
Infinity Inventory

My name is Anik Arvish. I am just a normal 18 years old boy going to my home. What could go wrong in my normal day-to-day life. Right! Right!! *crush* wha!!!! "where am I" unknown "I don't have any system or golden finger than who is talking in my head " " Why a zombie attacking me but first where the hell the zombie came from" "Just a useless being at least give a skill " "huh I have to play gacha lottery noooo!!! my luck is bad " "huh! I have gotten a decent skill what is it" [(Infinity inventory)] "what the hell kind skill is that" {The above story description isn't exactly similar to chapters} "....."talking '.....'thinking [......] unknown (read the chapter to know) I will post back my chapters don't worry. I just opened a p*tr*on account. If you like to support the author then you can go type my user name 'aryamansun07, and find my p*tr*on. {Cover art by *Wong40k*}

aryamansun07 · Action
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51 Chs

Chapter 40: Killing

"Good night Aafia sweet dreams," Anik said to the Aafia and went to sleep.



"Ahh um um." Anik just woke up yawning and rubbing his eyes. He opens a bottle of water after summoning it and washing his face on the window. He was looking at the city which was full of zombies. In the road, house, building, river, bridge etc.

After a little bit of stretching and light exercise which didn't even let him sweat. But did it out of habit from the camp.

Then, he went towards the rooftop with his bag to finally start the killing of zombies. He was here for that anyway so he wanted to finish it fast and upgrade his skill fast and store more useful things too.

After reaching the rooftop, he summoned a PSRL-1 for a test hit. First, he aimed at the road where there were the most zombies.


"Aafia, show me the counter," Anik said to Aafia.


"A few thousand more to go," Anik said and started launching the rockets repeatedly.







Anik did it so many times that roads and buildings around the bombing area were destroyed and bloody leaving Anik staying one. He then looks at the counter.


'Still a long way.' Anik thought to himself as he looked down at the building and saw stragglers. But he saw some few mutant zombies(G-tier) looking up at him and...


The screams were so loud that Anik was able to hear it. All far away zombies in the thousands started to swarm the building Anik was on. Anik was a little shocked to see more mutant zombies but they are more coming from afar.

"Aafia?? Didn't you say they were rare?"

[The more the population of zombies in one area the higher the chance of its creation. It's your lucky day. Kill the mutant zombies and have their essence.]

"Haha, funny". Anik said with irritation.

The zombies in the thousands were getting closer towards Anik's building.

The mutant zombies were so they were already in the building climbing ING their way up.

"Aafia, how many seconds before they reach me?" Anik said to Aafia.

[200 seconds.]

'That's enough to kill all normal zombies coming for him then.' Anik thought to himself.







Anik started bombarding the whole area around the building with the PSRL-1 again and again very fast.



Anik was able to hear them. They were trying to break in from the stairs which Anik blocked with furniture.

Anik quickly tied the rope to a pole and threw it down the roof. Its length was one-third of the building. It was his exit plan if things didn't go well.

Soon the rooftop door broke and the mutant zombies were running towards Anik. But they were different from that want he fought back then. They look stronger.

There were around 5 mutant zombies. All have different looks. A mutant suddenly appeared towards Anik with its kangaroo-looking legs and swung at Anik.


Aink was shocked at the speed but he was able to dodge and punch the kangaroo zombie back. Anik was able to hit it hard for it to go back flying groaning in pain.

However, suddenly a disgusting long tongue with spikes appears before him to whip him. He also was able to dodge that. But another with a big and long claw zombie appears before him to claw him.

He wanted to dodge it too but he wasn't able to and just blocked it. His upper clothes were ripped and sent back a bit however was able to withstand it.

And again ball of acid was thrown at Anik was he summoned the jeep to block the acid. It did block the acid from coming towards Anik.

Now, finally, the last mutant was a dog with sharp teeth jumping at him.

Anik immediately ripped the tire from the summoned jeep to hit the dog.


Anik was able to hit the dog and the dog went flying away and stopped by the roof corner wall.

Anik was getting overwhelmed by all five mutants attacking him even if he was stronger than them.

They were stronger than the previous mutant zombie too. And they have abilities too.

After a few minutes of back and forth between them, Anik just held tight to one end of the rope which was not tied to the pole. He then jumped from the building and went down.

The kangaroo-legged zombie was able to fall with him with his speed to stop him. But it forgot that alone it was weaker than him. So Anik was able to drag him with him down falling with him.

"You should have waited for your friends to come," Anik said with rage in his eyes smashing his head with his fist as they were falling. Then he grinds its head into the wall as they go down.

The other went down the stairs to go down but the claw mutant just climbed down the outside wall with the help of his claw. It was straight following Anik down.

Anik slowly reached the end of the point rope can go down while grinding its


He smashed the window and saw normal zombies so he just summoned many grenades. Then he throws them inside and hides behind the wall side of the window.


He then got inside the room. He slammed the kangaroo zombie into the wall. And immediately...


A Glock appeared in Anik's empty hand to shoot all remaining zombies.

*Bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang* *bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*

After killing all the normal zombies to not disturb him. He looked at the fallen kangaroo zombie which was still alive.


A jeep appears before Anik as he picks it up and straight goes towards the kangaroo zombie which trying to get up.

He smashed it with the jeep at full speed in the wall making it into a wall painting.

The claw mutant zombie appears before him after Anik finishes the kangaroo zombie. It was ready to attack Anik who was facing back holding a broken jee


But suddenly Anik throws the broken jeep towards the claw mutant who gets hit and falls down the building.

To be continued...

hello everyone!!hope you enjoy this fight. Don't forget to comment and vote this chapter. If you find any grammatical errors please tell me.

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