
140 Betrayed By Bandits

Wolfe raced up the tower so he could get a view over the walls and was shocked by the chaos around them.


The main line was under full-scale attack by undead beasts, while a second unit had been deployed to guard their backs against a group of undead that was charging out of the woods behind the lines while the remainder of their forces were defending the three camps.


"This won't hold long. The unit on the main line was set to rotate out fifteen minutes ago, and we woke up everyone in the camp to defend the walls." Priya informed him when Wolfe reached the roof of the keep.


"I have [[Lightning Arrays] drawn on paper. Not the most durable, but it's what I had to work with. I only made a few of them in the time that I had, but hopefully, they will be enough to drive off the group attacking the barrier while we deal with the ones attacking from behind."