
Inifinity City: Die for Living

Back from the dead? Is this heaven or hell? Dancing with death brings everything you want. Enjoy the present or look to the future? Infinity city, infinity possibilities.

Zionye · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


By dawn, the 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion had successfully advanced 50 meters on the bridge, securing the entire middle section.

Nightfall's battle was brutal, resulting in heavy casualties on both sides. Colonel Frost stopped the attack temporarily, allowing the soldiers some respite. However, the main objective was to buy time for Keanu to heal as many wounded as possible. With the paratroopers ceasing their attack, the Germans seized this opportunity to reconstruct their ramparts. A short-lived peace ensued.

As the battle subsided, even the stamina-boosted adventurers felt drained as they dropped to the ground, trying to regain energy.

Keanu was leaning against a sandbag, a British soldier dutifully lighting a cigarette for him. They were technically supposed not to light cigarettes at night to avoid revealing their position to enemy fire. Yet on Arnhem Bridge, a mere few square meters, German fire could still find them even in darkness, so the rule was loosely enforced. There were other soldiers too, buttering up to Keanu by offering him canned food and flattering him.

Watching Keanu's relaxed demeanor, Max spat on the ground in resentment, "Damn it, this kid's stealing all the limelight, pushing us all aside."

Keanu lounged casually, "We're still yet to seize the Arnhem Bridge. Focus on how to complete the mission and survive. Isn't worrying about stealing the spotlight quite meaningless?"

The answer from Max caught Keanu by surprise, "Not necessarily. What does a person live for if not the pursuit of fame and fortune? We live tough lives, and basking in the adoration of others validates the struggle. Living just for survival fulfills the necessities but isn't it too exhausting? Look at those corporate workers who take their lives due to unbearable pressure. How different are we? We need something to satisfy our needs, something to strive for, even if its pursuit in itself carries no inherent meaning…" He paused for a breath, adding, "And how meaningful is life itself, anyway?"

Max's soliloquy took Keanu aback. The burly man spewing such intricate introspection was a surprise. Yet Max had a point, a point Keanu was ill-equipped to counter.

"You're right, Max. Everyone should have something to chase... even if it's as meaningless as showboating," Keanu agreed.

Max and Wyatt burst into laughter together.

"What about you? What's your pursuit in Infinity City?" Kitty chimed in.

After a short pause, Keanu admitted, "Before I came here, I had already fulfilled my pursuit. Now, I don't have much to strive for. If I must pick something, I guess it would be to reach the end of this city, fight my way to the Tower of Babel, and see if there are any wish-granting quests."

"Your completed pursuit was around killing?" Kitty inquired.

Keanu shot Kitty a bemused look before mumbling after an awkward silence, "Wyatt, your big mouth could make you a great trumpeter."

Wyatt broke into a hearty laugh, "I haven't even spread the glorious tale of you killing 7 and severely injuring 16, with 8 of them left handicapped. You don't seem like a maniac killer. Heh, 'Murderous Medic,' quite a name, huh?"

"Shut up, Wyatt!" Keanu yelled in anger, "You big mouth! And, don't you dare call me a doctor! I hate doctors! Before I came here, I killed a doctor with my own hands!"

Kitty, who was listening to their banter, looked at Keanu with stunned eyes.

Her hand flew to her mouth, eyes wide with surprise, "You were behind that case?"

Her earlier solemnity bubbled into giggles, "I was almost assigned to the manhunt for you. No wonder your name sounded so familiar."

Keanu's eyes gradually became icy, lying on the ground facing the starlit sky, with the sporadic gunfire echoing in the distance. Ever since he arrived in this world, he rarely looked back on his past. Yet, Kitty's statement pulled him back into a whirlpool of memories where images of the people he knew, didn't know, killed, or spared flickered in his mind.

He thought about Bradley.

He wondered how the bloke was doing now.

In a hoarse voice, he replied, "I suppose my past actions caused a lot of trouble for your job, didn't it? I apologize."

Kitty guffawed, "I am not a cop anymore; you needn't worry about me arresting you. Besides, even if I did, I won't have anywhere to bring you."

"For that remark, I'll give you one free treatment the next time you get injured."

"Thanks. Anyway, don't think this lady is in any need of those CP." Kitty shot a glance at Keanu.

Oddly enough, both of them fell into silence. Wyatt was completely lost, while Max, somewhat understanding, commented, "So, before you guys arrived here, you were on opposite sides of the law. Seems like you were quite the sensation back on Earth, Keanu."

After some thought, Keanu seriously responded, "In the eyes of the police... I was some kind of a public figure, an unknown figure."

Kitty asked, "Could you disclose the reason behind that case of yours?"

Wyatt and Max both turned to Keanu – curious to know the answer. Keanu yawned lazily in response, "I'm tired, let's get some sleep."


The morning gunfire replaced alarm clocks, rousing a half-awake Keanu from his slumber. A shell exploded around 20 meters away, scattering a sandbag. The sand flew into the air before showering down on Keanu.

With a series of disgusted spits, Keanu crawled towards Kitty and yelled, "What's the situation now?"

"Both sides have equal footholds and each yearns for the other half yet fears for the loss of their own half. Colonel Frost is brimming with confidence and preparing for a frontal attack," Kitty yelled back – whispering in this war-riddled world required shouting.

"That doesn't sound too bad," Keanu chuckled, "Let's keep it that way; it's pretty okay."

Colonel Frost was persistently calling for aid as usual, "I need the support of a direct action squad from the First Airborne Division. No, not bombers, I don't need bombers or damned artillery, I need a direct-action squad! Yes, you heard right, they're more useful than bombers! I swear on my life, just send me twenty more members of a special ops unit and I'll be able to take the Arnhem Bridge, and I'd hold it for however long you damn well want! What? Haven't heard of them? You idiot! Fetch someone aware of top-secret matters!"

Colonel Frost angrily ended the call, turning to Keanu, and said, "Know what's the worst in war?! It's when they'd send you artillery shells when you're in dire need of bullets. When you need shells, they'd send bandages! When I asked for more of your kind, special operation troops, that damned operator told me he had never heard of such forces, instead, he asked if I needed aerial support, damn them!"

"We've always been low-profile!" Keanu shrugged nonchalantly.

A shell whizzed past the soldiers' heads, landing on the bridge with a bounce giving everyone a scare, causing them to drop to their knees.

After a while with no explosion, one soldier got back up and immediately cursed, "It's a dud!"

"We can't leave it there," Frost ordered.

A soldier ran forward to move the shell, but Keanu's face changed abruptly, "Get away from it!"

The confused soldier had just barely reacted when the previously silent shell exploded with a bang. A wave of impact threw the soldier high into the air.

"Arias!" Frost yelled out. He turned to Keanu, "Help him, quick!"

Keanu rushed forward, finding a blood-soaked young soldier spitting blood continuously.

Pulling open his uniform, Keanu found ten or so shrapnel embedded in his chest; one had punctured his lung.

Lifting his head and shaking it at Colonel Frost, Keanu signaled the fatal condition.

"No, I refuse to believe this! You can save him, please help him!" Frost pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do," said Keanu with regret.

His Despicable Healing was virtually useless against such physical damage, leaving him unable to help as he watched the soldier's health gradually fade away.

"Oh no... he's just 16! I promised his mother I'd bring him home alive!" Colonel Frost lamented desolately.

Arias was the youngest member of the 2nd Airborne Battalion. It is said he had 2 older brothers who had also joined the Allies but were both killed in action. When Arias enlisted, his mother made a special request to Colonel Frost, begging him to protect her youngest son. Frost promised that he would and ever since he had kept Arias close to him, sparing him from the most dangerous tasks.

However, Arias was now critically wounded and on the brink of death.

War is harsh and safe havens seem non-existent.

All the soldiers looked on helplessly, their faces imprinted with a shared pain.

Regrettably, Keanu said, "Better find him a priest. I suspect he could use the comfort of the Lord's voice now."

"No," Colonel Frost shook his head, "God is dead."

Keanu blinked, "What did you say?"

Frost angrily repeated, "I said God is dead."

He was nearly hysteric, "If there were a God, Hitler would not be alive now. The world would not have plunged into this war. God can't help us. We are the only ones who can help ourselves. God is dead. That's why we are thrown into this desperate environment, left to fight alone. God has already died."

The desperate outcry rendered everyone speechless.

Keanu looked at Colonel Frost and could see the torment in his eyes.

The desperation in Arias's eyes, the blood spurting from his lips, something in Keanu's heart twitched.

Without a moment's hesitation, he swiftly took out a primary regenerative potion from his emblem, "This...should save him."

Seeing the primary regenerative potion, Wyatt's eyes widened. He rushed over, and grabbed Keanu's arm, "Are you mad? Using something of this caliber for a soldier? Is it worth it? Don't forget we aren't..."

"Shut up, Wyatt!" Keanu interrupted Wyatt with a glare. Realizing he nearly let something slip, Wyatt, though still gripping Keanu's arm, turned quiet, "Do you have plenty of these?"

"Not plenty," Keanu admitted.

"Then why would you..."

Keanu quietly interrupted, "I might not need it, but Arias does right now. Every life is precious, none more important than the other... let go!"

Wyatt's hand quivered before finally releasing Keanu.

Keanu poured the potion into Arias's mouth and next initiated the healing incantation. The arcane spell worked wonders as Arias's breathing began to steady.

Even Keanu was taken aback by the surprising result. He realized that Despicable Healing served not only to heal common injuries but also worked considerably well when combined with medicinal treatment.

"Frost exclaimed, "He's awake! He's come back!"

Arias's revival brought everyone immense joy. Though they had no idea how Keanu achieved it or understood much about the potion, Wyatt's action depicted the invaluable nature of the medicine. It was evident that Keanu had given his precious life-saving potion to Arias.

The soldiers started to respect Keanu more.

Just then, the familiar sound of the emblem notification rang in Keanu's ear.

The emblem informed him, "You have earned the respect of all the officers and soldiers of the 2nd Airborne Battalion, improving your affinity. You hold temporary command over the soldiers of the 2nd Airborne Battalion in your current mission, and you are also a priority target for German officers. 1% of the 2nd Airborne Battalion's combat achievements will be attributed to you."

Keanu was stunned.