cuisine.

 Emily spent extra time preparing for the evening. She chose a sophisticated black dress that complemented her figure, and she styled her hair in loose, cascading waves, allowing it to fall naturally around her shoulders. Her makeup was impeccable—subtle yet enhancing her natural beauty. A touch of eyeliner and mascara accentuated her eyes, and a soft, rosy blush added a hint of color to her cheeks. Her lips were painted a delicate shade of pink, completing the look with a touch of elegance.

 As Alex arrived at the restaurant, he expected a more intimate setting with just Emily. However, when he entered, he saw Jane and Loretta already seated at the table with Emily. The surprise was evident on his face, but he quickly masked it with a smile.

 "Good evening, ladies," he greeted, pulling out a chair.

 "Good evening, Alex. Please, have a seat," Emily responded warmly.

 Alex took his seat, his eyes lingering on Emily for a moment. "You look stunning tonight, Emily."

 Emily smiled, her eyes sparkling in the dim light of the restaurant. "Thank you, Alex. You don't look too bad yourself."

 Loretta chimed in, "It's nice to have everyone together for a change."

 Jane, still somewhat on edge from the day's events, tried to join in the light-hearted mood. "Yes, it is. I wasn't expecting this, but it's a pleasant surprise.

 "The conversation flowed easily as they discussed various topics, from the day's successes to light-hearted anecdotes. Despite the underlying tensions, the evening was turning out to be a surprisingly enjoyable one.

 Alex leaned in slightly towards Emily. "I must admit, I thought this dinner was just for us. But it's nice to see everyone here."

 Emily gave him a knowing smile. "I thought it would be good for all of us to have a chance to relax and bond a little. We've had a lot of stress lately."

 Alex nodded, appreciating her thoughtfulness. "You're right. It's been quite the journey so far."

 Jane, trying to engage with the group, commented on the restaurant. "This place is beautiful. I can see why you chose it, Emily."

 Emily acknowledged her with a polite nod. "It's one of my favorites. I wanted us to have a nice evening, especially after all the hard work we've put in."

 The night progressed with laughter and stories, the initial awkwardness fading as they all found common ground. Even Jane seemed to let her guard down a bit, joining in the conversations more freely.

 As the dinner drew to a close, Emily raised her glass. "To new beginnings and successful partnerships," she toasted.

 Everyone raised their glasses in agreement. "To new beginnings," they echoed.

 Alex looked at Emily with admiration. Despite the challenges, she had managed to bring everyone together and create a moment of unity and celebration.

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