

Desperate is a sentence mostly used to explain some few attempt of careless actions. Alice was no exception. She had a good husband and lived a peaceful kingdom but she was not contend and needed even though him continuously disapproved of her attempt. She still stubbornly went in search for a child and ended up with zero achievements. She involuntarily gave up the search however a woman came to revive her hopes. She followed the woman with a high hopes to a forbidden forest to acquire for a child one could tell that the forest speak of danger as the clouds bright sky changed into darkness. She was to far deep to back down. "Alice why? why? you know very well about the predicament of your actions I guess you don't want to enjoy your baby." "Come on Rebecca you worry too much nothing happen to my baby and I promise I will go see the Goddess." "When? When? When Alice? It has been seven months since you got pregnant and you have not gone to see her. This is the kind of greedy people I was talking about when they get what they want they forget how to be grateful and thankful. They forget about their own end of the deal." "I beg your pardon Rebecca!!. What do you mean by that?" Alice Shouted at Rebecca. "You have no right or what so ever to say that to me or do you think you are the only one with problems? Now let me tell you I can choose to go to the Goddess or not. It has nothing to do with you, you have helped me and I am grateful. But you have no right to tell me what is expected of me. To hell with her and her stupid exchange. What can of Goddess will give someone something and required for an exchange tell me Rebecca?"

Sarah daniel · Horror
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Forest Of Exchange 1

Alice went back home that day with the thought of what Rebecca had said playing in her mind repeatedly.

After dinner Alice sat looking at her husband wondering if he would leave her for a younger woman because of a child.

Thomas noticed his wife's mood and decided to ask her.

"Darling what is the matter? is anything wrong? Why do you look so moody dear."

Alice had a faint smile on her face.

"Am fine honey. Hmm, can you ask me a question?" She asked moving close to him, placing her head on his chest.

"Go ahead darling." Thomas said, patting her hair.

"Hmmm." She breathed in. "Thomas dear, will you ever leave me if I don't give you a child?" She asks with sadness written all over her face.

Thomas was surprised to hear this coming from his wife. if he was going to leave her It would have been a long time ago not now. He felt like his wife was letting her emotions doubt his love for her.

"Alice dear, why would you have such a thing on your mind? You know I will never do that, I will always be by your side my love." He planted a kiss on her forehead with a broken heart.

Thomas has made it clear to Alice in so many ways that he loves her even without her giving him a child.

But Alice searches for the child and what Rebecca has said, made it seem like Thomas was going to leave her soon.

Alice smiled at Thomas without saying a word, she just lay close to him and hugged him tightly as she closed her eyes so she could sleep. But the sleep wasn't coming in anyway.

Alice waits for a while before Getting up from the bed. Making sure Thomas has already fallen asleep, She sat on a wooden chair close to a dressing mirror, Observing Thomas as he slept. thinking if she should go to the forest of exchange with Rebecca.

But it's forbidden to go to the forest of exchange.

How does she go about all this?

Alice thought for a while before deciding on going with Rebecca's plan since Rebecca assured her that everything will be fine.

Why don't she try her luck. But she had only two things in mind. Either she tried or she died while trying.

She finally made up her mind that she is going to visit the forest by noon tomorrow. She turned around and looked at her sleeping husband on the bed and smiled.

'I will give you a child soon, my darling husband. I promise I will.' she said with the mixture of sadness and happiness on her face.

The next morning Alice lay on the bed pretending to be sick. Because Thomas was supposed to go with her to the market. Her only way of stopping Thomas was faking a sickness with the help of herbs. Thomas saw her pale face as he walked close to her.

"What is it my dear? you don't look okay, you are burning up, I think you are having a fever." He said as he placed his hand on her forehead.

"Don't worry dear, I'm fine , I promise. I think I just need to rest. I will be fine.

Okay trust me." She said, giving him a sweet smile.

"But honey you don't look okay. Alright fine I will stay and watch over you today since we planned on going to the market together today."

Alice raised her head up quickly after hearing this. It seems like her plan wasn't going too well because she knew Thomas would never leave her alone. I guess she never thought of that before faking a sickness. She became confused on what to do, she needed to get away before noon.

Then she had an idea "Umm honey can you please do me a favor?"

"What favor? my love."

"I promised a customer that I will bring a very big fresh banana today and if I don't show up today she will be very disappointed, can you please help me deliver it to her." She said trying to make a cute baby face.

Thomas couldn't help but smile at his wife who was trying to make a cute face "okay fine when does she want the fruit to be delivered?"

"Umm I think by noon."

"Okay then I will do it for you since it's noon at least I still have some time to take care of you." He said tapping her nose with his index finger.

Alice smiled after hearing what her husband said, her plans were going very well.

Soon he will be out of the house and then she can meet up with Rebecca at the forest entrance, she just hopes that all this was Worth it.