
748 Asmodain Sword of the Light

An hour later they were at the village where Wolfe could detect the population of Magi, along with a few hundred witches. There was also one more creature, some sort of light being that Wolfe had never detected before, and it certainly hadn't been there the last time that he checked. 

That mana signature was too noticeable, like a blinding beacon in the distance, letting him know that it was there even if he didn't go looking for it. 

Wolfe felt like he was missing a vital bit of information and should know what this creature was, but it just wasn't coming to him. At least, not until he saw it.

Two metres tall, beautiful golden armour over alabaster skin and pristine white feathered wings. The Seraphim radiated light magic and a feeling of tranquility, while granting the area the equivalent of the [Kind Intentions] spell without having to actively use its magic.