
1017 Good Timing

Wolfe led the group back to the Capital City and directly to the parliament building, where they had arrived through the portal to begin this adventure. There was a meeting scheduled for that evening, and all of the Guardians assumed that they would be needed at some point to give a speech or some sort of assurance to the people that they would protect the new lowered power prices, or to explain the changes from the Garden Charms.

The plants around the nation were already looking much more healthy than they had, and flowers were beginning to bloom, while a rainstorm had begun in one of the most drought stricken areas of the country.

In a world where a Witch's curse was a very real possibility for what was ailing you, the mundane citizens were naturally very superstitious, and the sudden blooming of flowers, plus the rainfall when they most desperately needed it, were seen as good omens.