
Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

It had been hundreds of years since humanity and their Witch allies had been forced to retreat to the fortress cities after the disastrous war to eliminate the Magi Clans. Nuclear weapons had burned the skies, and Grand Magic pulled entire continents beneath the seas before the end, but the victory was secured, no Magi was left alive in their slowly recovering world. Or so they thought. Wolfe Noxus was born on the lower levels of a fortress city run by the Morgana Coven, raised under the glow of magical lights, with magic and technology entwined in every aspect of his life. But after his eighteenth birthday, when a get rich quick scheme led him to the forbidden ability to use the powers of the Magi, his whole life would change. The forbidden inheritance of the Magi was his. All he had to do was live long enough to embrace it. Find my discord at discord.gg/hxTpqZQtKN

Aoki_Aku · Fantasy
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1132 Chs

938 Hilarity Ensues

Now, while Petros could use the advanced mana sense of a Rank Eight mage to essentially see the mana flows that went with the spell, the rest of the classroom was just looking at the symbols. That meant that what they saw was Wolfe writing a novel in the air, and then binding it into a spherical spell, as the layers shifted so the alignment runes overlapped, but with the next layer turned, so the rest of the symbols didn't.

Then he flattened it and imbued it on the desktop of the lecturer's desk in the corner of the room.

"That will remain in effect for the duration of the seminars so that nobody is tempted to take out their frustrations on their neighbours. Learning a whole new language of runes will not be easy, and I fully expect that some of you might not have the knack for it." Wolfe explained.