
Not too bad start


it hurts!

The darkness hit like a tide, and james's soul was in pain as if it had been pierced by countless needles.

Suddenly, a little light appeared, and he rushed towards the light with all his might, and finally, with a puff, a sound like breaking the water from the bottom of the water sounded, and james finally opened his eyes.


james woke up from his sleep and found himself lying on a plank bed in an unfamiliar room.

This is a shabby, cramped wooden house with a small area, only about a dozen square meters. Except for the tattered wooden bed on which Eli lay, there seems to be nothing in the whole room.

Where is this place?

You were staying up late and working overtime one second, but you are here the next second?


No, isn't it just working overtime until the early morning for a month and a half? Sure enough, is staying up late and working overtime easy to pass through?

James was a little stunned, looking at the unfamiliar person in front of him and seemed a little unbelievable.

He sat up slowly, and suddenly a stream of unfamiliar and familiar memories kept pouring into his brain, causing him to let out a soft hiss!

Servants of nobles...mysterious books...sacrifice...souls stripped.

Memory fragments poured into James's brain like a tide, and James instantly understood his situation.

A year ago, James was still a slave of a noble family. As a result, an accident caused James to escape from the noble family, and then fled all the way, and came to the royal city of the Byne Kingdom half a month ago. Having learned the advantages of writing, he entered the imperial library and became a low-level librarian.

Until a few days ago, the original body accidentally saw a hidden book from the library, and then secretly brought it back this evening, opened it, and then a strange wave hit.

He felt very sick and had a terrible headache, so he lay in bed and lost his life!


This is how James felt when he finished browsing his original memory.

A book costs a person a life.

And after James browsed the original body's memory, he also understood that he had indeed transmigrated.

Because in this world, there are real semi-transcendent powers.


And the reason why he secretly took the book was because the original body seemed to think it was a hidden knight's breath.

"Knighthood? Lie to a ghost!" James's mouth twitched.

If memory is correct.

Knight Road.

It shouldn't be a profession that taps his own strength and then relies on strength and even blood to fight, but how did James die?

Just looking at a book and dying.

You tell me that's the knight's breath?

It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible.

"Calm down!" James rubbed his dazed brain and began to think about his current situation.

Extraordinary worlds...knight power...and mysterious books.

correct? books?

James seemed to have suddenly realized something, and turned his head to look not far away.

A few meters away, there was a small trembling table, and on the table was an open book. The table was in the corner, so James didn't see it just now.

The outside of the book is wrapped with a dark green hard cover, the edge of the book is wrapped with a silver border, and the inside is densely written with the general characters of the Ryan Empire.

This is the book that killed the original body, and the original body died because of opening the book.

But it seems that the soul of the original body has "satisfied" this evil book, and even if it is opened at this time, it does not seem to cause any harm to him.

"Hey, it's too careless." James patted his head.

He even subconsciously glanced at the book he brought from the library.

If it hadn't seemed that the peculiarity of the book had disappeared, he would have to die again, dying as soon as he crossed over, that would be funny enough.

James sat up from the bed and walked towards the books.

A few meters away, James stopped and looked at the book from a distance, as if he were dealing with something evil.

Thanks to the fact that there is no persecution of electronic products in this world, James 's eyesight is very good, so he can clearly see the opened content.

Dear friends:

As you can see, although you don't know who you are, you have to remember that before you, a poor human being has lost his life because of this. Let's just call it my bad taste.

This is a truly extraordinary book. The extraordinary here does not refer to the inferior, ignorant, and weak extraordinaryness of knights, but the extraordinaryness that truly touches the origin of this world.

This is my early wizard's notebook, in addition to a basic meditation method, it also records a lot of interesting little witchcraft, of course, the level is not very high.

h sure, it might take some talent, but since you can browse normally and don't feel dizzy, you should have wizard talent.

Well, that's all, I don't know if I finally found "it".

By David Reno.

This is the entire content of the first page, and Eli stood there, the corners of his mouth twitching.

It seems that the world is not as simple as he understands.

It seems that in addition to knights, there are other extraordinary ways.

Moreover, it can only be said that the original body is really unlucky. Although he obtained this book that can be regarded as a treasure, he died because of the original owner's bad taste, and then he cheapened James who came through.

I have to say, everything is life.

After testing it a few more times and making sure that the book is not dangerous, James briefly glanced at the book.

After an hourglass, James slowly closed the book.

Indeed, as the title page said, this book does record a meditation method, as well as some witchcraft that James thinks are extraordinary, and there are a lot of notes.

It is completely a so-called "Wizard" enlightenment book.

"This start doesn't seem to be too bad!" Putting the notes aside, James felt that his luck was not bad.

Other traversers start with a monster with a face, or a low status, or even have no extraordinary channels, but he not only has a librarian job, but also has extraordinary books that seem to surpass the current version, and even has a worthy book. Called the scary golden finger.

Yes, he also has gold fingers.

It's just that he was too surprised just now that he didn't realize it. It wasn't until just now that he reacted.

James closed his eyes, and his consciousness began to sink deep into his body.

A little light appeared in front of Eli's eyes.

As his consciousness got closer, the light spot got bigger and bigger.

Consciousness and light contacted, and the next moment, a pair of terrifying pictures appeared in his eyes.

In the dark endless space.

An endless river of time runs through the void.

Through it, fragments of time appeared in Eli's eyes.

A terrifying long snake with a length of 10,000 meters swayed its huge body in the void.

There are grey-white pupil-like horror creatures whose eyes reach many worlds

There are worlds that give birth to life, and then gradually go to destruction.

There are powerful creatures that walk the endless void.

The pictures are random, and James can't control it.

This process lasted for about ten seconds, and then followed by an explosion.

As if the endless river of time suddenly compresses and begins to shrink, and after a few seconds, the river has disappeared, leaving only a huge spiritual beam of light in James 's body.

And this beam of light, James vaguely remembered that during his long-term overtime at that time, he seemed to have seen white light when he was in a trance.

I thought it was a hallucination of dry eyes, but I didn't expect it to follow him here.

But not necessarily, maybe James was brought here by this beam of light.

James looked at the beam of light, and the ability that the beam of light gave him appeared subconsciously in his mind.

eternal energy.

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