
House of Agon #3 'Council Business'

"Another council meeting. Luna just stay here and watch her please, if anything happens call me immediately. I'll see you later," Crystal said and quickly left. As soon as she stepped out of the room she appeared to be pulled away before disappearing.

Crystal reappeared inside the council atrium. Unlike its predecessor the new council was much more open and had a more friendly presence, they were genuinely respected rather than respected through fear. The council building was created with a large public space that acted as a plaza and a popular gathering spot for the Inhumans. While the building itself was already large the atrium was grand in comparison to the actual building. The atrium is made of a dozen floors with extremely high ceilings, it seamlessly flowed from outside to inside, along with its high ceilings were tall windows allowing sunlight to enter unhindered and each floor of the atrium held flora and fauna. Being in the atrium felt like being on an untouched alien planet, which drew people to it.

Crystal walked through the atrium using her elements to water plants, blow leaves around for the children to play with, and occasionally she shot weak jets of water at some of them. She was greeted by the children's parents and some of the children. As she entered the lift to the proper council building, she listened to the melodious laughter of children which was soon silenced when the doors closed behind her.

"Princess Crystal," a woman greeted flatly.

"Panacea, I told you just call me Crystal."

"How many more of these meetings will there be? They interrupt my open projects," Panacea replied.

"Projects huh. What have you been working on recently?"

"Deviation Prediction, The Vox Procedure, and I'm still working on the Primagen Mists with the others."

"What was that about the Vox," Crystal asked quickly turning to face Panacea.

"The Kree were able to give you and others the multiple powers from others. Terrigenesis will not always work how we hope, there is so much we don't and Primagen has made us reset our knowledge to zero. Attilan, Arctilan, The Five Tribes, so many homes, and cities were destroyed because we could only rely on a few. You went to war with a handful of people and it has always had a cost on someone other than you. With the Vox it may be possible to raise an army to protect this last chance at a home," Panacea stated.

The rest of the journey in the lift was completed in silence. Panacea was never very talkative anyway and Crystal didn't know how to continue the conversation. The lift stopped and the doors opened allowing them to see the council meeting room.

"Be careful with that Vox project," Crystal warned.

The two split up after leaving the lift going to their respective seats.

"Now that all members are here let's just get straight to the point. We need to send out an exploratory team to map out the rest of the Farm," the representative of House Aerie said.

"And as we've said we don't have anyone suitable to send on a mission like that," The representative of the Orollan Family.

"What does House Agon think about this matter," the representative of House Arctilan asked.

"We don't have a proper team for that kind of mission. No one here aside from the royal family has experience with this kind of mission. Then there's the fact that the World Farm was a gigantic lab for the Progenitors, we don't know what else they were working on. If we were anywhere else we'd have to worry about forces like the Shi'ar, Kree, Chitauri, Skrulls, maybe even Humans. But we would know what they could do. We don't know what the Progenitors were working on here and no one from here to Earth even knows about them. But it's also because of that, that we need to send a team to explore and chart the other planets." Crystal answered.

"Then would the royal family volunteer their services to this cause. As far as I know, most of them are free," the representative of house Utolan said, leading the others to agree.

"I can't lead that mission, Karnak is no longer fit for such a mission, Gorgon is busy with his duties as Lord Commander of the Royal Guard, my sister is indisposed, and Black Bolt is otherwise occupied."

The representatives continued to discuss who they could send, soon the discussion started to become louder and soon became off-topic bickering.

"What does this team need," Panacea's voice rang clearly through the room. As she rarely spoke the fact that she did now drew everyone's attention.

"Aside from experience. They'd need power, the ability to improvise at a moment's notice, a good leader, and someone who can speak for everyone here should they come across another civilization," Crystal answered.

"I can recommend some people, the first generation to be exposed to primagen mists and the last one will need the approval of Princess Crystal," Panacea sent a list of individuals to the screens of every council member.

"We'll review this later, what else do we have to go over today," Crystal asked her voice containing a bit of anger though and she stared intently at the list Panacea sent.

"There was an attack on the former kings' planet," someone said as they burst into the council hall. It immediately caused a stir in the council room.

"Quickly put it on the screen," Crystal demanded.

They quickly put it on the screen and began to narrate their findings. The council listened intently to every word spoken. While the others were extremely tense, Panacea and Crystal were relaxed. Crystal realized that Black Bolt was already handling the situation and trusted that he could do so alone. While Panacea wouldn't have been worried even if she could be. She knew what Black Bolt could do better than even the royal family currently. She spent years trying to fix the damage to his throat, it gave her the opportunity to study his powers in detail. She knew if he were to express his power to its fullest there was nothing to worry about up to an enraged Hulk coming after them.

"We don't have to worry about that planet Black Bolt can handle it. But we do need to worry about our own. Send out survey squads to check the unmonitored zones for impact points and report them all back here. Set up to monitoring teams one monitoring this planet, another monitoring the surrounding space and the plant Black Bolt is on. We need to know what he's up against. Council Dismissed."

Crystal immediately began giving orders and in the confusion, they were all carried out without the slightest hesitation. No one, not even Crystal herself realized how natural it felt having her give orders or how easily they all carried them out. As things started to settle down the Council did begin to notice it, but even they realized there was no time to argue about that.

Crystal heard a ringing sound and brought up her communicator.

"I can't talk right now, things are about to get really busy around here. I'll call-"

"Mom help," Luna yelled through the communicator.

Hearing her daughter scream through the communicator Crystal snapped out of it. She immediately disappeared from the council hall and reappeared in Medusa's bedroom. She was greeted by the sight of Medusa's hair wrapping around Luna and lashing out around the room. Crystal quickly created a thin barrier of wind between Luna and the hair holding her, she expanded it creating a buffer zone she used the space to pull Luna to her. As soon as she touched Luna she teleported them outside the room. She alone teleported back into the room and used water to soak Medusa's hair, she quickly froze the soaked hair slowing its speed a bit. She then used the wind to gather and restrain all of the hair. Crystal continued to battle with her sisters' hair for another half an hour before she settled down.

"Luna, what happened," she asked amidst pants. She teleported several times, along with switching between various elements to restrain the rampaging hair. At this point, she was pretty taxed.

"I don't know. I was watching her then her aura got really strange, I called you but then her hair and you know the rest."

"So how is she now?"

"Her aura is back to normal," the golden light in Luna's eyes got brighter for a second before she continued, "Kind of, it's not all tangled anymore but it keeps... clashing I guess, like its fighting itself."

"But she's okay right?"

"Yes, but that it will probably happen again if she experiences really strong emotions again."

"I'll figure something out, go get some rest."

Medusa was on her hands and knees breathing heavily, while a calmer Medusalith stood over her. She looked up at Medusalith as though asking what happened.

"I am the all the emotions you buried, the person you buried all so you could be Queen. You can't lie to me and I won't let you. Every time you lie about how you feel, I'll make you feel it one hundred times more."

"Come on we're going through the next door."

Medusalith didn't give Medusa the chance to talk back to her or get up on her own. She dragged Medusa through the next door holding her by the scruff of her neck.