
Infinitum Crystals [1] - The Magic Duel

Set in an alternative world where monsters and magic exist in our modern society and the entirety of its inhabitants has the ability to use said magic according to its still developing rules and restrictions. Infinitum Crystals centers around the protagonist, Cyclone White who came across one of the several highly rare Infinitum Crystals that grants him immeasurable potential to his unique magic, the ability to stop the time! The only downside to this amazing power was the immense energy it is required to be able to use properly. But that definitely won't be a problem for our protagonist, Cyclone White as he ventures into discovering the secrets of The Infinitum Crystals. - 'The Magic Duel' tells the tale of a group of friends who voluntarily calls themselves Team Stardust on a journey to win the annual school event, The Magic Duel. Join Cyclone White and his friends as he slowly builds his team to become one of the top young wizards in their high school and achieve

Cyclone_A · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 3.7 - White - Escort

"What is taking them so long?!" Rulend was shouting as he walks back and forth.

"I think they might be in trouble right now." suggested Wakana.

"The demons will get us if they aren't here yet!"

"I'll hold them off." Wakana prepared to flashes out.

"No!" Rulend stopped him, "We have to stick to the plan. Or else those guys will get in an ever bigger trouble than they supposed to."

Wakana angrily stomped, "White...please be safe like I told you so."

In order to understand what had happen we take a look an hour before the current event unfolds. I was assigned by Rulend to escort the people from the Library to The Lab. Rin and Faith will be providing backup for me and the survivors. Three weeks has passed since the whole city was under attack by the demons and here we are right now fighting them in order to survive.

No one would have thought that this day would arrive where we have to take up arms and fight against the fearsome enemies that could eradicate the entire population. These people who used to be living a normal and peaceful life had to face the hard truth that is the horrors of war. Lives were lost, few have gone insane and a number of suicide ensues as the demons keeps on toying with us humans. Even so, it was a surprise to see that some decided to revolt against the overarching enemy and take back what was rightfully ours and it is that one thing called, Freedom. We will take back our freedom by fighting them back. We will show them what the humans are capable of.

Naturally, I would like to join them as well. But the biggest obstacle for me was that I wasn't allowed to. The only reason for that was because I still don't have my magic yet. I wouldn't be able to survive if I ever face a demon. Much less, any other magicians in this world. That is why today I'm feeling rather excited. I finally get to contribute something to the battle. This was what I wanted. Even if it was just escorting some survivors, I still think that the success of this mission will mean that we are one more step closer to end this chaos.

"White, are you ready?" Faith called me as she was overseeing the area around the cafeteria.

"I've just finish eating you know but yes, I'm ready."

Faith looked at me and said, "I have no intention to offend you but I hope bringing you along won't slow us down later."

"I'll try not to, Faith. Don't you worry."

"Then, let's go!" Faith raised her left hand in the air and whispered an incantation.

My body then felt a slight shiver. Apparently, Faith casted a defensive aura on me just in case. We can never be too sure, I guess. We made our way to The Library to meet up with Rin. While we were on our way there, we had to walk through the battlefield that was currently going on.

"These guys are insane." Faith, commenting on the demons.

As we continue to head to The Library, a flying demon approaches us. The demon was quickly dispatched by Faith as she immediately freeze its wings and crushed it with a boulder larger than the demon. Another one approaches and Faith quickly burned the demon to death with her fiery flame magic. Once we got through the tennis court, we climbed the stairs and got inside The Library which was on the second floor of the block.

"Are you two alright?" Rin handed a water bottle to each of us.

Faith finishes drinking the water and said, "Those demons are a lot of problems alright."

"They sure are." Rin grabbed her equipment, "Very well then. I think we should go now."

I've finished drinking as well and said, "Yeah. Let's go."

"Alright people! On me!" Rin ordered the survivors to follow her.

"We're going to use the long route if want to avoid the demons. There won't be a lot of demons than the ones on the shorter route. We can get through that." suggested Faith.

"Very well. We'll use that." Rin nodded and made her way to The Lab.

Things are a little bit harder especially when we are moving a lot of people to another location. It's even dangerous when we're doing this during an engagement between the two forces. Thankfully, our mission was progressing very well.

"Where is Faith?" Rin asked me.

"She's at the rear. Just in case."

"I understand. These guys could come from anywhere and we have to look out carefully. Especially the flying ones. Those are the annoying ones, I believe."

"I agree. They are everywhere."

"So how is everyone in the lab? Are they all okay?" asked Rin.

"What do you mean?"

Rin rolled her eyes and said, "I mean are they okay?"

"Well, we're all okay I guess...."

"Is there any problems?" Rin continued to press me with questions.

"Well some of them went crazy at times. But we handled it well."

"I see." Rin nodded, "Not much of a difference than us then."


Then we stopped talking suddenly. It got a little bit too silent between us all of sudden. That was kind of obvious especially when I haven't known her for a while to be honest. We've just got into school for a few months ago and now look what happened.

"Hey it's alright, White. We're classmates. You don't need to get so claustrophobic on me."

"Sorry about that. It's just that I'm always like this."

"It's alright, White." Rin tried to cheer me up, "You did your best. Just believe in yourself and you'll get through it."

I never expected that Rin would be the one who cheered me up, especially when we just met a few months ago. Just as the mood was warming up, I heard a disturbance from a distance. I heard a girl calling for help. I decided to stop and take a look around.

"What are you doing, White?"

"Didn't you hear that? Someone needs help."

"What are you talking about, White? I ain't hearing anyone calling for help."

"Well that's weird." Then I heard it again. I wasn't mistaken. "I'll go there by myself then."

"White, wait!" Rin called me. "You're not suppose to go out there. You can't fight right?"

"If you're not helping me then I'll do it myself." I ran toward the voice and left the formation.

"Hey, White. Where are you-" I ran past Faith who was surprised.

I ran and ran until the call for help was getting clearer than before. I looked around and saw some demons was standing guard at The Office. That's weird. They aren't roaming about or even joining the battle like the others. They are guarding something over there. I decided to get inside the office. But there's like two demons guarding the entrance. There's no way I'm going to able to get past through them.

Then I figured, I could just sneak from the other side and go through the glass window. I did so and made my way to other side. Once I reach the other side, I tried to open the window but it looks like they were locked. I looked around and saw some stones. I threw the stones and broke the glass panel. I put in my hand from the hole that was made and unlocked the window. Once I slide the window open, I went inside slowly. I was relieved to know that I timed my throw carefully.

In any case, I was finally inside The Office. It was then I realized that I was inside The Principal's office. I looked at the principal's desk and my interest was caught on by a certain necklace that was displayed on it. As I was about to touch it, I heard the same voice once again. I left the room to find the voice and there I saw it. There was a lot of computers and desk in the office. But the thing that made me curious the most was the locker.

It wasn't banging at all but I get the feeling that the voice comes from there. I tried to open it but it was locked. I tried to find the combination but it will take too long. It was then I decided to break the lock by hitting the lock with a hammer. I smashed the lock as hard as I can and as many times as I could until the lock was finally broken.

The locker opened revealing a person was hiding or I should say, locked inside it. The person then falls in front of me who was already tired after that hammer strikes. They knocked me down and it made a loud noise. It might just attract the demons guarding outside. I tried to stand up but for some reason my left hand was stuck onto something. I tried to move it around but then I felt something. It was soft, I think. It was like that one thing but I think that wasn't it. It felt like a squishy water balloon or something. I couldn't tell what it was from the darkness of the room but it felt really weird and oddly satisfying but the next thing I know, I went into a short coma because of my wrongdoing with my hand.