
Black Bolt #1 'King no More'

The Midnight King is a prophesized King destined to bring ruin to his creators, with the prophecy fulfilled there are no more creators, and no longer is there a Midnight King. Though the person himself thought otherwise. The prophecy wasn't fulfilled. His people still lived, he still lived. So long as those two things exist the Kree Empires' legacy would never die, the Kree Empire would exist through them. The Midnight King was as much a threat as it was a protection for the Inhumans, his existence kept the Kree at bay they would not easily make a move on the greatest threat to their empire. However, now the Midnight King did not have the power to protect his people, he was no longer a threat. Black Bolt was the most reliable power the Inhumans had, there were few things his voice could not shake, but that voice was now silenced. The greatest shield and spear of the Inhumans was gone leaving them defenseless and no one knew and despised that more than Blackagar Boltagon.

Just before the assault on the Vox facility, after losing his people, his kingdom, and his family, Black Bolt came to a realization. He realized he had been too reliant on his powerful voice, and he'd been too solitary. Of these two things, one could be easily remedied, and so Black Bolt left the new Inhuman home and found refuge on the nearly destroyed planet. When he landed he was both stunned and relieved, he'd been told that the planet near destruction was Gorgon's doing boosted by primagen.

'They will be fine, for a time. For now, I must focus on me.'

Black Bolt sat down and started a ritual he practiced every night before resting, though slightly different from the usual. Normally, he would mediate to purge all thoughts, emotions, and memories of the day from his mind to ensure he would not even murmur during his sleep. This time he sought to reverse the process, he would recall everything the anger, sadness, best moments, worst ones, and some of his worst fears realized.

Flashes of images, intermittent sounds, and emotions swept over him all at once. Black Bolt once again experienced the anger and pain of finding his wife and brother secretly meeting at his prison cell, the guilt of his parent's death, the grief of destroying Attilan time and time again, and the weight of being king. So many emotions washed over him and if he still had his voice the entire World Farm would likely be ringing. At first, it started as a slight twitch, but soon it evolved into involuntary spasms and as the spasms grew more violent Black Bolt snapped out of his meditative state and pushed a hand forward, and a blast of energy escaped his hand sundering the ground creating a deep scar on the surface.

Black Bolt found himself extremely fatigued and surveying the area. Usually, in the aftermath of destruction on this scale, there is smoke, debris, something beyond just the visual some form of evidence that it was not a natural event. But looking at the scar left by his actions there was nothing, it looked like someone took the perfect eraser to the land.

'The Master Blow is a start, but without the tuning fork, I can't control it as well. Perhaps I have been too reliant on these things.'

Black Bolt once again entered a meditative stance, but he was not recalling or suppressing anything this time. He focused on collecting and moving electrons to and through his body. Normally the process is as natural as breathing for him, something he doesn't consciously think about. But now it's all he has left, both he and his people need this. So he focused, felt the power move through his body, and he had a thought. Turning his hand over something gathered above his hand, the air twisted and soon a small statue of Maximus appeared in his hand from thin air. A small success in his training early on bolstered his confidence in his choice to leave the matters of his people to the others.

On the planet, Black Bolt resided he had spent months on the planet madly training and honing his abilities. On the main world, the Inhumans inhabited though he'd only been gone a few weeks. On this day while training he witnessed something breach the atmosphere of his planet and crash not too far from him. Thinking that it may have been someone from the family coming to see him and encountering an accident he quickly flew to the site. What he found though wasn't a member of the family, it wasn't even Inhuman. Insect-like creatures with humanoid forms stood in the crater created by the crash. Though he couldn't be sure they looked familiar, but he had no time to think as they already sensed him and charged at him.

This is probably the shortest chapter I'll put out. This character is a bit more interesting to write, there is no way for there to be any dialogue even putting aside the fact that I've stranded him. So the story-telling for him rely heavily on the action, what's happening around him, and brief bits of inner thoughts.

It still should be a fun challenge to figure out a working rhythm and style for him.

Godspeed_Augurycreators' thoughts