
Infinite Undeads In The Apocalypse

"Aldrich awakened the skill Necromancy. But his skill was quite different from others. He could summon countless dead to be his undead. Have you ever seen a horde of skeletons killing a single monster? Have you ever seen a dragon killed by thousands of skeletons? Have you ever seen a war won by a single person? Aldrich, the Ultimate Necromancer, with his giant army of millions of undead, will rule over all the worlds."

WriterFriend · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 3

"How come this skill is super overpowered?" Aldrich looked at the skill Necromancy and pondered. "It didn't cost any magical power to cast it. I can summon countless undead without limits." He had never heard of anything like this in the entire internet.

Of course, there were some necromancers who could summon undead and zombies in this world, but he had heard all of them had limits; not anyone could mindlessly summon corpses as undead like him.

"And why did I get this skill when I bought an F-rank skill?" A-skill as powerful as this shouldn't be merely F-rank.

The skill was super mysterious. "Well…" But he sighed. "This allows me to get powerful. So I shouldn't think much." Since he had no leads, he decided not to waste his brain cells on this.

In just a matter of minutes due to exhaustion, he fell asleep.


The next day.

Inside the Wolf Cavern, Aldrich massacred the wolves with ease. The small wolves couldn't endure the strength of the stronger blue and black wolves.

Not only in number, but even in strength and defense, the undead with blue and black tints exceeded the small wolves.

100, 200, 300…

In just a matter of an hour, Aldrich exterminated 300 wolves and headed to the second floor.

The second floor was just as easy as the first floor, with only 100 small wolves crumbled and broken.

Third floor… fourth floor…

In five hours, his units exceeded 1,000. 100 small wolves, 300 orange wolves, 300 blue wolves, 300 black wolves, and finally the boss floor.

The boss wolf didn't participate in the massacre, as Aldrich didn't want it to be hurt so he could use it against the boss monster.

Aldrich kicked the door open. The boss wolf was already standing, ready to battle.

"Previously, I struggled, but this time, I won't!" Aldrich summoned the undead army and the boss wolf.

The huge undead wolf was just a meter shorter than the real wolf, but its defense and strength were on par with it.

The undead boss wolf and the boss wolf battled. Many small wolves joined and supported the undead boss wolf.

Due to this, the boss wolf faced trouble. The undead boss hit and bit the wolf, and each of its attacks managed to harm the wolf.

While the wolf's attacks barely managed to crack the undead boss wolf, other undead wolves also attacked the boss wolf simultaneously.

The boss wolf howled and glared. It swiped its tail, swiped its claws, and tried biting the undead boss wolf.

Some wolves flew and crumbled due to the tail, the undead boss wolf's bones scratched by the attack, but they also continued to attack the boss wolf.

The undead boss wolf swiped its claw, stabbing it deeper into the boss wolf while also biting its neck with its sharp canines.

Small undead relentlessly attacked it all over its body, and inflicted deeper wounds.

The boss wolf could only destroy about 39 small undead wolves and injured the boss undead wolf to an extent, before falling to the ground due to massive wounds all over its body and dying.

Aldrich summoned another boss wolf as an undead, and exited the dungeon.

"Hmm!" He stretched his body and took out a meal from his bag: two huge donuts stored in the bag for lunch.

After filling his stomach, he looked at the sky, which was bright and illuminated by the sun.

The number of Supers in the area was low, as some went for lunch, some were in the dungeon, and some packed up.

Aldrich looked around and entered the portal again. This time, he unleashed all the wolves and let them charge around the whole area, following them.

All the undead couldn't get more than 100 meters far from Aldrich. Aldrich found his tether would only reach about 100 meters. More than that, and the undead wouldn't respond, as if facing a lag due to a weak network.

However, they still moved around 50 meters far and killed any wolf that spawned.

Along with the boss wolf, which one-shot wolves, Aldrich managed to save 500 cores in just an hour.

He didn't summon them as undead because they were useless.

The second floor was the same to him. While the quality of the core was superior to the first-floor core, it was still an F-rank core.

Cores provided stats to Supers. Each core, regardless of its rank, provides 1 stat point.

However, there are many limitations and different functions of the cores according to their quality.

"The greater the quality, the greater the strength would be." For example, if a Super only increased his strength with superior-quality cores, their strength would be greater than that of a Super who only consumes low-quality cores despite having the same stat points.

Similarly, cores also have limitations. A super can't consume any rank core. An F-rank could only consume an F-rank core; in case of consuming an E-rank, their body would reject the power, and if they forcibly tried to take the power, they would explode.

The only way to consume a higher-grade core is to learn a higher rank skill.

If an F-rank Super learns an E-rank skill, their rank would promote to E-rank, and their body would adapt to greater power, and could absorb the power of an E-rank core.

In one word, the higher the grade of skill one has learned, the higher the grade of core they can consume.

It's super complex; scientists also couldn't figure it out till now properly.

Aldrich took another two hours on the third floor and another three hours on the fourth floor. This was because he wanted to save cores.

He summoned only the third and fourth wolves as undead.

And consumed 20 F-rank cores from the fourth floor. They were the highest quality cores for an F-grade, well, there could be higher quality ones, but Aldrich didn't mind overly.

He consumed 20 cores of each stat and increased all his stats by 20. This was the limit, as consuming more didn't increase any of his stats and didn't provide him power.

"So my limit is 20, a little above average." There's a limit to the number of cores one can consume. Most F-rank Supers could consume 15 cores, and some rare ones could consume 20-30.

Thirty cores is the maximum in history that an F-rank Super has consumed.

All the information he learned was obtained from the internet.

"Boss time!" He found the boss wolf again. With two undead boss wolves and hundreds of undead wolves, it was an easy win.

After the battle, he exited the dungeon with an exhausted body. It was already late at night, so he returned to the hotel and ate some chicken legs and pizza for dinner.

After a peaceful night of sleep, he headed to the Super Association early in the morning.

"How may I help you, sir?"

A beautiful lady asked him. Aldrich looked at her and admired her beauty. But he hastily coughed and placed his bag down.

He had hoarded as many cores as he could in this bag; excessive cores were turned into undead.

Hence, his forces had reached an overwhelming number, around 1200. Aldrich knew this as he counted each undead he summoned and lost, every time.

Since he had nothing better to do, he figured he'd just count them to waste time.

The next thing was the connection. He could feel at least 1200 connections clearly. Hence he knew the number of his undead.

"Wait, sir." The receptionist girl in the buying and selling core shop took the bag and poured the cores into a machine.

The machine sent all the information to the computer.

"Two hundred lower-quality cores, 150 upper-quality, 200 high-quality, and 250 superior-quality cores. Total: 900 cores."

Each core was very small, the size of a pill, and Aldrich's bag was quite huge, so they could fit that huge number of cores.

"Sir, according to core value, a single lower-quality core is bought for 20 coins, upper-quality core for 25, high-quality core for 30, and superior-quality core for 50 coins. So let me calculate the total."

She began calculating.

"Four thousand coins for lower-quality cores, 3750 coins for upper-quality, 6000 coins for high-grade, and 12,500 coins for superior-grade. Total will be 26,250 coins."

26,250 coins!

Aldrich's hands trembled as he barely managed to calm himself. All the coins were transferred to his bank account.

"I-I am rich!" He nearly shouted out loud, but he was so excited he couldn't help but punch the sky.

26,250 coins, it was an amount of coins that could last a family of four for their whole life.

But for Supers, this was merely not much. As Aldrich entered an equipment shop, just the price of an F-ranked space ring shocked him.

"Fifteen thousand coins..." He looked at the bill and the ring. According to what he found on the internet, an F-rank ring has a capacity of around 50m. It was enough to store more than ten thousand cores.

"Thank you for your purchase, sir." The seller bowed to him as Aldrich, whose heart was paining, exited the shop, patting his chest.

"Skills..." He entered the skill shop. Unlike the random skill he bought at the start, the skills here were glowing brightly and each one had its own name.

F-rank Fireball.

E-rank Electric Bolt

F-rank Holy Shield

There were varieties of skills, from defensive to support to offensive. However, their price tags surely made Aldrich's eyes widen.

10,000 coins for a single F-rank skill.

Aldrich pondered deeply. "All my attacks are done by undead. I don't need offensive skills for now. Defensive is also not required as I will be surrounded by undead all the time. Support, unless I want to exhaust my mana buffing all these undead, I have no need for it. So…Defensive it is."

After thinking for a long time, he made up his mind. "Even if I am a peak F-rank Super now, I am still not totally safe. If my undead are knocked out or busy and an enemy attacks me, how would I defend myself? So, a defensive skill is very important." Soothing his heart that it is necessary, Aldrich bought the skill.

11,000 coins were used to buy it. He barely managed to hold himself from coughing up blood.

F-rank Holy Shield.

A skill that consumes some mana to cast a shield around the caster's body that lasts for a minute.

"Let's try it." He cast the skill, calling its name in his heart.

His body glowed dimly, and magical shields appeared on his whole body, from head to toe.

He experimented with the skill by trying to collide with the wall. The shield prevented him from touching the wall, as it hovered a tiny bit above his body, so nothing would reach his body.

"Not bad." The shield wasn't weak and didn't hinder movement. So it wasn't bad. Too bad, he didn't have infinite mana to continue casting the skill and protect himself 24 hours.

After that, he dived into the Wolf Cavern again.

He grind for the whole day, killing 5,000 monsters and the boss monster 5 times. From 5,000 monsters, 4,000 cores were saved for money and 1,000 remaining were turned into subordinates along with the 5 boss wolves who were turned into undead.

He didn't sell the cores as he was exhausted, and the next day, he didn't go to the association but directly to the wolf cavern.

He now had 8 undead boss wolves, and his speed of dungeon clearing became fast.

He didn't hunt wolves and just killed them whenever he passed by them. His main focus was boss wolves.

In just an hour, he cleared the dungeon twice. And in another 20 minutes, he reached the boss room.

Nine undead boss wolves ganged up on one boss wolf; it was surely an unfair fight, and the boss wolf didn't even get to fight back.

Not to mention, Aldrich had saved 6,000 cores and 3,000 undead wolves. But as he summoned the boss monster as his undead, something new happened.

[You have fulfilled the condition to upgrade Necromancy.]

[10 Boss Monster undead and 1,000 normal undead have been fulfilled.]

[Necromancy leveled up!]

[A new skill has been included in the Necromancy.]

[All your undead will be enhanced. Their strength, defense, and speed will increase slightly.]

"Huh?" He had never seen a notification before. There's only a hologram that shows stats and skills, other than that, there are no other functions of it.

"I have never heard of anyone getting notifications."

He sure has seen proficiency, which he has in his Holy Shield skill, but it wasn't in his Necromancy skill. Aldrich didn't care as he didn't understand, but now…

The notification that no one ever may have got, he received. So he was dumbfounded for a while. But as he touched the hologram, they disappeared, and another appeared.


[Type: Skill Set]

[Level: 2]

[Contained Skills:

Conjuring Dead: Conjure the corpse to be your slave. Number of undead that can be conjured (2033/infinite).

Hollow Shelter: Create a dimension which can store an unlimited amount of your undead regardless of their number and mass. You can store and summon them within a 50-meter radius.

Eye of Dead: Can see your undead information.]