
Infinitum Crystals [1] - The Magic Duel

Set in an alternative world where monsters and magic exist in our modern society and the entirety of its inhabitants has the ability to use said magic according to its still developing rules and restrictions. Infinitum Crystals centers around the protagonist, Cyclone White who came across one of the several highly rare Infinitum Crystals that grants him immeasurable potential to his unique magic, the ability to stop the time! The only downside to this amazing power was the immense energy it is required to be able to use properly. But that definitely won't be a problem for our protagonist, Cyclone White as he ventures into discovering the secrets of The Infinitum Crystals. - 'The Magic Duel' tells the tale of a group of friends who voluntarily calls themselves Team Stardust on a journey to win the annual school event, The Magic Duel. Join Cyclone White and his friends as he slowly builds his team to become one of the top young wizards in their high school and achieve

Cyclone_A · Fantasy
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118 Chs

Chapter 2.2 - Zone - Behind The Scene

Allow me to tell a story about relationship. It can be with anything. Friends, enemy, lovers, family, whatever. All of those are a relationship. But what happened today was a story of love and friendship. It was mostly about friendship though. That was the kind of story I'm about to tell.

It all started after I told White about how I pulled one of the biggest prank in my life yet. I made everyone in the entire city believed that such a lousy small time group called Dark Diablo was a most wanted Dark Faction. Yes. At first it was just a group consist of Roman and his three other lieutenants. Then when I used my ability, people starting joining them. It was fun while it last until I ended up getting pulverized by the rest of Stardust.

So here I am today on The Opening Ceremony of The Magic Duel sitting in a chair inside our new Headquarter. As a punishment for abusing my ability, I was given the task to lead a mission that Blax hatched from his brain. He never stop from any single opportunity just to do something for our leader, White. The mission was called Operation Cupid (Opening Ceremony Edition). What a stupid mission title.

"You got it, Zone?" said Blax proudly after he finished explaining the plan.

"I don't want to do this. This is stupid. White wouldn't like these if he found out."

"Oh, don't worry. This is just to compensate on what you have done. To us, it isn't a big deal. But to White, it is." Blax menacingly explained.

"This is blackmail."

"No, this is punishment. For what you've done."

"This is blackmail."

"Not another word, Zone. Go and lead the task force!" He ignored me.

And so this was how my morning starts. I have to set up a fake stall just for this stupid plan of Stardust. Hosuke, Rider, Lore, Airi and Rulend were also in the task force while Blax stayed at Headquarter acting as an Operator. I guess in the end it was still him leading this mission.

"Come on, Zone. Hurry up and put those dolls right there." said Airi as he was finalizing the stall design.

"I know what I'm doing. Besides, where is Rider?" I asked him.

"Rider is getting the toy rifle and the fireworks. He'll be here later. Now get those dolls at their place, Zone."

"Fine. Fine." I reluctantly continued my task.

Then out of nowhere, Blax voice was heard from my comm device.


"What do you want?"

"Can you help out Rulend, Hosuke and Lore?"

"Aren't I suppose to do my task here?"

"Come on, Zone. Just a little help. Airi will finish things up at the stall."

"Fine. Fine."

I reluctantly walked to where Rulend was stationed. I saw Rulend and Lore was wearing a security vest. They are assigned to make sure the crowd moves accordingly. I know that some students were given the task to make sure that the crowd doesn't go anywhere they please since this school seemed to have something special hidden somewhere. I wonder what's the treasure. That was probably another story for another time I guess.

"Zone! Just in time! Can you help Hosuke carry those boxes to the headquarter?" Rulend waved at me.

"What are those?"

"Food supplies."

"For who?"

"Us of course."

"Fine. Fine."

"Remember, Zone. Don't mess this up!" Lore suddenly reminded me.


I carried the supply box together with Hosuke. While we were walking, the announcer for the Opening Ceremony finally started.

"Attention everyone! Before we begin our ceremony, our principal would like to say a few words!"

It was the usual long and boring yet inspirational speech that can be heard from many places. Yes. Of all the things that I wish shouldn't exist was boring speech. I mean why would they drag their speech for too long. Just get on with it. Before things start to get more boring, I decided to open up a topic with Hosuke.

"Hey Hosuke. How's your training?"

"Training? We've been training hard for the past two days since the Dark Diablo incident."

"So why are you guys not training today?"

"Because White said we should take a break during the opening ceremony. Relax our muscles for tomorrow. We don't want anything bad to happen before we even finish the qualifier."

"I see. So White can be a little understanding at times."

"He sure is."

Minutes later we finally reached the headquarter and put down the box next to Blax.

"Tell me again how useful this supply is for us? Other than you finishing it up all alone."

"Yeah, Blax. I just realized that." Hosuke agreed to me.

Blax replied, "Don't worry, don't worry. You'll all get your shares. I'm not gonna hog it all on my own. Unless my name is Hosuke."

"Cut it out, Blax. You're hurting Hosuke. Again."

"I'm just joking." Blax relaxed on his chair.

"We're leaving." Not wasting any time I returned back to my stall.

Minutes later I found myself in disguise and all alone at my stall. It was a shooting gallery stall. Winners will get this simple felt doll that was wonderfully made in collaboration with our juniors Serena, Kin and Nif. How nice of them to do this. When I ask them how much for one? Instead of giving a simple answer they asked to decide on my own.

Since I am a shrewd person. I ended up having 1 Gold Coin per 7 shots. In order to win, you have to not miss a single target at all. Talk about cheap. I guess this was indeed my role in all of these. Moments later I saw the target was approaching my stall.

Blax's comm device was online, "Alright, Zone. Target is in the area. Begin Operation Cupid (Opening Ceremony Edition).

Like I said, it was a long title and the bracket parts were unnecessary. Is there going to be another Edition later? Oh great... I don't like where that might go. I sighed and used my Cheat to call upon my target to make sure she plays my impossible game. The first 6 targets are simple while the last one were a big lie from me. It was basically an illusion. So there's no way anyone could win this unless I allow them to.

"Are you serious?! That's cheating!" Her shout was as annoying as it gets for my ears.

Blax comm suddenly went online, "Alright, Zone. The Fish has been hooked."

I looked around the place and noticed 'The Fish' heard our target's voice. Her voice made 'The Fish' went to where she was. After a few talks and bargaining with 'The Fish', 'The Fish' decided to play my game as well. I have to make sure he hit all of the targets or else this would end up a failure.

At last, after that final shot, my job was finished. I can finally relax until Blax comm suddenly went online and said, "Can you continue the stall until 11?"

"Are you serious?!"

"We gotta make some money, you know. And after that can you help out Rider and Hosuke handle the foodstalls?"

"No. I'm done."

"This all happened because of you. Remember?"

"This is blackmail, Blax."

"Now go finish your task. It's time for Rulend and Lore to lead the waves of crowd." He ignored me once again. How annoying.

"Fine. Fine."

The day probably went smoothly according to plan since our target are together with our other target. From the looks of her face, I can tell she was very happy that she get to be with him the entire day. What a wonderful world we live in. Having friends who would do all of this for him. I'm hoping for something in return but that was probably not the case since Blax called this a 'punishment."

That night, Rider couldn't find the fireworks. I purposely hid it. Everyone was in chaos looking for the fireworks. It was funny seeing them worried that their plan might fail until Blax suddenly appeared and walked toward me. He punched without even greeting me at all.

"What gives?" I writhe in pain as I said that.

"Enough, joking around. Tell us where you hide the fireworks now!"

"Why should I? Why are we doing this for White? Why him? I don't get it!"

"Zone. We're not just doing this for White. We're also doing this for everyone including you."

"What do you mean?"

"White was upset because of your doing. Here we are right now trying to cheer him up. Don't you see that? Such a simple thing and you still don't get it. I thought we were friends."

'I thought we were friends'. That was the only sentence that I never intended to hear again. Not anymore. I guess I was too selfish. I kept thinking that we're doing this just to make fun of our leader by playing cupid with Rika Lightning.

"Fine. Fine. The fireworks is hidden in the broadcast room." I finally answered.

Moments later, Rider brought the fireworks, "Hey guys! The fireworks here!"

Looking at him running towards us made me thought of one more thing. I used my ability to make him trip. Rider tripped and the box of fireworks flew into the air. During the insanely intense moment, Hosuke and Lore opened their mouth in shock while Airi and Blax ran toward the box. They end up running into each other. Rulend successfully captures it.

"Can you please stop it, Zone." said Rulend calmly.

I chuckled, "Fine, fine."

We began setting up all the fireworks into place.

"Do the honours, Zone." Blax gave me a lighter.

"Fine, fine." I took the lighter and lit all the fireworks.

It was an eventful night indeed. We're not really sure what happened between those two lovebirds at the rooftop. I hope things get a bit steamy. In any case, we've done our job to cheer him up. What's left was to see if it works tomorrow during the qualifier.

"Alright guys! Let's have a feast at HQ!" Blax announced.

"Hip, hip hurray!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"Don't you think we should invite White as well?" I asked Blax.

"Don't worry about him. I think he is not hungry tonight. He has something better than snacks."

"Can you stop with the innuendos, Blax." Rulend knuckled Blax's head.

We laughed and laughed and celebrated the night of the opening ceremony with a large feast at HQ while White, our leader, had a long night...