
Infinity Guardian System

"Haunted by the Curse's relentless pursuit, one seeks solace in the arms of darkness..." -- -- -- Hael Winterlock, the youngest and most beloved prince of the Winterlock dynasty, lived the typical luxurious prince life within the dynasty, with the thought of being just an ordinary rich royal member in the future. But when he awakened the never-before-seen Nine Magical Arcana Runes petals, the law of the Kingdom automatically dictates him as the next ruler of the throne, something that goes against his predetermined fate. And from thereon, life came crashing down for Hael, who had his father killed by his throne-obsessed brothers, and then he himself burnt to coal and flung into the icy depths to drown to death. Just when life seemed over, Hael found a portal and a moon fragment, a rumored source of controllable power at the depth of the sea, and the moon fragment fused with him as he disappeared into the strange portal. There was a new advanced world, a world where an ongoing war between humans who grew with cybernetic fusions, and the Eldritches, creatures of dark magic, raged on. Once more, he was given a chance to change things, a new chance at life. One day, he swore to return to back to Winterfall Dynasty to take what was rightfully his. But only if his dreams could be reality. The Forgotten Realms had another name: The Abyssal Realm of Ruins, a Place of No Return! --------- Update Schedule: Update daily! --------- This Novel is in a WPC, please Support it by adding it to your library and sending your Powerstones and Golden Tickets! Thank you all.

Supreme_IQ · Fantasy
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220 Chs

First Time Sighting An Eldritch!!!

The abyssal darkness of the ceiling was illuminated by the powerful sound of ultra-damage bullets rushing out towards the ceiling as Hael's eyes flashed in horror seeing those creatures that flashed around the ceiling on all fours, their ruby-red eyes flashing in the darkness.

They had strange dark scales covering every part of their bodies and were coated in some strange slimy secretion, while their body structure looked like that of a human crouched on all fours, though leaner than normal.

Their legs were in the shape of wolves, and their abyssal dark claws left 2-centimeter imprints in the stalactite and stalagmite present in the ceilings as they jumped around with speed, becoming flashes of dark.

But what gave Hale the most chills was their hair; it was like the legs of an octopus, bouncing around as if it had a sentience of its own, and from the middle of their chest cave, one of those octopus tails.

Their appearance being called grotesque would still be nice, and he had an urge to simply sit down on his butt and puke out all he ate, as the two pistols he had in his hands kept shaking.

Unlike Hale, the amateurish prince brought to war against devil creatures, the group was a deadly crew who have been training for this for almost two years, and they all stood back to back, firing the guns into the sky.

"The Eldritch dark magic works mainly from their body. Their hair and claws are the most fearsome weapons of war. Simply prevent them from getting close and soon, they'll all be slaughtered!!!" The calm and simultaneously loud voice of Captain Aliea resounded as the soldiers stood back to back and continuously fired.

Hael tried firing a couple of times, but his gunshots never met at all; the Eldritch were simply too fast, and before he could even pull the trigger, they were already gone from his sight.

"What the!!!" Hale suddenly screamed out as one of those Eldritch creatures suddenly appeared before him with speed. One of its octopus hair lashing towards his face with devastating power as Hale felt his body suddenly pause.

"MOVE! MOVE!" He screamed in his head, but his body terribly failed as the tail lash came closer and closer towards his face, and Hale closed his eyes.



Hot blood splashed into the air, as Hale felt his heart go cold, but there was something strange. He didn't feel any pain, and the blood tasted..salty!? I

mmediately he opened his eyes only to catch the sight of the Eldritch who attacked him, having its octopus hair getting slashed off by a sharp blade emerging from Captain Aliea's forearm, and in the next split second. A gun slipped down from Captain Aelia's waist and then...




The sound of three shots rang out loud and clear as the Eldritch had its head blown up into a pulp and fell down beneath her feet, dead.

Standing there while looking at the dead body, Hale's heart almost stopped beating as he felt the intense gaze of someone flashing by his body and it was none other than that of Captain Aelia who already placed her long assault rifle in her hands and resumed shooting already.

"Go to the middle, Kiddo. They are trying to come closer from your position..." Captain Alei said and in the next second, a hole was opened up by the crew as Hael slipped into it, leaving him in the middle of everything while the crew kept firing.

3 minutes later...

The murky stench of death and blood filled the entire cave area, as dark liquid covered the crew to their ankles, while on the ground, laid the boy of about 200 Eldritch creatures, who all had various openings on their body, and most of them reduced to a bloody pulp. HUU




He could hear the sound of the soldier's breathing out like a man who just ran a 10,000 meters marathon, yet their hands could still be seen on their weapons, the flashlight from their guns flashing all over the dark ceilings, even as white gas, which could only be due to exhaustion, puffed out of their mouths.

"Monsters. This is a group of monsters..." Hale thought in his head. The people before him had just slaughtered a total of 200 creatures, their blood filling up to their ankles, yet their eyes showed no emotions at all.

No fear, no anger, no sadness, just laser-focused eyes.

"That is all of them in this area, you all can relax now..." Captain Aelia's voice resounded as the crew lowered their weapons and stood upright before breaking their circular format.

"Did anyone here suffer an injury..." Captain Alei's voice resounded, but everyone shook their head, showing they had no sort of injury at all.

Heck, the Eldritch couldn't even come close to 3 meters before them, before they were all gunned down.

No Captain..." "That is good to hear..." Captain Aelia said as she directed her attention towards Hale and slowly walked forward.




Walking towards him, while covered up to toe in dark blood, and her weapon still releasing steam from it, Hale's heart almost jumped out of his chest from fear, but suddenly he felt it.

A strange abnormally fast dark magic moving towards him. But with Captain Aelia standing in front of him, it would no doubt rip through her.

"Watch out!!!"

Hael roared out and reflexively, his body moved as he took a single step forward and soared forward towards Captain Aelia.



The sound of the chained dagger rapidly slashing forward with speed echoed throughout the cave as the dagger slashed forward towards Captain Alei's face who immediately bent on a knee, avoiding the blade and also avoiding the 0.5 meters long needle shooting towards the back of her head as Haal's dagger furiously smashed against the needle.



Blood sprayed out of his lips, and like an artillery shell, Hael shot backwards faster than the eyes of the group could see, as he smashed through the wall of the cave digging through it completely, amidst the sound of bone breaking to pieces.




The sound of three gunshots rang out, a split second after Hael smashed into the wall, as Captain Alei turned behind her and shot straight forwards.


Shrill screeching resounded through the darkness followed by a dull thud, which the group perceived as a body falling uncontrollably to the ground!

And then silence reigned supreme...