
Chapter 17 Chen Daya's Settlement_1

It was almost time to knock off work when Wu Qiuyan finally returned.

Everyone was already packing up their things, ready to leave for the day. Wu Qiuyan noticed Bai Xiaosheng stuffing some materials into a document bag to take with him.

It looked like he was planning to work overtime that night.

With so much stuff, even if you were to pull all-nighters every day, it would be absolutely impossible for you alone to finish within a week! Let's see how long you can hold out!

A faint sneer appeared at the corners of Wu Qiuyan's mouth.

After greeting everyone, Bai Xiaosheng left on his own, looking anxious.

"He's really pitiful!" Wang and Song couldn't help but sigh quietly.

Yezi's eyes were full of deep sympathy.

Contrary to what they thought, Bai Xiaosheng was completely exhilarated at that moment!

Since he had started working here, a mere three hours had passed, and he had already earned six points!

Now, with a total of eleven points, he had reached one-tenth of the progress needed to be promoted to manager level.

At this rate, his promotion to manager level seemed just around the corner.

Once at manager level, he would have more powerful AI assistance and a huge amount of disposable funds.

This feeling was just too great!

Bai Xiaosheng quite simply couldn't get enough.

This was the first time he had ever felt such an intense desire for work! More work!

These thirty pages of material, they were simply too little!

The next day, Bai Xiaosheng arrived at the office early and settled in for another whole day.

Apart from brief rests, the "click-clack" of his typing never ceased.

This was the first time Wu Qiuyan had seen someone treat a keyboard like a piano at such a speed, and it gave her quite a shock.

But just by typing fast, you think you can finish all that work? Dream on! Wu Qiuyan sneered to herself.

Wu Qiuyan only paid slight attention to Bai Xiaosheng before moving on, not willing to waste more thoughts on him.

On one hand, it was an impossible task, and on the other, she had her own busy schedule to attend to.

Chen Daya kept organizing meetings, and the number of times Wu Qiuyan returned to her own department could be counted on one hand.

With Wu Qiuyan, the supervisor, not around, the entire office atmosphere changed, feeling more relaxed and comfortable.

Wang and Song continued their extensive chatting in the discussion group, gradually mentioning Bai Xiaosheng less with ridicule and more with sympathy.

After all, they were all employees, sharing an inherent sense of "class" solidarity, and they were also under the watchful eye of Yezi, the "righteous heroine."

Even though Wang and Song didn't make fun of Bai Xiaosheng's struggles for entertainment, they still kept their distance, not approaching him.

Yezi was different, however.

That afternoon, she took the initiative to pour Bai Xiaosheng a cup of coffee.

"Brother Bai, take a break. Working like this can easily wear you out," the young lady said with a face full of concern.

"I'm fine, really good," Bai Xiaosheng laughed as he took the coffee, smiling his thanks to her.

"Are you working on a PPT?" Yezi suddenly noticed Bai Xiaosheng's computer screen and spoke with some surprise.

Generally, for a project of this size, most people would first gather and summarize the original materials, then sift through to discard the less useful information and keep only what's most useful before doing the detailed work, turning it into text or PPT for their leaders.

But now, Bai Xiaosheng was actually working on a PPT?

Was he going to organize a bit and then compile it? That would take forever to finish!

Yezi was a bit anxious.

"Brother Bai, don't work on this end-stage task yet, focus on finding the materials first. If you handle a bit and compile a bit as you go, you'll never complete the task. At the very least, gather most of it first, give them a rough idea of the content, at least... then provide an explanation to Mr. Wu... Furthermore, why should she make you do all the work anyway."

As Yezi spoke, she became rather indignant.

This young lady is just like that Wei Xuelian, always ready to raise her voice against injustice. Put her in ancient times, and she'd be a female knight.

"Thank you, I'll do what I can," Bai Xiaosheng said as he put down his coffee, smiling gracefully.

In Yezi's view, his smile was still so sunny, so confident.

"Come take a look and give some feedback," Bai Xiaosheng gestured.

Yezi leaned in closer, her big eyes scanning through the pages.

Bai Xiaosheng dragged the mouse, letting Yezi browse through several pages.

The PPT was neat, impressive, and very beautiful. Yezi had only seen work of this caliber once before when they were preparing something for the head office. The whole department had put their heads together, and it had taken ages to reach this level of quality.

"Did you do this all by yourself? That's amazing!" Yezi praised him, completely astonished.

Wang and Song curled their lips upon hearing this.

It was just a PPT, who hadn't seen or made one before? Especially Wang, a planner who had been making PPTs for decades.

No matter how good it was, how much better could it get!

"Little girl is just exaggerating; she's got the hots for him," Wang teased Song.

Song wholeheartedly agreed.

The rest of the day went by without Wu Qiuyan showing up again, and nobody seemed to mind.

On the third day, the unique tapping sound from Bai Xiaosheng's keyboard only lasted until noon, then suddenly stopped.

He sat in front of the computer screen, occasionally thinking, scrolling through the mouse as if organizing material.

Maybe he couldn't hold up anymore and decided to get as much done as possible, trying to create something refined to account for Wu Qiuyan.

That's what Wang and Song thought.

Or maybe, Mr. Chen had spoken with the head nun, and she had compromised.

Yezi thought this and felt quite happy for Bai Xiaosheng.

With Wu Qiuyan absent, Wang received some explosive gossip.

All the project managers were now in a state of panic, busy with "being" in meetings.

What kind of meeting? A criticism meeting!

Wang and Song whispered amongst themselves, and Bai Xiaosheng also overheard some of their conversations.

After a moment of thought, Bai Xiaosheng figured it out: it must be Chen Daya who had gotten tough, going from one department to the next, enforcing discipline!

And sure enough, it wasn't long before Wang obtained more detailed information that coincided with Bai Xiaosheng's guess.

Each department was sifted through in a meeting these past two days. Those who couldn't complete their tasks or didn't do well had to explain why, discuss their difficulties, and come up with solutions. If no solution could be found, the meeting would continue with everyone, until someone proposed a viable plan.

This was completely an exhausting form of meeting bombardment!

Those managers who intentionally delayed work were suffering speechlessly.

One department after another was being conquered; then came overtime work and sorting out the mess!

Soon, it would be the Promotions Department's turn!

The more Wang and Song talked, the more restless they became, filled with unease and trepidation.

The other departments were already wailing in despair, working overtime, trying to catch up on backlog. It was rumored that the most miserable would have to work overnight this weekend. Under Wu Qiuyan's leadership, and with Li Mingtong's station support, the Promotions Department had left a lot of work undone, making it one of the least cooperative departments.

One could imagine how terrible their plight would be this time!

As Wang and Song's conversation continued, their voices grew louder and never quieted down.


Suddenly, the office door was flung open with great force. Wang and Song were startled and hurriedly shut up.

Wu Qiuyan, with a face both tired and angry, walked into the office with a cold expression.

"You seem to be having a great time chatting!"