
Inifinity City: Die for Living

Back from the dead? Is this heaven or hell? Dancing with death brings everything you want. Enjoy the present or look to the future? Infinity city, infinity possibilities.

Zionye · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Fight to the Death (Part 1)

Just how powerful is Vampire Dracula?

Keanu had no idea.

But as the final boss of a strengthened adventurer trial, it was reasonable to assume he was immensely powerful.

With 2000 HP and excellent abilities.

If Keanu hadn't forsaken his plan of using the villagers to attack and trap Dracula in the underground cave without opportunities for health regeneration, Dracula would have recuperated regardless of the damage inflicted on him.

Even so, any of Dracula's casual attacks were too strong for Keanu to bear. But he didn't need to bear them.

As Dracula aimed his Bloody Shockwave at Keanu, he made a critical move: He yanked the monster in front of him.

Dracula's attack, undoubtedly lethal to Keanu, would most likely finish off the monster as well. He couldn't allow that.

His hand twitched instinctively, changing the path of the attack, which crashed into the massive rocks beside him.

Meanwhile, Keanu shamelessly continued shooting at Dracula behind the monster.

"Roaaarrr!" His rage-filled howl echoed.

This seemingly useless guy was reacting quicker than he expected. 

At that moment, Van Helsing gets out of the cave and shoots at Dracula.

Driven by unvented anger, Dracula flies toward Van Helsing, with his nails grotesquely extended.

"Vampire racial skill: Bloodthirsty Claws. Damage output of 75, ignores 30% of defense, each hit temporarily reduces the opponent's defense by 2 points, and converts 20% of attack damage into HP."

Using the same racial skill, Dracula's use of Bloodthirsty Claws was far more effective than Marika's. 

How strong was Dracula? Keanu didn't know.

Their punches collided. Dracula's strike hits Van Helsing, flowering into a crimson patch on his chest. At the same time, Keanu punched Dracula's belly, and Van Helsing, leaping into the air, was set to deliver a devastating elbow strike. Yet, with astonishing speed, Dracula manages to counteract Van Helsing's elbow strike.

"Combo failed, the elbow-strike effect is lost, unable to inflict damage on the opponent."

Both Van Helsing and Keanu were taken aback, while Dracula howled angrily and delivered a vicious kick at Van Helsing, causing him to spurt blood and retreat.

Just as Dracula was about to finish Van Helsing, Keanu shoved the monster towards him and shot at it. Dracula screeched and lunged to shield the monster, taking the bullet.

His opponent's deceitful tendency seemed to continuously escalate; first using the monster as a shield, and now outright attacking the monster.

Having this concern, Dracula didn't dare to launch another attack on the duo, opting to guard beside the monster. Keanu in the meantime, took advantage of the opportunity to help heal Van Helsing's damage using his Despicable Healing.

"Are you okay?"

"Still alive." Van Helsing muttered, his face deathly pale.

They had run out of their tricks, and the fight seemed bleak.

When Keanu first started setting traps, Van Helsing, being a demon hunter and a firm believer in a fair fight, was not too satisfied with Keanu's wily tactics. However, now that they were at a crucial point, it had become clear that Keanu's way was better.

Dracula was much more powerful than Van Helsing had expected.

Dracula glared at the both of them, growling, "You two ... will die!"

Keanu simply smiled back, "I don't think so. Mr. Dracula, do you think I've only prepared these for you? If so, you are mistaken. I never take my enemies lightly."

With that, a syringe appeared in Keanu's hand. He drove it into Van Helsing's shoulder, assuring him, "Don't worry, this will give you the power to fight a vampire."

At that moment, Van Helsing felt a surge of strength flowing through his veins and a growing bloodlust. His entire vision turned crimson.

"This is…"

"Werewolf blood, giving you the power to transform into a werewolf," Keanu whispered.

This was Keanu's fourth preparation. After using Spiritual Exploration on Van Helsing, most of his traits were revealed to Keanu due to their alliance.

"Werewolf Van Helsing. 

Basic attributes: 

Attack: 40

Dexterity: 35

Vitality: 80

SP: 10

WP: 20. 

Unable to use original attack skills after transforming into a werewolf. Transformation lasts for 3 minutes, during which attack speed is increased by 20%, and critical hit chance by 10%. Deals 50% bonus damage to vampires."

Enhanced attributes, increased HP, and increased fight abilities, especially the rare 50% damage against vampires, clearly highlighted the destructive capability of his attack, and it was no wonder that werewolves were regarded as the nemesis of vampires.

In the next moment, Van Helsing transformed into a colossal, hairy monster, roared and charged at Dracula.

Dracula's eyes flashed a brief moment of terror before he let out a low chuckle. His body began to alter into a monstrous form, extending huge fangs, elongated ears, and unfolding grand wings from his back, looking like a giant bat.

Contrary to Keanu's shock, after Dracula transformed, his HP limit immediately surged by a thousand.

As Van Helsing's bloodlust grew, his eyes turned carmine red. Launching a fierce melee, he lost access to skills but the power from the transformation brought him an indescribable thrill. A transformed Dracula also lost access to his skills, and the two engaged in fierce combat.

A single gunshot from Keanu echoed through the cavern. Dracula caught off guard, managed to hold the bullet, roaring in anger and swinging Van Helsing away effortlessly.

After two minutes, Van Helsing's HP had dwindled dangerously low. Keanu was unable to use the healing spell from afar and watched helplessly.

"Seems like a single werewolf is still not enough to take this guy down." Keanu muttered, "But I suppose it's about time for them to return?"

Following his murmur, a furious howl came from the cave entrance above. Another werewolf jumped into the cave, with Anna proudly perched on its back, and, unbelievably, Gasken trailed behind them. The moment the werewolf and Gasken leaped into the cave and launched their attack on Dracula, Anna dismounted and ran towards Keanu, "I hope it's not too late."

"Right in time," Keanu replied, grinning, "So, it appears your brother has come to his senses?"

"Yes, everything happened just as you said" Anna answered endearingly.

When Dracula and his vampire brides arrived at the scene, they couldn't have predicted that Anna, following Keanu's instructions, had already opened the gates to Vampire Castle with Gasken. With Dracula's army focused on besieging the town of Transylvania, the castle was virtually undefended providing an opportunity for Anna to find the potion that would restore her brother's humanity.

Following Keanu's instructions, she administered half a dose of the potion to her brother, enabling him to remain in werewolf form while immune to Dracula's control.

This was Keanu's fifth preparation.

The addition of two werewolves and a powerful warrior into the fray was a significant blow to Dracula.

On seeing Dracula, Gasken roared and lunged at him, his ax igniting with an unusual glow:

"Angry Chop: Level 5 Axe Skil; Deals double damage to a single target, normal attack damage increased by 10%, duration 40 seconds."

Gasken himself was an offensive warrior. His 35 Attack was even higher than Van Helsing, who was a famous demon hunter. His ax struck Dracula in the chest, creating a significant dent. The pain made Dracula howl in agony.

Werewolf Van Helsing and Viken pounced on Dracula from either side, grappling him in a fierce fight as Keanu covered them from the sideline with occasional gunshots and healing spells - a classic support role.

Just as Dracula's HP was decreasing, and his body injured, he swung a brutal punch at Van Helsing, sending him flying, and transformed back into his human form. With a grand sweep of his arms, transformed into thousands of bats, flying towards everyone.

"Vampire Dracula's special skill: Bat Avatar. Use the remaining HP to transform into vampire bats and attack enemies. Each kill of a bat drops 1 HP."

"Vampire Bat, an incarnation of Count Dracula, 6 damage, 0 defense, 10 HP. Possesses special ability: Suicide Attack. explodes themself to causing 15 fixed damage".