
1150 Witch Healing

Mary and Stephanie came in while the Ciel were admiring their new outfits, drawn by the portal magic that Wolfe had been using. 

The two curious witches simply couldn't resist knowing what was going on, especially when it was only a few doors away.

"Who did you find now?" Mary asked as she entered the room.

"It's another Witch. There really are more of them in this world." The Ciel cheered.

"Half of this continent's population, and a quarter of the world in total, are Witches. I take it that we're rare where you come from?" Mary asked.

The Ciel nodded in their weird unison.

"Yes, very much so. In fact, they are rare and valued in every world we have visited. It is a good thing that you had a King or Queen here to shield your world, or someone might have tried to invade it already."