
Infinite Void God

The story is about a guy who died and his soul trap in the void for trillion years. After trillion years getting trap, his body adapted with the Origin energy in the void, so he became the owner of the void.

Alpha_09 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Daughter's Adventure [V]

I walk around the labyrinth and found some monsters.

The first moster that i found was a Frog that can spit poison.

When it saw me, it begins to shoot poison at me which i evaded easily. Well even if i didn't evaded it, it's not going to hurt me.

I then shoot my threads to restraint it, and then biting it's neck with my Poisonous Fang.

After killing it, i continue to roam around the labyrinth.

I found a couple of monster again, this time they looks like a dinosaur. They ran to me with the intention to bite me, but i just jumped to the side and cut their heads with my claw.

⦅ Experience Reached. (Small Lesser Taratect LV1) has became (Small Lesser Taratect LV2) ⦆

⦅ Level up bonus acquired. Skill proficiency reached. Skill [Poisonous Fang LV2] has became [Poisonous Fang LV3]. Skill [Spider Thread LV2] has became [Spider Thread LV3]. Skill Point Acquired. ⦆

Hearing the voice, i just ignore it because I already stronger than any monster in this labyrinth.

Continuing my walk, i then found something that looks like a spider nest.

I walk towards it and found a spider that is in alarmed state.

It was kumoko, so this nest is probably her 'My Home'.

She then begin shooting threads at me while running around in circle with me as its center.

I just stood still and say with a telepathy {Calm down} while cutting her threads like it's nothing.

Hearing my voice, she stopped and look at me with confusion.

I then appraise her so that she can feel it.

⦅Small Lesser Taratect LV2/Title:Reincarnator, Kin Eater

Name : No Name / Wakaba Hiro(Past)

HP : 29

MP: 29

SP : 30


STR : 18

VIT : 20

AGI : 217

DEX : 20


SKILL : [Spider Thread LV5]

[Poisonous Fang LV3]

[Poison Resistance LV2]

[Acid Resistance LV1] [Gedo Magic LV1]

[n%l = W] [Taboo LV1]

{Hmm.. Wakaba Hiro-San}

Hearing that, she got more confused so i decided to create a connection between us so she can talk to me too.

{Moshi Moshi, Wakaba-San do you hear me? You can talk to me now} i said

{Wh-who are you? And what do you want from me} she said it with a shaky voice.

{I'm Itsuno Rin, the new transfer student. It seems that we're dead, and get reincarnated here.} I said {But it seems like the two of us reincarnated as a spider}

{O-oh, so what are you doing here?} She said after calming down a little.

{Nothing, i just walk around and see this nest, so i just want to see who is living here.}

{And now that i know it's you, I'm going to continue my walk.. bye bye..} I said, then walking away. When i was about to step out i stopped and say {Don't die} before walking away not looking back.


After walking away from Kumoko's home, i found a big hole that seems to leading to the lower level.

Without hesitation i jump to the hole and make my way to the lower level.

I land swiftly on the ground, and what greet me is a green snake around two meter opening its mouth showing its fang to bite me.

I don't want to waste time so i just rush forward and cut its head in just a second.

Leaving the snake's corpse, i continue searching monster to raise my level quickly. I dont want to stuck in this spider body for too long.


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