

"Hm, soon to be. What does this mean Zelt?"

Asked the hero Hiroshima.

"Im saying that we must train them now, i have a bad feeling about something. A dark force is nearing our part of the world"

Hiroshima turned serious as he then looked towards the window"Are you sure about this,Zelt?"

"Yes, positive"

"Then, i give you permission to take them there"

"Thank you, Hiroshima"

As Zelt led Lily,(me),Kayla,Saya,Nicole, and Hiro. He then teleported us far away from where we were.

"I hope your wrong...Zelt"

Hiroshima said as he grabbed his cup of tea, he sipped some and then set the tea down as he then turned around and walked away.

We arrived in a plain field, animals were running around.

"This is where alot of magic particles is located in and aswell as a perfect place to train"

"Hm, alright"

Nicole walked towards me and with a quite voice she said "I-i challenge you"

Zelt then turned around and left.


I backed away a bit before placing my arms behind my back smiling.

Kayla,Hiro,Saya all sat down and watched.

Hero Vrs Reincarnator:

Nicole ran up to Lily slashing down with her sword, a light aura surrounded her as she then tried and downward slash.

I dodged both attacks with ease, then i created a sword with my Ki. I lunged towards her striking down with my Ki sword, Nicole blocked but she was being pushed back.

"I'll try and go 1.2x faster now be ready!"

I shouted as my attacks got faster and faster.

Nicole used her 'Double Slash' technique just to try and block my attacks.

A voice enterd my head '9 Demonic Slashes'



A dark aura appeard within my ki blade, a silver aura shot out constructing an actual sword. It seeped in within then sword creating a blue light, he slashed down destroying the sword and pushing Nicole back.


The Ki sword disspeared.

I walked up towards Nicole "I'm very sorry! I didn't mean to use such a skill!"

I said as i picked her up from the ground and i healed her. She was hugging me tightly for some reason 'Finally i don't...need to protect...i can be protected...' she said barley saying anything. I couldn't hear as i sat her down on the grass, she was healed but she just layed down sleeping.

"Well,uhm. Hiro I'll train with you and Nicole. Saya and Kayla practice Grand Level Magic. Then Earth Level Magic, i know it's probably impossible but for now you must try and master Grand Level Magic"


I made a barrier surrounding us 5 girls, it was 1-100 days.

Meaning that 5 days outaide would be 500 days inside.

"Now, we have 500 days to practice later on I'll show how to use Earth Level Magic"

I said and both Kayla and Saya nodded, they knew that they had time so they tested out and tried to expand their mana to create powerful magic for a long time.

I on the other hand practiced with nicole and Hiro for most of the time. they got used to 10x normal speeds in a little time, then i used a fraction of a fraction of my power so 1/1000 of it.

This went on for around 400 days before i stopped and forced them to fight each other.

I walked to Kayla and Saya hugging them from behind

"How are you? Have you finished Grand Level Magic?"

"N-not yet we still need a long time..."

"Alright, hm...maybe...3 year's..."

For the last 3 days i made it 1-1 year.

I also gave them food through my storage rings which were no available.

3 year's passed and now we were 9 in a half year's old.

Kayla and Saya aswell as Nicole stuck to me like Glue. Hiro also did as they all were somehow charmed by me.

'Ah~ Now i have a harem~ But I'll wait for a bit before were all old enough'

I said to myself as i started to have fantasys.

'I mean i can just create...it...hahaha'

As i opened the barrier so that we could walk out Zelt was waiting.

"Zelt! It's been what? 4 year's since we last met"

I said as we walked out, Nicole and Hiro wore armor and a sword on its sheath, which was on their back. Saya and Kaylas aura were now stronger then Zelt and considering that then Both Nicole and Hiro were also stronger.

"Oh right, i used my special made power called 'Domain' which speeds up time within it and not outside of it. So for us it's been 4 year's and a half but for you it's been 7 days"

"O-oh...c-controlling the flow of time..."

"Haha! Just a simple trick nothing to it"

I said while walking past him, Kayla, Saya, Hiro, and nicole were now strong.

"Now then, i guess it's time. To fight the so called 'Demon Lord' "

I said casually as we all walked in the direction of the Demon Lord, Zelt was going to tell them about what's been going on.

A demonic energy far stronger than what most expected suddently erupted and so the Arch-Mage, Zelt and the Hero, Hiroshima were to defeat it but, Hiroshima now sensed 5 strong entitys walking in the direction of the Demon Lord.

The demon lord was in a forest walking towards the humans, it's main and only goal was to eradicate the humans.

But, it came to a stop it's mouth opened as if it were about to speak.

The dead plants surrounding him were a cause from the poison emitted from his body.

As, Lily, Kayla, saya, Nicole and Hiro arrived i looked at the Demon lord.

"Hiro, go take care of this"

"B-but l-lily..."

"Do it"

He nodded. He walked towards the demon lord, he grabbed onto his sword. "Haste" he said to himself, a magic spell which can increase his speed within a time of an hour.

He breathed in as he gripped onto his sword "9 Dragon Slashes"

"First slash..."

He stepped forward before lunging towards the demon lord, he slashed sideways, a dragon like being shot out of the sword turning into a slash. The slash almost cut the demon lord clean off. But, he blocked the sword with a Grand Level Magic called 'Demonic Shield'.

It used a lot of his demonic power, so after one blow he was breathing heavily.

"D-damn you must have sent your strongest warrior against me...have you no soul?"

Asked the demon lord as it was on it's knees, it looked up towards the other humans nearby expecting an answer.

"Hm? What are you talking about. We sent out the weakest one. He needed training so...."

"W-what! Training! Am i a mere pebble that he has to step ontop of?!"


"Second Stance...Dragon Blow"

He shot towards the demon lord he extended the sword towards his heart, it was to fast that the demon lord couldn't block. It died afterwards, black ashes was leftover.

"Ahh, so weak..."

I said as i saw from a good distance"You didn't even use the third stance of the attack i taught you, Hiro"

Hiro walked over, he was a bit cuter than Nicole.

"Ahaha...if i were a guy, Hiro. You would have been..."

I stopped myself as i turned around "I would have been your older brother wouldn't i?"

Hiro blushed 'L-lily being my older brother? B-but...isnt she like an older sister?'