
582 Prepare to be Shocked

"You! What happened? We heard the official report, but what happened after we left the camp?" One of them asked, while the other broke from her stupor and ran over to pick Tian up before she ran away again.

Priya hugged her old friend and subordinate. "You have so much to catch up on that I'm not even sure where to start. But I suppose we can start at the very beginning with the last time that we saw each other.

When the artillery and the gas started, someone sounded the retreat before we were properly prepared. It wasn't us who told everyone to flee, and there was no rearguard to hold off the advance of the mundane army. Without a rearguard, they would have just swept through our lines and hunted down everyone who was fleeing, so I stayed behind with Wolfe to keep the barriers up for a few more minutes while everyone else fled.