
308 Construction

The Elder smiled at Wolfe. "You know, since you've got the engine all sorted out, I think we can make a Cub-style puddle jumper in the next few hours with all the witch magic in this place. The rebels make them out of bamboo and cloth with motorcycle engines. I'm sure we can manage that easily enough.


The witches were intrigued by his explanation, and Ella cracked her fingers as if she was stretching out her spell-casting muscles.


"Just show me the pattern, and I can grow a bamboo frame in a matter of seconds." She informed the Elder.


The Elder picked up the pencil that was sitting on the plans and got to work drawing a crude line picture on the grid paper sitting on the tailgate of a truck.


"Alright, that's it. If every square is ten centimetres, that's your frame. Make this bulkhead out of something solid, and make sure the floor is strong. This is the diagram for the spars in the wings. Can you make that?" He asked.