
Infinity Library.

one shot random novel ideas that i have if there are enough support and I have the motivation I will start a full novel

Duke_Togo · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

My Villains Chat Group

ROB "You know the drill I give you 5 wishes, your memories remain and you can choose your home world, background and what you will look like, You can not ask the 3'Os"

MC "Okay, my first wish is all the ability and strength of Superman, Darkside and ancient Doomsday without their weaknesses , my second wish is the ability to control my powers and body perfectly , my third wish is the ability to control and manipulate time and space , my fourth wish is a chat group that I have complete control over , My last wish is that people or gods will not be able to copy my ability, produce clones from my blood or cell and also erase all doomsday that existed or will exist"

ROB "You're greedy but I love it ok no problem with your wishes just choose your home world and background, as for your body you just need to show me a picture in your mind and we're done"

MC "Ok"

The look he chose is blonde hair standing 195 feet tall

Swimmer's body structure

He slightly increased the size of his little brother


MC "The world I want to go to is the world of solo leveling when the plot begins"

ROB " ok have a nice time"





USA New York

You can see a lot of people moving from place to place be it on foot or by car, in a place far from the city center you can see a two-story building on the first floor there are a lot of cold weapons but the weapons feel and look weird there are weapons that glow in different colors and there are weapons that somehow when you look at them you can feel pressure from them, on the second floor that looks like a residence you can see a man sitting on a chair looking 21-22 years old He has frown on his face

This is Alexander our main character at the moment he is getting the powers he asked he is frowning because of the pain of his change after all he is turning from a human to something else on a cellular and molecular level every cell and molecule in his body are being destroyed and rebuilt , after what seems like an eternity to Alex the process is over after the process is over his body becomes more muscular but not at the level of bodybuilders his body is built so that he can use 100% of his power

After he finished receiving the powers and memories of his body he discovered that he owns a shop that sells magical weapons to hunters he opened the shop a week ago until now he had no customers he also discovered that the weapons he has in the store are not ordinary weapons that hunters use , the weapons have all sorts of powers

Alex "Probably ROB's work"

[System installing… 11%... 20%... 66%... 78%... 100%]

Alex "This is the moment I have been most looking forward to "

[The Villain Chat Group has been created, congratulations for the 'The hunter' to become the group owner!!]

[Please send the invitation]

[5 invitations has been sent... Please wait until the new members arrive]

Alex glanced at his phone before closing it and leaning his back at the chair.

Alex closed his eyes. All the information and events today made him a bit tired, so he thought of taking a break before meeting the members. Alex doesn't know who will be the people who will join the group besides being villains in their world , he made it so that it would be more interesting

** Time skip **

The next day

After a few hours of sleep he woke up and he feels refreshed he gets out of bed and takes a shower after the shower, Alex prepared food for himself after he finished eating he goes down to the first floor where the store is and sits lazily on the chair at the counter as soon as he sits down he gets a message from the chat group

He opens the phone and looks at the messages

[Ding! 'The ghost of uchiha' has joined the Villain chat group!]

[Ding! 'All for one' has joined the Villain chat group!]

[Ding! 'The Shinigami' has joined the Villain chat group!]

[Ding! 'Heavenly Yaksha' has joined the Villain chat group!]

[Ding! 'Is me' has joined the Villain chat group!]

[Welcome to the Villain Chat Group! You can chat and share with everyone from another dimension. You can also buy anything or do anything through the points that will be given daily and mission that will be given randomly or by the admin .]

[The ghost of uchiha : "What is the blue window that is in front of me, some kind of genjutsu?"]

[Heavenly Yaksha : " this is interesting fufufufu "]

[Is me : "Can it help me Obtain immortality ?"]

[All for one : "No matter what Quirk I tried I can not touch it this blue screen"]

[The Shinigami : " The blue screen is somehow connected to my soul interesting"]

After Alex saw the messages they sent he became excited because these people are people he liked in the anime and manga he saw and read when he was on Earth but still calmed down quickly after all he was a famous mercenary and a assassin on earth if he did not have a calm and clear mind he would have died when he was just starting his career, anyway It's for another time

[The Hunter (admin): "Hello everyone let me explain to you what this chat group is This chat group is a group that only "villains" can be in which means everyone who is here is considered or will be considered villains , The goal of the group is to help each other achieve there goals"]

[The Hunter (admin): "The chat group has three functions And they are


Points are the main currency of the Chat Room. Using points, the Chat members can buy items and abilities from the shop or upgrade abilities you have


Tasks of all types After completing the task you will receive various prizes and points


You can buy here anything useing points"


A place to store your things]

[The Hunter (admin): Do you have any questions ??]

[The Shinigami: So we're in the same world?]

[The Hunter (admin): No, you are not in the same universe]

[Is me: universe?]

[The Hunter (admin): Let me explain to you this way, the worlds you live in is just one of a thousand planets in your universe, and your world is in a different universe from each other.

Let me present it this way :


This is where you live


This is where your planet exist


This is where all your universes exist


Here all multiverse exist


Here all omniverse exist

There are infinite of them]

[The ghost of uchiha: We're not even from the same universe not to mention the world how powerful @Thehunter is that he can connect universes?]

[All for one: +1]

[The Hunter (admin): I do not know but I can beat any of the people that exist in your world]

[The Hunter (admin): Before that change your name it is easier to call you by names than nicknames]

[Heavenly Yaksha: how do I do it ?]

[The Hunter (admin): See the top right have your picture click on the picture after that there is another button written 'Rename']

[Ding The Hunter (admin) Changed his name to Alex (admin)]

[Ding is me Changed his name to to Dio]

[Ding The ghost of uchiha Changed his name to Uchiha Madara ]

[Ding Heavenly Yaksha Changed his name to Donquixote Doflamingo]

[Ding All for one Changed his name to Shigaraki]

[Ding The Shinigami Changed his name to Aizen Sōsuke]

[Alex (admin): Now that you have changed your name, open the gifts I sent you]




***Uchiha madara POV***

While I was talking to Kabuto about how he brought me back to life using an improved Edo Tansi a blue screen appeared before me at first I thought it was a genjutsu but from what Alex said it is a screen that helps us talk to each other I wonder how strong the other people in the group are.

'Gift hmm I wonder what it is'

[Ding you received a gift from Alex (admin)]

[Would you like to open the gift]

[Yes] [No]

I mentally pressed yes

[Ding You received the 'Resurrection Card' For information on the item please enter inventory]


After I went into inventory I mentally pressed the card

["'Resurrection Card'"- A one-time card that allows one person to be brought back to life on their peak and perfect condition Removes any curse, seal or anything that could harm the person using this card]