
788 More Work?

Wolfe followed Priya back to her house, where she put Tian to sleep with Tammi next to her in their princess - themed room. It was strange to see a tiny succubus so happily sleeping in a childish room, but as a former body double for a Succubus Princess, she not only missed out on most of her childhood, but she would be used to the theme.

Well, maybe not. Dana didn't seem like the Princess room sort of person. 

But as long as the girl was living her best life, it was fine. Even if that best life meant cuddling a tiny witch to sleep every night.

Once they were settled, Priya led Wolfe down the hall to a master bedroom that was decorated in a fashion that was clearly generations old, and not what she would have chosen for herself, given how her room was decorated in Forest Grove.