
Inhuman: Strongest Lust Warlock

*There would be smut in the novel but I'll most likely focus on plot* What would you do, if you wake up one morning and appeared in a magic world filled with sexy Succubus, vampire girls, naughty Angels, adorable elves girls, curvy cat girls, and yandere goddesses?? Troy grew up all alone in the streets trying to fend for himself; his parents and his Six years old sister died in a missile blast, resulting In him becoming an orphan. Despite all this, he was optimistic, but one stormy night, he died in his sleep, his biggest regret was being a virgin, but he encouraged himself that it was okay since he knew how se*x felt from the Nightly jerking off rituals. He embraced death, hoping to appear in hell; however, a certain god with a hidden agenda reincarnated him into a world of magic, a world filled with supernatural beings. When Troy woke up in this world, he found himself in a bed with three adorable vampire girls. Troy finally had his dream harem, he was happy, but there was cash. He reincarnated as Alucard Tepes, son of the vampire king, Dracula, who was hunted by the holy churches as a plague that should be killed on sight. For Alucard to stay alive in this world, he must become stronger, strong enough to protect all his women and get revenge on the holy churches!! *** *Note: please don't bring real world logic to this world because its purely fiction* Every PS and GT counts, so don't forget to vote for this novel!! **Additional tags: milfs, Anal, Threesome, Blow job, ass to mouth. Slice of life...Yandere** **Even a single Power or GT Stones motivate me and if we constantly hit 200 ps a week, I'll increase the chapters to 20 chapters a week!!**

Mylittledragon · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Training (1)

Inside a relatively large room with a massive crystal blue pool, three beauties could be seen swimming inside with seemingly nothing except a pair of panties and a bra that failed to conceal those voluptuous soft melons, which were threatening to burst out of their shackles.

On the other side of the pool, close to the identical sisters, Alucard casually sunk his fangs into Siena's nape, who had an open mouth with dim pleasure moans escaping her lips. 

Nina, on the left side, plunges her leghtened fangs into her master's nape. She was greedily sucking as if she hadn't eaten for days now, and it was actually true because the girls didn't taste anything in those three days.

The three days were one of their worst. 

"Agh! I really miss this..." Nina pulled her fangs back to take a little breather, but as she was about to shove her fangs in again, Muna, out of nowhere, hit her on the head.

"That's enough. I can see that you're full already, or aren't you?" Muna gave Nina a careful look.


"Y-yes, I'm full." Nia could only speak while coursing her elder sister inwardly. Indeed, she was full, but she was greedy because the blood was so intoxicating, like old wine, that she couldn't get enough of it.

Once Alucard was done sucking Siena's blood, he titled his neck for Muna, who used her tongue to lick the blood dry from the previous spot Nina had been sucking before thrusting her entire fangs in one go!

"Agh!" Alucard felt a wave of shock pass through his body, and subconsciously, he stretched his hands to pull Muna close to him. However, the latter slapped his hands away as she continued to gulp the blood.

After what felt like 30 minutes, Muna's fangs slowly retracted. She had been filled 10 minutes ago, but the delicious blood was too addicting to let go. 

'What a hypocrite I am," Muna thought when she remembered that she was the one being more greedy than Nina.

But who cares? 

If it were up to her, she wouldn't have pulled out. She would have continued, but the thing was that too much of everything was bad, and the same could be said for the blood.

If one drinks too much, one might become drunk, similar to consuming alcohol. 

"You girls are all filled?" 

Alucard asked after noticing the look on Nina's face. She was awfully quiet, but when hearing her master's words, her eyes flashed, but the next instant that light dimmed as Muna said:

"We're all filled." 

"Come on, then, let's go..." The vampire was about to say something when he felt a hand on his crotch beneath the water. He glanced around between Siena and Nina, trying to find the one who was rubbing his crotch and was now slowly fishing his little dragon out of his underwear.

Staring around, Alucard began to study the girl's facial appearance.

Nina had a deserted face with her eyes fixed on Alucard's nape, where a drop of blood could be seen. As for Siena, she had a bored expression, as if she wanted to go out of the pool.

But Alucard noticed something.

A tiny reddish glow could be seen on Siena's cheeks, and anytime his eyes meant hers, that reddish glow would increase. The next second, however, it would return to normal as if it weren't there.

'OH,' a perverted thought flashed in Alucard's mind as he pulled Siena closer, but the next second, he heard a voice behind him.

"Virgin, keep your hormones in check. Right now, we have to start your training."

'Fuck you!'


"So now that we're alone, let's kick start your magic training," Lucy said as she stared at Alucard, who was standing opposite her.

The two seemed to be in a wide green field with a glistening blue sky over their heads. It may look like this from the outside, but in 

In reality, it wasn't. 

This place was just another feature of the magical manor. The manor could change a room into any terrain and make it appear like the actual place with all the detail.

It was also one of the reasons Alucard didn't feel bored after spending almost his entire life here.

"I can sense two elements in you, but i.." Lucy had a complicated expression as she tried to remember where she had seen this other element.

The other elements, which were lightning and ice, were familiar to her, but the other one...

Seeing her complicated expression, Alucard spoke:

"According to Lucifer, it's called the lust element."

"Lust element? Such a perverted name. Wait don't tell me you were the one who selected this element!"

"Is anything wrong with that?" Although Alucard might have selected this element because of the pleasure, it was also because in this way he'll no longer have to spend hours training.

I mean, who wouldn't want magical elements that can increase your strength just by having sex? Maybe a nun or a pope, but Alucard doubts a pope would throw away such an opportunity.

Just by the way, Pope Anderson was smiling, and the women were smiling at him, which meant that the old man had something with them!

"Okay, lemme see." Lucy snapped her fingers, and then a heavy book with a purple crystal in the middle appeared out of thin air. She began to flip the pages, hoping to see the lust element and its attributes.

However, after some flipping, she frowned. "There is nothing like a lust element here. Are you sure that the name is lust element? Wait.." Lucy seemed like she had remembered something as she hit her forehead.

"Try to look deep within your soul."

Alucard nodded as he closed his eyes and tried to look deep within his soul, but what greeted him back was an endless blackness filled with nothing. On closer inspection, it was just the normal darkness when someone closes their eyes.

"I can't see anything," Alucard spoke with his eyes still shut.

"Did you just close your eyes?" Lucy s

"Something like that."

"Okay, now try to imagine a book in the middle of that darkness." 

"Okay," Soon, after some brain work, a thick book similar to Lucy's appeared in the endless black space.

The difference in this book, however, was the glowing red crystal in the middle. Then, with a little mind work, the book appeared before Alucard. 


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