
Infinity Guardian System

"Haunted by the Curse's relentless pursuit, one seeks solace in the arms of darkness..." -- -- -- Hael Winterlock, the youngest and most beloved prince of the Winterlock dynasty, lived the typical luxurious prince life within the dynasty, with the thought of being just an ordinary rich royal member in the future. But when he awakened the never-before-seen Nine Magical Arcana Runes petals, the law of the Kingdom automatically dictates him as the next ruler of the throne, something that goes against his predetermined fate. And from thereon, life came crashing down for Hael, who had his father killed by his throne-obsessed brothers, and then he himself burnt to coal and flung into the icy depths to drown to death. Just when life seemed over, Hael found a portal and a moon fragment, a rumored source of controllable power at the depth of the sea, and the moon fragment fused with him as he disappeared into the strange portal. There was a new advanced world, a world where an ongoing war between humans who grew with cybernetic fusions, and the Eldritches, creatures of dark magic, raged on. Once more, he was given a chance to change things, a new chance at life. One day, he swore to return to back to Winterfall Dynasty to take what was rightfully his. But only if his dreams could be reality. The Forgotten Realms had another name: The Abyssal Realm of Ruins, a Place of No Return! --------- Update Schedule: Update daily! --------- This Novel is in a WPC, please Support it by adding it to your library and sending your Powerstones and Golden Tickets! Thank you all.

Supreme_IQ · Fantasy
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220 Chs

A Royalsworth Dinner 2

"Oh, and what could that be, mother..."

"Well, your sister here dropped from the top five best students of Cthulhu Academy to number 11!" Isadolla said, as Artemis's eyes widened in shock, and he turned to look at Nyx, who quickly dived back into her food, avoiding eye contact with anything else in the room.

"Well, I would say it must have been due to her adventuring days and her near-death experience. Won't you agree with me? Perhaps she needs less time playing around with these human gadgets, and Professor Cygnus needs to be brought back into the castle to play with her for some time," Artemis suggested, but it soon became his turn to look at the food in front of him as he avoided Nyx's eyes that wanted to bore a hole in him.

"You!!! You dare!!!!" Nyx roared out in fiery anger, as Isadolla slammed her hands on the table.