

the multiversal energy is dwindling. so every universe wants to fight for energy. otherwise they will perish. the multiversal space is working like that only fittest can survive. in this vast universe there are infine amount of chances, and infinite amount of characters this is the story of them all. everyone in this multiverse is protogonist and antagonist in their own way. and everyone have their own story #------------------------------# beware...... addiction warning ⚠️ More info ----------------- the story have complex characters and a complex story. the story will start in slow pace. 9 chapters per week(in normal case) chapter length 1k to 1.5k word from Monday to Friday I will publish 1 chapter each day and in Saturday to sunday I will publish 2 chapters 10 powerstones 1 bonus chapter for discussion and other stuffs you can join the discord server https://discord.com/invite/79MgYzCZ ps:- english is not my first language, so there will be grammer errors, I am trying my best to improve it in every chapters

Aatmadev_ · Fantasy
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21 Chs


In this survival battle, the knight of B10 solos everyone in A1. He fought against so many powerful guys in the A1 but he is still standing without a scratch. But saint is different from his other opponents; he is more powerful and experienced as well. But with current power level, the saint can't beat the knight because the knight is in different league, but saint can give a good fight.

 Saint got his grip so he didn't fall down.

"Finally, I got a good match," knight said

" AAAAAAA" saint jumped towards him; he was planning to punch him. He cut through the air, rushed towards him, and blew. But that punch is not strong enough to beat the knight; he easily defelect with his bare right hand. Saint jumped back.

" I expected from you more than that brat" he looked towards steve. " but that was just a dream," saint completed the sentence. And rushed towards saint to blow him with that same hand that blocked the saint's attack. But saint didn't move; he stood there still without anything happening. And he looked into her eyes.

" he…What fool is he…He is thinking that he can block my attack just like I didd.".

That rushing hand went near saint's face but suddenly stopped.

" what is happening? I can't move my hand." knight thought and tries to move his fist towards saint, but he couldn't.

" did you forget the fact that I can control anything that I touch?" saint said calmly.

In that instant, the knight suddenly realised the saint's power.

"Oh, sh*t, you tricked me... but you can't beat me," knight shouted. But saint replied with a calm smile on his face "Nah, I'd win". His messy, long hair flied with respect to the wind, and now the A1 have a new ray of hope. Knight's hand started to shake and he couldn't control that, He tried his best to move it but he lost.

 Saint took some pebbles from the ground and threw it towards the knight. It rotated around him and started to attack him. Suddenly a big rock flew towards him from his right, and he couldn't block it with his left, He again tried to move his right hand, but this time he won in that effort and caught it before it hit in his face. He feels some relief

 " I tricked you again," saint smiled. He rise his hands and took back control of his right hand. So that hand blows that rock in his head, the blood scattered and he fell in his knees for the first time in that battle. The blood covers his face and now his face turned into red. his sight is fading. He forcefully opened his eyes and looked up, and he saw that saint is standing there. 

Knight fell in his knees by lowering his head

 He is now very mad saint because of that. And also, he feels heavy in his head so he can't move. He stayed still

" I hope that it really hurt him, but that was a big problem also," saint thought

"Oh sh*t… that was unexpected. It really hurt me, but now I am going to show him my real power."

After a minute's break, Knight was back on his legs. He don't using his weapon because he knows that he can beat saint without the help of his weapon. He wiped the blood on his head and looked it. Then he took a sharp silver sword from his subordinate and said, looking at the blade

 " I don't need it anymore."

And suddenly, he raised the sword and cut his right hand. The hand fell to the ground and blood flowed from it. And spread it in the ground. He threw the sword back to it's owner and said,

" now you can't control me."

Saint is still in shock because he didn't think that he will cut his hand.

" you are brilliant, but you can't beat me with one hand." saint said

" fool…did you think that I will cut my hand without thinking twice," knight replied and called

" sweatnerrrrrrr"

And that sweaty guy suddenly went there and treated knight. And within one minute, that hand regenerated.

" NOW SEE THE REALLL FIGHT," knight rocked and saint shocked.

Knight stretched his newly regenerated arm and prepared to start the attack.

" that is bad... I didn't think that he could regenerate," Saint thought.

There is a big rock that lies on left side of saint. He touched it with his leg. But the knight didn't see it, and that was an advantage to the saint. The knight dashed towards the saint, and the saint was waiting for him. Because that rock is very big, if knight wants to reach near it, then only he can attack knight with that. Finally, there was an opening. Knight is near that rock. Saint used that opening .


The rock felled in knight. Everyone shocked and looked towards They can't see knight because he is under that rock. Saint has started to laugh. But shockingly, the guardians of B10 have also started to laugh with him.