
Inifinity City: Die for Living

Back from the dead? Is this heaven or hell? Dancing with death brings everything you want. Enjoy the present or look to the future? Infinity city, infinity possibilities.

Zionye · Fantasy
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41 Chs

First Step

Looking at the sky, people occasionally pose a question: Is death the end of life, or is it the beginning of another form? Those who are still alive cannot provide an answer. The ones who have passed are incapable of offering one.

Keanu stood atop a skyscraper. From his point of view, a myriad of hazy buildings stretched out before him. At the center of it all, a tower rose high; as if it sought to pierce the heavens like a sharp sword. Beyond, Keanu could see the mountains and waters in the distance, hidden under a light shroud of mist.

It was a city nestled amidst the landscape, a city so eerily quiet it chilled the bones. Devoid of the bustling noise of worldly life, it even seemed devoid of a human presence. One minute ago, Keanu woke here on the rooftop of this tall building, a rooftop mysteriously missing a point of entry. Beside him laid several aspects of men and women, lost in slumber. This puzzling circumstance piqued his curiosity.

Am I in hell? If it was, it seemed to have evolved with the times. After inspecting himself, he noticed everything he had when he was alive, but his gun. The 17 bullet holes that marred his body had vanished too.

Everything felt like a dream, yet he was unsure if he was still trapped in one or if he had just awoken. "Where am I?" A pleasant feminine voice originated behind him. As Keanu turned around, he saw a young lady with big eyes and long hair, who had just roused from her slumber.

"Infinity City." A deep masculine voice suddenly announced.

Keanu and the young lady turned simultaneously toward the source of the voice. A middle-aged man stood alone in a cleared area not far from them. His rugged face was fierce, marred by an oblique scar that nearly split his face in two. This brutish aspect gave him the appearance of a man whose head had once been split and then sewn back together.

"Who are you? How did I end up here?" The young lady inquired loudly. The scarred face coldly snorted, "You'll know soon enough. Before then, let's wait for the others to wake up. I have no interest in repeating myself." The young lady was not about to back down, "You'd better explain how we arrived here. This...this looks like a kidnapping. I will..."

Keanu suddenly interrupted, "You better listen to him." The young woman whirls around to glare at Keanu with her large, and upon severe scrutiny, quite attractive eyes. She questioned him: "Who are you? Why should I listen to you??"

"Because", Keanu said, looking at the scar face impassively," this man wasn't here three seconds ago. Seventeen people were here before, and in a blink of an eye, now we're eighteen."

The scar face was taken aback as he gazed at Keanu. To comprehend his surroundings in such a short span upon waking was indeed impressive.

"You must be joking! How is that possible?" the woman didn't believe him.

"Just two minutes ago, I was a dead man, as dead as dead can be. If a dead man can rise and speak again, there's nothing impossible." Keanu smiled as he replied. Facing the barrel of a gun, he would remain calm. If a person is not afraid of death, what would they fear in life?

The woman was left speechless. Among them, those still in slumber were beginning to rise.

They looked around, utterly confused, having no clue what had transpired, or where indeed they were. Only when the last person among them roused did the scar-face call out, "Quiet! If you wish to understand the predicament you find yourselves in, keep quiet first."

"Who do you think you are?" A recently awakened hippy covered with tattoos and sporting a large gold earring, challenged scar face. "You better be careful, where is this place? Did you bring us here? Do you know who you're dealing with?"

Scar face gave a grin, which turned into a low chuckle, "How intriguing. Why does every bunch brought to Infinity City contain brash folks like you? The only purpose of your kind's existence in my eyes is ..." Before he could finish his sentence, a gun had materialized in his hand.

With a single shot, he struck the hippy's left hand. A howl of excruciating pain echoed as he held his bleeding hand, shaking involuntarily. As swiftly as it had appeared, the gun was gone, and Scar face declared coldly, "The only purpose is to serve as a warning to the rest. To establish my authority!"

Everything went deathly silent. In the face of imminent death, arrogance and pride have no place. Yet, Keanu narrowed his eyes, cautiously studying Scar face. He was certain a moment ago there was no gun in his hand. The gun, like the man himself, had simply appeared out of nowhere.

Casting a cold glance over the crowd, Scar face spoke with a grim smile, "I know you have a boatload of questions. Regrettably, I neither have the time nor the inclination for a discourse. You have time to consider this: where you are, who I am. There is ample information already imprinted in your minds."

Closing his eyes and concentrating, Keanu discovered there was indeed an infusion of new memories. This place they found themselves in was known as Infinity City. It was not a known region on Earth yet possessed a power far beyond human imagination. It offered the Earth's finest luxuries - the most opulent cinemas, the biggest amusement park, upscale entertainment venues, thriving shopping malls, and supermarkets. Here, one could purchase the most exotic cars, the largest diamonds, and the finest Swiss timepieces and indulge in exquisite cuisine.

Infinity City could provide anything one desired, as long as the price was paid. All the pleasures one could only dream of having on Earth were within reach here. However, it did not mean that Infinity City was paradise. Its rules were straightforward: one's survival depended on completing the tasks it assigned monthly and earning the city point -- the city's currency. CP was essential for a living -- it could buy food, drink, and even housing. More importantly, it could also be used to enhance one's abilities, preparing them for more perilous tasks in the future.

Infinity City was a place for those who lived on the brink of death. It provided the means to survive and yet consistently pushed its residents to risk their lives. The recollections of Infinity City inside his mind were hazy and scant, but from what little he grasped, Keanu could already hear the desperate cries of countless fallen souls.

He saw many individuals desperately battling through the dangerous scenarios set up by Infinity City, putting every ounce of their strength and every last drop of their courage into each fight. Often only a handful of them would survive the ordeal in this alternate realm.

Then, Infinity City would introduce some new arrivals to replace those who had perished. The city always maintained a revolving population of approximately thirty thousand. Yet the number of those who had perished was exponentially more.

Those who managed to survive the tasks lived their lives in a perpetual, delirious haze. Such was the reality of Infinity City.

Emerging from his memories, Keanu saw the cold smile on Scar face. The recollection told Keanu that this man was a mentor for newcomers in Infinity City, and he was also a resident of the City. The mentors were responsible for answering newcomers' questions, advising them on points of attention during their tasks, and receiving some additional CP rewards in exchange.

"So now you know your whereabouts, right? About this question, I don't think I need to waste more words," remarked Scar face.

"As long as you stand here, you should say something to justify your existence," Keanu retorted. "Infinity City sent you here. It can't be just to shoot at newcomers, can it?"

Scar face chuckled in response.

"My real importance here isn't as a mentor, but to demonstrate reality to you. If it were just the infusion of memories, nobody would take it seriously. But when someone stands out and tells you what's going on while offering themselves up as evidence, that changes the game," Scar face explained.

Pausing for a moment, Scar face continued, "But as you said, since I'm standing here, I should do something. So, I'll fill in some gaps in your knowledge. However, before I do, I need to remind you all of one thing-- I don't like to be interrupted. If someone interrupts me, they'll regret it. And don't ask any unnecessary questions. I'm not interested in answering things that don't fall within my responsibilities. The main thing is to explain some unwritten rules and things to look out for, and to open the door to your tasks."

With that, he gestured towards a peculiar black watch on his left wrist. Everyone had a similar watch.

"This is the emblem," Scar face explained. "Infinity City's way of giving us instructions. I perceive it as a dog collar, attached around your neck. Where it directs, we follow. Those who against...die!"

Scar face's stern tone sent a chilling wave throughout his audience.

"Remember that the emblem has multiple functions. You have to discover those yourselves. All I can tell you is, whether you love Infinity City or hate it, believe it or not, once you're here, there's no going back. It's best to give up any fantasies and focus on the tasks. It's the practical thing to do. If you hold any other thoughts, it's best to let those go as well.

Finally, one more thing: since you're a newcomer, each of you must take on a novice task before officially becoming a citizen of Infinity City. Only those who have passed the novice task become full citizens. The novice task is the easiest of all tasks, and it provides the most significant rewards…"

"Can you die in the novice task?" Someone asked.

Scar face located the person who had spoken and launched himself towards him. With a swift kick to the jaw, followed by a blow to the head with the back of his gun, the man collapsed, blood streaming from his wounds.

With swift action and deadly force, Scar face quickly returned to his original position. He did it so fast that the human eye could barely follow his motions.

"I've warned you, don't interrupt me!"

A chill swept across the crowd.

"Do you understand what I've said now?" Scar face asked.

"Yes", came the sparse voices from within the crowd.

"Well then, to answer your question just now, yes, if you're not careful, you could die. So it's in everyone's best interest to stay focused and be prepared for potential risks. If anyone acts like what just happened didn't occur, then, I assure you, once they enter the task, their death won't be pleasant."

With that, Scar face pressed his emblem, which let out a slight beep, and a gate of light appeared in front of everyone. The appearance of this light gate dumbfounded everyone. If they held any doubts before, the appearance of the gate dispelled those.

"Now enter through this door. It will take you to different worlds. You can choose to tackle the tasks alone or in teams. Whatever you wish, simply go in together. Once inside, the emblem will issue instructions for the novice task you need to complete. Before I go, let me warn you again, although the worlds you'll be entering will feel familiar, don't trust them. They are merely a backdrop. The real essence is danger!" Scar face instructed, pressing his emblem again, "Novice guide task completed, requesting a return."

Another door of light appeared behind Scar face. Keanu called out as he was about to step through, "Wait, please!"

Scar face spun around, glaring at Keanu. "I've said no unnecessary questions!"

"I don't want to ask anything, only to make a request," Keanu quickly answered, looking at Scar face, "I want your gun."

Scar face paused, visibly surprised. He did not expect such a bold request from Keanu. Hadn't he comprehended from the previous incidents that Scar face was not to be reckoned with?

Looking at Keanu, Scar face suddenly burst out laughing, "Good, you've got guts! So tell me, why should I give you my gun?"

"Because you don't care," Keanu answered quickly. "I've used guns before. It may seem simple to pull out a gun and shoot, but there are rigorous physical standards for a series of actions like drawing a gun, switching off the safety, cocking, aiming, and finally, shooting. I'm sorry, but I didn't see in you any signs that you've had professional training for this. And judging by your assault earlier, you could wipe everyone out here without a gun. So, to you, a gun is merely a means of intimidation, since a gun is much more intimidating than a fist. The final reason is your apparent indifference towards the gun. A true gun enthusiast treasures their gun and wouldn't use it to hit someone, as it might damage the gun's handle. Hence, I think this gun holds no value to you. I believe it's worthwhile for me to try my luck at getting the gun from you, even if it means getting beaten up."

At this Scar face looked puzzled. "Get beaten up? Aren't you afraid I'd just kill you right here?"

Keanu immediately replied with a smile, "You're a newcomer's guide, not an executioner. I believe there's a significant difference between them. I can't believe guides are allowed to kill newcomers indiscriminately. If that were the case, you could've killed us all at the start."

Scar face watched Keanu in silence for a moment. He probably didn't expect Keanu to see through his bluster. He looked at Keanu, "Good point, kid. But even if I don't care about this gun, it doesn't mean I have to give it to you. It did cost me 150 CP after all..."

"Five times payment," Keanu interrupted.

Scar face looked at Keanu in shock. "What did you say?"

"Give me that gun of yours. If I come out alive, I'll give you 750 CP in return. You did mention the novice task had massive rewards, didn't you?" Keanu asked seriously.

"And if you die?"

"Then you're simply unfortunate. Five times the return, even loan sharks would be thrilled. Marx said 'There is not a crime which does not promise an immediate gain of at least 300 percent,'" Keanu countered with a smile.

Blinking in surprise at Keanu, Scar face started to laugh out loud**: "**Good, good, a clever little rascal you are. I must say...you do have some investment potential."

With that, he remarkably threw the gun he had been holding to Keanu: "The bullets are on me. Consider it a recompense, kid."

The moment the weapon landed in his hands, Keanu heard the faint tictoc of the emblem. Rows of words appeared on its surface: 'Obtained a beginner's beretta M9. 150 CP. No kinetic enhancement. Firing rate 1 shot/sec. Effective range 50 meters. 1 Level-less ordinary bullet box with a capacity of 100, currently holding 99 bullets. Base damage 7 points. 1.5 CP. (All weapon attributes are reset here, beretta M9 is only for style.)'

'Obtained item. The emblem storage function is activated. Emblem can store up to 1 cubic meter of non-living items. Current military rank: none.'

With this cascade of notifications, a surreal pocket of emptiness appeared in the emblem on Keanu's wrist. So, this was how Scar Face had stored the gun.

Then, Scar Face casually tossed something towards Keanu. It was a small mirror.

Emblem's notification: 'Heart Guarding Mirror: a one-time use item. Can block a fatal strike, and reduce damage received by 50%, only applicable in beginner difficulty below. 50 CP.'

Scar Face said, "I acquired this little trinket during my last mission. It doesn't have much use for me. I'd planned to sell it, but it's yours now."

Without delay, Keanu responded, "A total of 1000 CP. If I survive, they're yours."

Scar Face nodded: "Then let's draft an agreement."

To Keanu's surprise, the emblem even can draft agreements. As long as both parties signed the agreement, once the conditions were met, all terms in the agreement would automatically take effect, leaving no room for reneging.

Another voice came from behind, "Please wait a moment."

Scar face turned to see a student-looking young man, who was plucking up the courage to say, "I also want to borrow something, and I am also willing to offer five times the return."

"You?" Scar face looked at him with a frosty smile. "I forget to tell you all. Although a novice task is the easiest and most rewarding, it is also the one with the highest death rate because most novices lack the mental fortitude to face danger. To date, the novice death rate remains above eighty percent. Besides, even if you manage to survive, can you guarantee you'll earn 1000 CP? Also, let me remind you all again: if any of you fail to fulfill the contract due to a lack of CP after borrowing, congratulations, Infinity City will judge your CP as negative. Even if you complete the task, you will be wiped out by Infinity City immediately. I don't care whether you live or die but what I do care about is whether I can get my investment back. So, unfortunately, most of you here don't have investment value."

With that, he turned and walked towards the light gate, which simultaneously swallowed him and vanished as if it had never been there at all.

Everyone on the rooftop looked around at each other in stunned silence, unsure of what to say.

Keanu simply stared at the gun in his hand. It was evident that Scar face had recognized his ability to remain observant and make cautious deductions in a dangerous situation. For veteran adventurers, investing in novices is generally an imprudent deal. But if a novice demonstrated potential, that might make it worth a shot.

The term potential does not necessarily imply intelligence, but rather the ability to stay calm in the face of danger. For Keanu, who was resurrected from death, there wasn't much that could scare him. After all, the worst-case scenario was dying another time.

Just then, Keanu suddenly sensed movement behind him. Someone was quietly creeping up on him.

He quickly turned around, pointing the gun at the person behind him.

It was an attractive woman with long hair and large eyes. She was startled by Keanu's action and quickly took a step back, "I mean no harm, I just want to..."

"Shut up," Keanu retorted coldly. "Although I don't quite understand this place yet, at the very least, I do know that life here appears to be cheap. Compared to the novice tour guide from earlier, I may not have his capability, but I am undoubtedly more ruthless. I don't know any of you, so any action that I perceive as a threat to me could make me overreact. Your behavior just now has given me ample reason to splatter your face with a bullet."

The woman fell silent.

"I'll complete my task alone; no one else should follow me."

With that, Keanu tucked his gun away, turned on his heels, and stepped into the gate.