
House of Agon #1 'Who is Medusalith Amaquelin?'

Secret Inhuman Haven,

Medusa stood out on a balcony overlooking the bustling streets below. The sun shone brightly illuminating a sprawling metropolis. Glittering streets as far as the eye can see, accented by magnificent white buildings on either side. Far in the distance just below the horizon she can see a glistening ocean.

"It lacks color," Medusa says grinning slightly.

"Well, should I put that down as criticism from my dear sister or her retired majesty?"

"Crystal, if were to comment on your taste it wouldn't be your architectural taste. Rather it would be that horrible outfit, I know Luna has become a young woman but it's still too early to think about grandchildren," Medusa replied giggling as she turned to face Crystal.

Crystal is shocked into silence by Medusa's joke, but it doesn't stop her from replying with a bit of static electricity. She smirks staring at the appalled look on her sister's face who quickly noticed her hair comically frizzed and puffed up. The sisters share a laugh before becoming serious.

"Is it really that bad, do I really look like a grandma?" Crystal asked.

"Crystal you look beautiful, but that isn't what they'll be looking for you know that. Be the person that flew a ship all over the world rescuing her people. It's your turn to take care of our home, for now."

A bracelet on Crystal's wrist chimed. After a gentle tap, a holographic screen appeared displaying her daughter Luna's face.

"Mom, Uncle Johnny is calling,"

"Speaking of judging your taste," Medusa stated.

"Oh, do you really want to go there," Crystal quickly retorted with a tinge of ridicule

"You should be leaving now, let me enjoy my time as Medusa Amaquelin, queen and commander of nothing."

"Yeah, I guess. Just make sure your little vacation is quick, I don't want them to get desperate and make me Queen or something," Crystal said as she left.

Medusa turned back to the balcony, again looking down at the city. Soon though her sight is drawn to the sky above where she can vaguely see the tube encapsulating the planet. She returned inside and stared at a mirror brushing her hair.

'Who is Medusa Amaquelin.' she thought to herself.

Throne room,

Karnak and Gorgon walked side by side in what would later be the throne room of the new Royal Family. The sight was familiar to them for the most part, it was built in the image of the throne room in Attilan. Though the room was larger than Attilan's, most importantly there was a machine attached to the throne. Something only the Council, the current and new Royal families would know the purpose of.

"I can see four weaknesses in your current posture. No, make that seven."

"Karnak, did you come just to advise me on posture. Guess you're taking the job then oh royal advisor," Gorgon replied.

He turned to face Karnak, a long-time ally and his visage showed it. With the Inhumans being back on the World Farm, they've regained access to Primagen. Gorgon and Medusa were already exposed to primagen and considering the circumstances they never had the time to truly understand what had happened to them. But on the World Farm planets time passes differently Medusa and Gorgon didn't show any signs of aging but Karnak did before they figured out something was wrong with time and left.

Karnak had aged significantly on that planet. Though considering the lifespan of an Inhuman he was still a distance from his twilight years, but definitely into his golden ones. He was still Karnak the Shatterer and could keep up with most of the action, but not for as long as he used to. It is due to this that he was suggested for the role of advisor, but almost begged to take on the job of training the most elite combatants of the rising Inhuman Empire.

"I haven't decided on that one, but I will take on the other one. I'm not sure I'm fit to be an advisor. We are trying something new here Gorgon, I'd think it'd betray that idea if we were still in charge."

" But how much can they learn from us if we all step back. Black Bolt isn't on the planet, Medusa, I have no idea what Medusa is doing. Crystal is joining the Council, I will just be another soldier like always. There is only you to steer them clear of our pitfalls," Gorgon argued.

"Even then, if they can't discover those flaws and how to avoid them on their own what will they do when we're all gone? I may think that way since that time is much closer for me than the rest of you, but you should think about it too. There's a promising new generation coming in, I'll teach them what I can and leave them to utilize it," Karnak said with a serene smile on his face.

"Hmph, age is getting to you OLD friend,"

"You've displayed 23 fatal weaknesses which would allow me to incapacitate you," Karnak smoothly stated before walking away.

"Lucky I don't beat the elderly," Gorgon mumbled.

Communications Center,

"Hey. Johnny Storm here. Do you copy? I'm testing out our new deep-space communications."

"Really? And do you always dress up when you test your systems, Jonathan?"

"Nah, Crystal, this is for a date."

"Ooh. Tell me more."

Luna had been walking around the city, still not used to her new home. Or rather the noise in the form of stray and very potent emotion. Happiness, sadness, confusion, it all just mixed into a very nauseating cocktail. Very rarely does she get a moment of peace. After letting Crystal know about Johnny's call she was going to rest in her room, but when Crystal left, she was bombarded by the very raw emotions of her aunt Medusa. It sent her for a loop momentarily, but it was enough for her to know she wouldn't get any rest if she stayed home. She quickly made her way to the communications center hoping to find her fast, but it was taking a bit longer than she thought.

"Well, you certainly have a type."

Just then she heard the voice of her mother. As she got closer she could hear more of the conversation and she also started to feel the emotions of her uncle Johnny despite being worlds apart, much to her dismay.

"Yeah. But this is different Crys. She left her homeworld and everything to be with me."

Luna much closer was feeling even more emotion and the thoughts laced in that emotion. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and spoke.

"But he's not ready to commit. And wants your advice," Luna seethed.

"Wow. Hi Luna. That was very, on point," Johnny replied rubbing the back of his head.

"Please forgive my daughter. Her power to read auras has only gotten more... refined and delightful as she's blossomed into a young woman."

Luna stopped listening once again. As Crystal said her ability has gotten more refined and delightful. So refined and delightful in fact that she knows what her mother really thinks and feels about her growing ability. Though Crystal doesn't know that as she is usually too busy to really talk about it.

"You need to be honest with her about how you--"

Crystal was interrupted by a messenger. She'd forgotten she was on a time limit, not a rare thing these days.

"Sorry, Johnny. Royal Family business. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere," saying that she turned and left.

But Luna was still there and so were the aura and emotions of Johnny Storm. Which had only grown more potent during his conversation with Crystal, especially when honesty was mentioned. Luna turned to the display though she avoided eye contact.

"Psst. Hey, Uncle Johnny," she whispered.

"Hey. Luna Maximoff. Look at you. You're getting so big," he cheered, but soon contained it reciprocating her whisper, "So... why are we whispering?"

"You're going to make the wrong choice and screw everything up," Luna snapped, her eyes glowing as she stared straight into the eyes of Johnny through the display. She ended the call after saying her peace and left the comms center still fuming.

AN; {This conversation between Johnny and Crystal is directly from Fantastic Four 2018 issue 32}

Shortly after getting away from the Comms Center, she began to regret what happened. She had been so overwhelmed and angered by the aura and future she could see on Johnny that she lashed out at him. It wasn't just his aura either, Crystal's, Medusa's earlier, everyone she passed on the street. There was simply too much going on and she lashed out at the first person she could, and unfortunately, it was Johnny. She could only take solace in the fact that she hadn't pushed anything into his head.

Luna soon arrived home and quickly made her way to her room. Though she thought that she could find some measure of peace there she was surprised to find her aunt waiting for her. From the aura surrounding Medusa, she could already see that she was doing much better than earlier, but she could also see that she was afraid and Luna already knew why.

"No, the last time you asked me to do anything to anyone's mind, Uncle was locked away, our home blew up, everyone was mind-controlled, and two lunatics were free to do whatever they wanted. I won't do it again," Luna shouted.

Luna's anger and adamant refusal came as a shock to Medusa. It had been a long time since Luna acted in such a way, not since that time she had just mentioned. But she couldn't blame her, at that time even Medusa herself was under the control of her husband's mad brother. She had frightened and coerced this child with the authority of the queen to let loose one of the great dangers of Attilan, and she did so twice by having her let loose her equally dangerous son. Medusa has done many things as the wife of Black Bolt the King and much more as the proper Queen of New Attilan, some of which she isn't proud of. But what she forced this child to carry even if not by her own will, was the most shameful because she nor anyone else ever spoke of it.

"Luna, please listen to me not as a queen but as family. As your aunt coming to you for help, not an order. I want- no, I need to remember everything. I need to face who I was before Madame Medusa, I have the memories but none of the feelings. I've hurt people, you and him. And many more because I do not feel the same way I may have once. I am asking you if it is possible with your power and abilities to help me. I know you've gotten stronger, so is there a way to make me feel the emotions at the core of my being." Medusa asked though it came close to pleading near the end.

Although she would've liked to refuse, with her aunt who she has known as The Queen for her whole life pleading for help it was already hard. But midway through she lost control for a slight moment and saw the aura surrounding Medusa again. It still showed fear, but aside from that Luna saw something much deeper, eclipsed by the fear. To Luna, it looked like a flickering light, like something that wanted to be seen, that needed to be seen.

Luna stared silently at her for a while before finally giving her a reply.

"I'll help you this time, but, mom needs to know what's happening," she firmly stated.

Sometime later Crystal and Luna sat at Medusa's bedside. Luna extended her hands towards Medusa, her eyes glowing even more brilliantly than usual. Crystal stared at her daughter in wonder, she had been so busy she didn't realize just how much Luna had changed since they arrived.

"Luna are you sure this will work," Crystal asked.

"No, I don't even know what I'm doing this isn't like with uncle Maximus and Ahura. I'm not 'fixing' anything. It's more like I'm making her control herself with her own emotions, the ones that are hidden back there behind the others," Luna replied in speculation and uncertainty.

Finally, a change occurred. Medusa's closed eyes shot open revealing the same glow as Luna's when she used her powers. After a few moments, they closed again.

"Luna, what happened. Did it work? Is she okay," Crystal asked rapidly looking between her daughter and sister.

"It's done," Luna said weakly and passed out.

Crystal caught Luna gently in her arms and looked worriedly between the two.

Honestly, this is becoming more fun as I continue. Black Bolt will only be mentioned in House of Agon chapters since he'll have his own chapters for his own story.

Godspeed_Augurycreators' thoughts