
1070 Jolene

Jolene stared back at him for a moment. "Who was the previous Noxus Family Patriarch?" 

"The Undying Saint. My father." Wolfe replied.

She immediately hit her knees and bowed in submission. 

"Forgive me for doubting you, Saint Noxus. Your claims seemed so farfetched. One moment I was at my mother's house, the next I was spending an eternity here in this watery hell. The only thing that I could think to do was to come back to work and keep doing my job every day, but I can't even tell you how long that has been.

Where are we? Is this the underworld? Some watery demon realm?" She pleaded.

"It is the bottom of the ocean, precisely where your home was located before, only moved downward by a thousand metres.

The humans killed seven hundred million people on the continent, and the survivors sunk the entire thing to keep the graves from being desecrated." Wolfe explained.

"So I'm dead?" She asked.