
Chapter 3 Uneven Paths_1

Translator: 549690339

"Red Lotus?" After a while, Bai Xiaosheng finally calmed down from his passionate excitement and tried to communicate with the artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence was something Bai Xiaosheng had only seen in movies before. He'd never expected to encounter it in real life, especially the fact that he could communicate just by thinking—it was really cool. Plus, it seemed like the only external help he could rely on as he advanced was this AI, so he must learn more about it!

Considering it dealt with two trillion, Bai Xiaosheng was particularly invested.

"Master, what are your orders?" The silvery voice rang out again, pleasant to hear but with a touch less emotion. However, Bai Xiaosheng didn't mind.

"The things you mentioned earlier, I understand them all, but what is that last 'assistant' you talked about?"

"Search engine, it is the assistance module you, as an 'employee' level, can utilize. I can search the entire network for any information you need and filter the most accurate data to transfer to your cerebral cortex, forming short-term memories for your use."

Oh?! Bai Xiaosheng's eyes lit up.

Doesn't that make me a humanoid computer?

"You have to go through ten career levels: employee, manager, assistant, up to the group president. I will evaluate your actions, and once your score reaches a certain value, you will level up. Each upgrade unlocks different funds and assists," Red Lotus continued.

So, there are other assistance features besides the search function!

"What are the other assistance features?" Bai Xiaosheng asked.

"Sorry, your authority level is insufficient for that query," Red Lotus flatly denied him.

Bai Xiaosheng awkwardly rubbed his nose. Indeed, this was an AI with no sense of human feelings.

However, he suddenly became curious about the search feature, wondering if it was as powerful as he thought.

"Red Lotus, data retrieval," Bai Xiaosheng suddenly decided to give it a try, "how to make a nuclear bomb."

"Understood," Red Lotus's crisp voice responded, without hesitation.

In an instant, Bai Xiaosheng was shocked to find thousands of formulas and models flooding his mind.

From element extraction to weapon-grade assembly, a deluge of knowledge surged in, and countless graphs and equations flew before his eyes.

"Enough, that's enough! Stop, stop!" Bai Xiaosheng couldn't help but exclaim.

This works too!

Although he knew that this knowledge was far from enough to make a bomb, it was still incredible!

Bai Xiaosheng's heart pounded with excitement and shock.

"This short-term memory will disappear in ten minutes. Do you wish to save it long-term?" Red Lotus asked.

"No need!" Bai Xiaosheng hurriedly shouted.

A joke, why would he keep such information!

Nonetheless, this assistant feature was really interesting! Bai Xiaosheng shook his slightly heavy head, an excited smirk forming on his lips.

Afterwards, he tried various questions—about astronomy, geography, ancient and modern, domestic and foreign. He got detailed answers to everything.

Not until he was ecstatic did Bai Xiaosheng stop. Only then did he notice the two cards on the desk: an identity card and a bank gold card...

Bai Xiaosheng's attention was more on the bank gold card. He had asked Red Lotus, and there was a whole one million in it, free for him to spend!

Spend it any way he liked!

One million, just for the 'employee' level! Bai Xiaosheng couldn't help but feel his hands tremble.

What if he advanced to manager, assistant... how much money would that be...

No, his goal was president, two trillion—all his!

Bai Xiaosheng's gaze burned with fervor.

"Home!" he called out, raising his arm in excitement.

Half an hour later.

Bai Xiaosheng got off the bus; he was still one stop away from where he rented his home.

He made his way into a familiar small diner, picked a window seat, ordered a big bowl of hot noodles, and started eating with gusto.

Initially driven by impulse with the one million, Bai Xiaosheng thought why save when he could spend! However, upon calming down, he dismissed this notion. He was truly terrified of being poor and had become cautious, not wanting to spend recklessly.

After all, those who are truly wealthy don't splurge indiscriminately. To take charge of a large consortium, he needed to match the magnates' level.

After all, his goal was two trillion!

Bai Xiaosheng was eating heartily when suddenly a car pulled up outside the diner and beeped its horn persistently.

Bai Xiaosheng lifted his head, and the window of the BMW X6 rolled down to reveal a woman dressed provocatively, pulling off her sunglasses. Bai Xiaosheng was taken aback by the sight of her face, and the woman, seeing Bai Xiaosheng, was also stunned.

Xu Fang? What's she doing here?

Yu Yang saw a handsome man sitting next to Xu Fang, around the same age as himself, his hand resting on Xu Fang's thigh.

Oh, two blocks away is Bar Street! Bai Xiaosheng suddenly remembered, that place was a nightlife paradise.

When Xu Fang saw Bai Xiaosheng, she too was momentarily taken aback, but she soon let a slight sneer play at the corners of her mouth.

It was a look of clear disdain.

Perhaps because of the recent grudge over asking for tickets, Xu Fang made no effort to hide her feelings.

"What a coincidence, Bai Xiaosheng," Xu Fang said, extending her delicate hand, waving it in disgust to fend off the drifting smell, "Is this what you eat at night?"

Bai Xiaosheng looked at her calmly, not bothering to respond.

"Hey, I'm asking you, is the road up ahead passable?" Xu Fang inquired.

The area nearby was under construction, and simply following the navigation wouldn't work.

"It's passable, get going, don't block the way and mess up my business." Before Bai Xiaosheng could speak, the noodle shop owner shouted out, clearly displeased by Xu Fang's actions, as if the smell of his noodles was somehow disgusting.


Xu Fang scoffed and turned sweetly to the man beside her, "Dear, let's get out of here fast. The smell here is too strong; our clothes would stink and it's just sickening."

The man laughed, caressed Xu Fang, rolled up the window, and the car sped off.

Bai Xiaosheng wanted to say something, but then he stopped himself.

Up ahead, it seemed, was not quite passable after all.

"Pah, little hussy." The noodle shop owner spat contemptuously, snickering coldly, "I hope you're blocked up ahead!"

Then, he turned to Bai Xiaosheng and asked,"Do you know that woman?"

"She's not a friend." Bai Xiaosheng quickly shook his head and buried himself in his noodles with a slurp.

After finishing dinner, Bai Xiaosheng slowly strolled back.

After two intersections, it seemed like a crowd had gathered under the streetlamp ahead, and there were sporadic shouts, one of which sounded all too familiar.

Xu Fang again?!

When Bai Xiaosheng recognized the voice, he felt both a sense of irony and slight humor.

It seemed he couldn't avoid this woman today.

In the crowd, the BMW was parked with a bicycle fallen beside it, and Xu Fang alone was yelling at an old lady dressed in sanitation worker's clothes.

Bai Xiaosheng drew closer and heard more clearly.

"Are you blind or what? Didn't you see this big car? A BMW; do you think you can afford to compensate for it?"

The elderly sanitation worker was meek, begging non-stop, but Xu Fang kept berating her relentlessly, undeterred.

"She's been on it for more than ten minutes now, this girl's mouth really is something," murmured a spectator, "This old lady is really pitiful, that's going to cost a fortune."

Bai Xiaosheng frowned slightly, knowing all too well the struggles of being penniless, especially the hardships of the little people.

It was clear that the sanitation worker was an honest person, and not well-off; besides the damaged bicycle, her scattered lunchbox lay on the ground. Salted vegetables with white rice, perhaps her meal for the night.

Bai Xiaosheng couldn't help but frown more deeply, his eyes growing cold.

Xu Fang was in the middle of cursing when she suddenly caught sight of Bai Xiaosheng, her eyes lighting up, she shouted at the sanitation worker, "You old thing, trying to argue, are you? I've got a witness!"

"Bai Xiaosheng, come and witness for me!"

Xu Fang sneered and glanced contemptuously at the old woman, "Let's settle this once and for all!"

Bai Xiaosheng saw Xu Fang's anticipation, his brow furrowed, then suddenly, he broke into a smile.

You want me to testify? Alright, today I'll play the "witness" just once! I'll show you that the little people aren't to be trifled with! Bai Xiaosheng stepped forward.

"What are you doing? That's too much bullying!" Suddenly, an indignant shout came from the crowd, as a stunning figure burst through.

Such a beauty, Bai Xiaosheng's eyes sparkled.

"What right do you have to testify for her? You're framing her!" the beauty who couldn't stand by injustice yelled, her beautiful eyes fiercely fixed on Bai Xiaosheng.