
Infinity Is Not Enough

There is always a point in life where everything goes downhill and all efforts seem to be going down the drain. There is always that moment where everything crashes down hard, darkness engulfs everything around and all hope seem to be lost. That was how Aelle's life was at the moment, that time has come in her life and she has absolutely no clue what to do or where to go. With triplets she didn't plan to have and no place to live. She finds herself wondering aimlessly on a very cold night horrified and worried for her kids. Just when she thought they'd freeze to death, an unexpected person come to her rescue. only she didn't know that her life was about to take a full turn...

Nokwethu_Mayisela_9586 · LGBT+
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23 Chs

Chapter 5


To say Aelle was shocked would be an understatement because she was completely tongue tied. She could not believe that Storm stood up for her in front of her very own mother. No one had ever stood up for her, she felt so wanted and loved. She never thought that anyone could ever care for her let alone fight anyone for her.

She was already in love with Storm, despite it being so soon but what she did earlier made her fall even deeper. Heck! Even her kids loved the woman. It made  Aelle scared, everything felt like a dream to her and she was terrified that one day, Storm would grow tired of her.

Aelle has never been truly happy, when she was giving birth to her babies, she had been worried about them being taken from her. She was worried about how they'd survive so she could not be truly thrilled to see her own babies. With a heavy sigh, she finished her homework. Ever since Storm found out that she was insecure about herself, she forced her to write down a list of all her insecurities. Aelle was confused at first, she found that she felt better after writing it down though.

She was stunned when Storm began addressing all her insecurities one by one. From telling her that she was special everyday to hiring a tutor for her so she did not have to be insecure about not being educated. However, after the encounter with Storm's mother, she realized that she might lose Storm. That guy was handsome, rich and confident. He was everything Aelle was not and that made her insecure. Sure, Storm assured her that she belonged to her but that was now. What happens in future when she meets more people who are more beautiful and talented than her and don't have any baggage?

"What's on your mind?" Storm's voice startled Aelle out of her thoughts.

Aelle turned to find the older leaning against her open door, she shook her head silently. Storm frowned before she turned and left the room without another word. That kind of hurt the younger's feelings and made her wonder if she did something to upset Storm. This was what she feared the most, annoying the older woman to the point where she grew fed up with her.

Upon sensing a panic attack Aelle tried to keep her insecurities aside by focusing on her studies. She then went to check on the babies before returning to her room. She took a shower before heading downstairs for dinner, Storm was already there typing away on her laptop. She had a blank expression on her face and did not even bother looking up when she heard Aelle entering the dining room. That hurt the girl even more, she hated it so she ate her meal quickly and washed her plate. By the time she rushed out of the kitchen, she couldn't hold herself back her tears.

She fell in her knees the second she entered her room and broke down. She hated feeling so weak, hated herself for upsetting Storm and was terrified of losing her first love. She froze when she felt arms pick her up and cradled her close. "Why are you crying? And don't lie to me this time."

Aelle whimpered, "Is that why you were mad at me? Because I lied?"

Storm sighed, "Little moon, one of the things I hate most is being lied too. I was not mad at you but hurt. When others lie to me, I get mad but when you did it, it felt like you don't trust me at all and that hurt." She explained.

Aelle's eyes widen in utter disbelief, "But I trust you with my life, I just did not want to trouble you with all my complaint. You've already dealt with some of my insecurities and my burdens so..."

"Stop. Don't you ever think that telling your problems will ever annoy me. Also don't ever call our babies burdens again."She warned sternly.

Aelle bit her lip not knowing what else to say and she saw Storm's eyes darken at the action. Before she knew it, the woman's lips were on hers in a blink. When the younger moaned, Storm took that as a chance to thrust her tongue in her mouth. Storm sat on the bed with Aelle straddling her. She groaned when the girl pulled on her hair gently, Aelle was whining and whimpering.

" Humph!" Aelle moaned as Storm squeezed her ass. She wanted more, needed more and she knew only Storm could give her what she needs." Please."

That made the older freeze in her tracks, she pulled back to look into the younger's eyes. Aelle whimpered when she couldn't feel the kisses and tried to lean in for another kiss only to be pulled back by her hair. She whined desperately, it did not hurt having her hair being pulled because Storm was really gently with her.

"Uh huh, tell me what you want first and I'll give it to you." Storm smirked as Aelle tried to lean in again.

The girl froze as she gathered her thoughts, Storm had been trying to get rid of all her insecurities and made her comfortable enough with herself. It was really helpful to Aelle however, she was not really comfortable enough to voice out her desires yet so it was really hard. She was just too shy and it frustrated her to the point where tears gathered in her beautiful eyes. Storm must've seen her struggle because she leaned in and kissed her forehead.

"Hush, it's ok, we'll get there in time," She cooed softly. "I know it's hard so for now, you can show me with your actions. Like I do when I know words won't be enough."

Aelle got up from the woman's lap and walked to the open door to close it. Once that was done, she stripped off her clothes and trotted back to where Storm sat. Her eyes dark with desire, Aelle sat down on her lap, she took the woman's hand and placed it on her breast. She moan when she felt a squeeze, she knew how hard it was for a dominant person like Storm to just hand over control like that. Aelle could see that Storm was trying to control herself from just having her way with her. It was the way her jaw ticked, the way her hands were closed in tight fists.

She pulled the woman's head down directing her mouth to her other breast. Storm did not think twice before she latched on and sucked. Aelle whined as she grinded against the older, she was getting close but she needed more. So she took Storm's free hand and guided it to her dripping core. The woman did not question her, she just gave her what she wanted and stroked her.

"Ahh! Faster." Aelle cried out in pleasure.

She felt Storm smirk against her neck where she had been sucking on her sweet spot. Her pace increased and she plunge two fingers into Aelle's dripping hole. The girl screamed, Storm fucked her relentlessly and she felt her stomach tense up. When the woman pressed her thumb on her clit, Aelle came hard. Her entire body trembled as Storm fucked her slowly with her fingers. When she was done, she buried her face in the crook of Aelle's neck and tried to calm her racing heart.

"Tired?" Storm asked softly.

Aelle yawned, "Hmm." Was all she could manage.

Storm smiled, Aelle could feel it against her skin as the older kissed her forehead." Let's get you cleaned up and then you can sleep all you want."

"Will you stay?" Aelle mumbled.

"Do you want me to?" She asked as she picked her up and walked to the bathroom.

"I always need you to, just too shy to ask."

Aelle felt herself being placed on the toilet and she peed. Then She was picked up again, sat on the counter and was cleaned. Then she was up and brought to the room again. A shirt was put on her before she was tucker in. She thought Storm was leaving but sighed in relief when she felt the bed dip a few moments after some shuffling. She turned and snuggled into the woman's arms, she blushed when she realized Storm was only in her boxers and sport bra.

" I'll always be there for you when you need me, little moon. All you have to do is call for me, no matter where you are I'll find you." Those were the last words Aelle heard before sleep took over her.