
Inheritance of The Deity Incarnate

An orphaned college graduate. Socially ostracized. Pessimistic mindset. What would happen of such a person gained the powers of the Gods of a forgotten time?

GodspeII · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 4: Valor

Atlas set this aside for some other time, as he was currently preoccupied with getting ready for his plan. He prepared in his bathroom, slicking back his hair with copious amounts of hair gel so his hair couldn't be found at her home, and cutting his nails so short he looked like a leper.

'Heh, the last time I spent this much time preparing for an outing, I was going on my first date in middle school'

Briefly reminiscing, he quickly reminded himself that he needed to stay on track. Dressing himself and mentally checking off everything he did in the past 30 minutes, he left his home nearing the stroke of midnight.

After not even 10 minutes of walking, the dreaded PING of the system again filled his already crammed head.

[ The cooldown of Sky Walk has been reset. Remaining time: 1800s/1800s ]

Thankful it was just a cooldown message, he continued on, all the while questioning his newfound blind acceptance of this system of his. Reaching Mrs. Rudolph's home, he hid to the side of it and crouched down behind her garbage bin but close to the only light in the dark house, and called out his skill-smirking as he scrapped his previous plan in favor of one he literally just thought of.

"Activate Petty Pickpocketing"

[ Items Available for Skill Targeting ]

[ Mrs. Rudolph's Phone, Mrs. Rudolph's Alarm Clock, Apple, Frozen Chicken, Protein Bar, Water Bottle, Bar of Soap, Towel, Makeup Box... ]

He smirked, selecting phone from the list as to minimize the chance of any of those distractions you see in anime, and left it outside. Unlocking her front door with the key, he silently entered her house and opened her fridge. He took the apple from her fridge and replaced it with his own Golden rendition of it. Seeing it turn into an ordinary red as soon as it left his hand and landed on the fridge shelf, he struggled to hold in a massive grin as his prediction was correct. Picking it up again after confirming his thoughts, he cut off a small part of the apple's stem and crushed it to a paste in his hand. Opening the water bottle on the table nearby, he put this apple-stem mush into it, sealing the cap and placing it in the exact same position as it was. Checking his watch he brought right on time, another system panel popped up.

[ DP has been fully restored.]

"Activate Petty Pickpocketing"

Without even looking at the list again, he selected the phone he left outside and it immediately warped into his hand. Leaving it on the table by the water bottle, he gathered his thoughts and exited the abode just as silently as he entered, and as soon as he locked the door behind him, he sprinted to the nearest dark alleyway before sitting down, mentally preparing for and frowning as he heard the all-too-familiar ear-crushing pressure within his ear canals. Cupping his ears to alleviate the pain, he looked at the system panel that had popped up.

[ The user has transferred possession of a divine object without permission. A penalty will be administered. ]

But he didn't expect the message that followed.

[ The Fair Lady of Valor negated the penalty with their Authority. ]

[ The penalty administration will now end. ]

'Who the fuck is this now?!'

im not dead lol

GodspeIIcreators' thoughts