
Chapter 5 Teach You a Lesson!_1

Translator: 549690339

Bai Xiaosheng's anger from the day was now fully triggered.

He must teach this Ai Wen a lesson, to let him know that one cannot act recklessly with impunity, just because one is wealthy. There must be respect for law and order!

"Information retrieval complete." Red Lotus's voice was clear and melodious, and a series of information instantly entered Bai Xiaosheng's mind.

The traffic regulations Ai Wen had violated, as well as similar penalty cases, became crystal clear to Bai Xiaosheng.

People like Ai Wen probably don't care much about money, but they do care a lot about face.

Bai Xiaosheng thought to himself, then today I will make you admit your wrongs and correct them, or you will lose all face.

"Your name is Ai Wen, right? Another rich young master, the kind whose family owns a large corporation. What industry is it in?" asked Bai Xiaosheng with a smile, pulling out his phone.

Ai Wen didn't even bother to respond to him.

"You wealthy people, always so busy, you probably don't have a good grasp of the traffic regulations. No problem, I understand, I'll tell you. You've violated the 'Tiannan City Road Traffic Accident Liability Standards', articles twenty-one, twenty-five, and thirty-six. Article twenty-one, vehicles passing through pedestrian walkways without yielding and severely hindering pedestrians' right of way... Article twenty-five... Article thirty-six..." Bai Xiaosheng didn't care and continued to lecture him on the law.

"What do you do?" Ai Wen furrowed his brows.

This kid in front of him was spouting traffic regulations with ease, showing a remarkable familiarity with laws and regulations.

Could he be some kind of lawyer?

"You have no business knowing what I do. Anyway, you're going to bear full responsibility for this accident!" Bai Xiaosheng didn't bother with him and kept talking, his expression serious.

Finally, Ai Wen frowned, and noticing Bai Xiaosheng filming him on his phone, his face suddenly changed, "What are you doing!"

"Just gathering evidence."

"Put that down!" barked Ai Wen.

Being filmed made Ai Wen feel uneasy.

Ai Wen reached out to grab the phone, but Bai Xiaosheng was nimbler and dodged out of the way.

"You've hit someone and now you dare to threaten people? Who gave you such courage!" As Bai Xiaosheng spoke, he gave the fallen sanitation worker a close-up, "Everyone look at this poor old lady, keeper of the city's cleanliness. Look at her pathetic midnight snack, now she's been hit, and on top of that threatened severely by the perpetrator!"

"If you spout nonsense again, I won't be polite!" Ai Wen pointed at Bai Xiaosheng and shouted, "Are you filming a video?"

"You're quite photogenic, handsome guy," Bai Xiaosheng gave Ai Wen a close-up, then pocketed his phone, "I'm putting the video of your current appearance onto social media platforms. With your actions right now, I believe it will be very popular online. I'll also call the police right away, and the officers will be looking for you soon!"

A journalist?!

Ai Wen's expression drastically changed.

He wasn't truly unruly, and upon hearing Bai Xiaosheng was a journalist, he grew nervous. If this affected his family's company reputation, his father would skin him alive.

"What do you want?" Ai Wen focused on Bai Xiaosheng.

To one side, a beautiful woman with wide eyes stared in surprise at Bai Xiaosheng.

Initially, she thought he was an accomplice, then seemed like a scammer, and now a journalist...

The beauty was at a loss for what to say.

"Which media are you from? Do you know who I am? Believe it or not, I can make it so that..." Ai Wen threatened ineffectually.

Bluster layered over inner timidity.

Bai Xiaosheng let out a contemptuous smile.

"Sorry, I am freelance media, I don't work for anyone. You may have connections, but you can't control me," Bai Xiaosheng said slowly and deliberately, "Your threats are useless against me."

Ai Wen was verbally thwarted by Bai Xiaosheng, turning pale with anger. He had exhausted his tricks and was still outmaneuvered by Bai Xiaosheng, but was unsure he could snatch the phone away, especially since he was receiving hostile looks from the people around.

"What exactly do you want," Ai Wen ground out through clenched teeth.

"What I want is actually quite simple," said Bai Xiaosheng, tilting his chin and signaling to Ai Wen, "Start by giving the old lady a sincere apology! Then we'll talk about the rest!"

Ai Wen glanced at the sanitation worker, his eyelids involuntarily twitching.


He should apologize to this kind of person?

"Money is fine, but an apology... no!" Ai Wen gritted his teeth.

Usually, he held his image in high regard, even if he was truly at fault, apologizing was a rarity.

"You'll do it whether you like it or not!"

Bai Xiaosheng glared back at him and then said with a smile, "There's no room for negotiation. Present the right attitude now, or you'll really be despised. It'll damage your family's reputation, affect their business—your dad won't let you off."

Ai Wen couldn't help but swallow hard, his expression fully observed by Bai Xiaosheng, whose smile grew broader.

You'll remember this!

Ai Wen glared fiercely at Bai Xiaosheng and, utterly reluctant, murmured a faint, "Sorry!" to the elderly man.

"Louder!" Bai Xiaosheng suddenly shouted.

Startled, Ai Wen says it again with a raised voice, his face darkening.

"No, no need," the old man hastily waved his hands, his face filled with alarm.

Bai Xiaosheng also felt moved by such a kind-hearted old man.

Right then, as bystanders called the police, traffic officers arrived at the scene, and Bai Xiaosheng immediately relayed the situation to them in full detail.

The beautiful woman also stepped forward to join Bai Xiaosheng, lending her voice as a witness, and with their encouragement, many people spoke out in justice.

Upon learning the details, the traffic officer gave Bai Xiaosheng a thumbs-up, then issued instructions to Ai Wen.

The onlooking crowd cheered, while Ai Wen hung his head low from start to finish, looking as dejected as a frostbitten eggplant.

After handling the situation, the old man thanked Bai Xiaosheng and the beautiful woman profusely before staggering away with his cart.

As there was nothing more to see, the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed.

"You're not that woman's relative," the beauty suddenly said to Bai Xiaosheng.

It was at this moment that she truly understood Bai Xiaosheng's intentions.

Bai Xiaosheng gave her a smile, "Beauty, seems you had the wrong idea about me earlier. No worries, I'm broad-minded, not one to hold a grudge."

"Wei Xuelian." The beauty revealed a smile and extended her hand.

"Bai Xiaosheng." Bai Xiaosheng lightly shook Wei Xuelian's slender, soft hand, finding it supple and smooth.

Beautiful face, beautiful hands, Bai Xiaosheng couldn't help but admire.

Chafed and frustrated, Ai Wen glanced at the two, turned his head and left without a word, shooting Bai Xiaosheng a look as he turned.

It was filled with loathing.

In Tiannan, no one dares to humiliate me like this. I'll remember you!

Ai Wen and Xu Fang got into the car somewhat disheveled, and the BMW X6 hastily drove off.

Wei Xuelian watched, feeling a wave of satisfaction. Beside her was her bicycle; she mounted it, nodded to Bai Xiaosheng with a deep look, and then rode away.

Bai Xiaosheng watched as Wei Xuelian left.

This girl was not only beautiful and dignified but also had a kind heart. Her readiness to raise her voice against injustice was akin to the heroines of ancient times.

He just didn't know if she had a boyfriend.

Bai Xiaosheng smacked his lips, then suddenly slapped his thigh.

"Oh no, how foolish of me, I didn't ask for her contact information!"

Bai Xiaosheng. Riding her bike, Wei Xuelian thought of the name, her lips curling into a smile, radiantly beautiful.
