
Infinity World: The Legends of the Legendary Astral Gladiator

In the year 2050, a company called Carnival Entertainment Org but also known as C.E.O, created something that everyone dubbed "the perfect game". A virtual reality game, a VMMORPG with a magical and almost real world called Infinite World. Where the motto is: One World, Infinite Possibility. Players can do whatever they want as if it were real life, as long as it doesn't go beyond the rules imposed by the company. Fish? Design and create clothes? Forge weapons? Cook? Mine? All this was possible and more. Hand skills can be used at the player's will so that he can create anything up to something that exists in real life. Combat classes? Magic classes? Ranged classes? Everything was possible. A player could learn any skill from any class as long as they have the required attributes and skill books. A warrior can use magic or a mage can use a bow. In Infinite World, players choose the possibilities for their characters. ... Wang Cai was a regular player of Infinite World, but he found the quest that gave him one of the game's tens of thousands of hidden classes, the Astral Gladiator. Because of his health problem due to a work accident, Wang Cai stayed in the hospital for several years. His parents died about ten years ago and his best friend also died in the hospital a few years earlier due to a car accident. With no visits from relatives, Wang Cai had a lonely life in the hospital, so he was immersed in Infinite World. But there was one exception, the only one exception he would never forget in his life. In his last breaths, he was discovering the last secret of the Astral Gladiator class. But destiny was cruel to him. Before he could look, he took his last breath and died. However, just as it was cruel, destiny was also something magical and strange. For some unknown reason, Wang Cai got another chance to discover this secret.

_chomps · Games
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110 Chs


"Adventurer, thank you very much for your blessing. We have some old branch villagers who come back to the village sometimes, but they are always going on adventures to find ways to bring more wealth to the village. If they know someone wants to improve the village, they can come back."

"That's really nice to hear. I need to sort out some things, I'll be back in a little while to ask some questions"

"We look forward to your return." All the villagers knelt before Wang Cai in gratitude. What he did could save many lives that were important to him.

Wang Cai walked to a corner of the village to open the system. Here was another window for a city building.

The options were like those building games. He could choose all kinds of upgrades or create new houses, and other things.

Compared to the shop system, the city creation system was much more complete and complex.

(I will spend at least ten million gold coins to create a small harbor, but it will be worth it in the future. I will also be able to use some of my friendship with that old man to increase the security of the city. Now is the time to start to change the village a bit) Wang Cai started tapping the panel and clicking on the options.

As he was the only player in the place, he couldn't create many new things because there were no players or NPCs to visit. So it was better to hold on.

(This village has good land for planting and fishing. I will invest in fishing and farming. Safety is also important and I will also create a training center for young people to learn to fight)

The changes in the village were barely noticeable to the others, but the residents can feel the difference because they have lived there for a long time.

The soil used for planting became more fertile and some of the sea areas near the village were fenced off for fish farming and fishing. Some new types of fish have been introduced to be used on the farm.

The most dangerous fish in the longer areas were kept away by the small barriers.

In the forest areas after the beach area, it continued away.

Wang Cai would not create something nearby so as not to draw unnecessary attention from the creatures that live nearby.

This whole process cost over a hundred thousand gold coins. But there were no changes to the housing because it was not yet necessary.

ding… ding…

"Your reputation with the residents of Fisherman's Village has increased"

The villagers were very happy with the changes because they could have a better chance of survival.

(Now comes the hard part. Attracting new players here.) Wang Cai looked at a special option that only the owners of a village or city had.

"Create Quest"

(I will spend ten million gold coins to start… If it's a success, I'll increase it to twenty million gold coins)

The Create Quest option was something that all village or town owners use to attract players and NPCs to the location.

As the name says.

The system would create a quest on the bulletin board in the streets, guilds, shops, and anywhere with more players and NPCs. Interested parties could read the notice and the quest would be received and the player could accept it or not after reading it.

However, the value was very high and few could spend this insane amount of money.

It costs ten thousand gold coins to create a notice in small towns or villages, fifty thousand for medium cities, and one hundred thousand gold coins for big cities.

Wang Cai spent five million gold coins to spread warnings throughout the Agoria Kingdom.

The more players see it, the more chances they'll show up.

The mission chosen was a delivery type.

Players only need to deliver the necessary items to the Quest Board in the center of the village to complete the quest.

Wang Cai chose this type of quest because he would receive materials to build houses and buildings without having to buy, but would still be paid because of the quest rewards.

Whenever a quest was completed, the materials collected would be sent to the system window.

Of the ten million gold coins spent, five million were just to create the notices. The other five million went towards rewards for players who brought in the requested items.

TONG!!!! TONG!!!!! TONG!!!!!

The instant he was about to click the CREATE button, the village bell started to ring frantically.

"Adventurer!!!!! You need to run away with us!!!! The nagas are coming!!!!" A middle-aged man came to Wang Cai and shouted desperately.

"The nagas?" Wang Cai was surprised to hear that name because they were not a race that lived in these areas of the Southern Continent.

(Naga… The so-called race of the seas… They should be further away from here, what do they do in this part of the continent? I remember that this race is still locked and it is necessary to complete an extremely difficult quest to unlock the race for all new players) He got thinking about this.

"Are they dangerous?" Wang Cai asked as he didn't know what the current situation was like in this timeline.

Some of the events in Infinite World were hard to remember because there was so much that it was hard to remember everything.

Also, not all players liked to show their adventures. So it was normal for some things not to be seen by others.

The quest to release the race of the naga was one of those quests, but only partially because some parts were released by some of the players who were part of the group.

"Yes. They are very dangerous!!!! They come to the village to get some things before they leave. We always hid, so there were never any fatalities. Adventurer, we need to be quick and get out of here" The man spoke in despair and anxiety. He didn't want to stay here too long.

"You can hide. Tell the village chief not to leave until I tell you to leave. I want to see these nagas." Wang Cai had a goal in mind, he stopped doing what he was about to do and walked to the small bridge that leads down a few meters into the sea.