
617 Steward

The Rosefinch sitting room was a beautiful place by any standard, with dark oak walls and a black granite floor inlaid with scenes of flying birds made of solid gold. It had been made with Earth Magic, Wolfe was certain, and the floor of the room looked like a starry night sky full of golden birds.

But what he didn't see was anyone who might have intended to meet them here. 

There was no herald or maid, as there would normally be, for a meeting with anyone in the Palace. Instead, he was seated alone with Rail in the luxurious room. He couldn't tell if she was getting nervous or bored, but after a few minutes, she began to fidget, and then eventually went to the bookshelf to grab something to read while they waited.

"Perhaps we should have found a staff member to inform that we are here." She suggested.

"They might be giving us alone time, under a misunderstanding about what we needed a private room for." Wolfe agreed.