
Infinite Source Mage

In the mystical realm where power reigns supreme, a once-mighty mage finds himself stripped of his greatness. Reincarnated as a young boy just after 7 years of his unknown cause of death, and then in a humble village, his path to glory begins in the most unlikely of places. With no parents to guide him and only an orphanage to call home, he sets on a goal to find the mysterious journey to reclaim his rightful place as the most powerful mage. ~~~~~ gender: male age: 9 (will age through chapters) hair colour: White (might change) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ajwoohin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

Enchanlet Kingdom knights


As the knights approved of them entering the gate, they were prepared. Especially Hayla and Marc, who were both excited.

As Greg drove the wagon into the gate, holding on to the reins tightly, they all felt a cold and wet mist enveloping everyone and the wagon. They heard a loud whooshing sound, as if they were being sucked into a vortex. Everything went dark for a moment, and then bright again. As Hayla and Marc blinked and looked around, their eyes met with multiple houses, knights and mages around, and other merchants with their carriages and wagons.

Greg smiled softly and said, "Well, everyone, this is where we part our ways. I had such a wonderful time with y'all."

As they all got out from the back of the wagon. Hayla and Marc started to tear up and ran up to Greg to hug him.

Marc said with teary eyes, "Thank you, Greg! I'll never forget your kindness and your amazing soup you made for us!"

Bell: (=_=)

Greg chuckled before he patted both of their heads and said his goodbyes. "Take care of the kids, Sir Juro."

Juro chuckled and said, "Don't worry about that. And you go take care of yourself."

Greg nodded and said, " Huhu We will meet again!"

As Greg left, one of the knights who was guarding the gate jaw dropped when he saw the two princesses.

"Princess Hayla and Princess Ayla?!" he exclaimed.

All the knights and mages who heard him turned their heads and saw them. They were all in disbelief and awe. They all started to gather around them, whispering and murmuring.

One of the knight leaders came up to them and confronted Juro, since he was the only male adult among them. He had a serious look on his face.

"What are you doing with the princesses?" he asked.

Juro smirked at him and said casually, "Hah~ Is this what we get for escorting the princesses safely?"

The knight frowned and glared at Juro, not liking his attitude. He was about to say something, but then Princess Hayla and Princess Ayla stepped in front of Juro and faced the knight. Hayla spoke with a stern voice.

"Hey, Mr. Knight! Uncle Juro didn't do anything wrong. In fact, he's the one who protected us while we traveled back to the kingdom."

All the other knights and mages around them started to mumble among themselves.

"Are the princesses defending that sketchy man?" "Don't you think they're tricking us?" "What if she isn't a princess and just an imposter?" "No way they would do that so boldly." "So did they really save the princesses? They look like commoners."

The knight leader stomped his foot on the ground, causing a loud thud that silenced everyone. He looked at the princesses and said, "Fine. Then thank you for taking care of them. You may all leave now. I will escort the princesses back to His Majesty."

The knight leader grabbed both Hayla and Ayla's arms and pulled them forcefully. He was gripping their arms too hard, and they felt pain. "Ow! Hey!" they protested.

But then he felt his arm being stopped by someone. He turned around and saw two kids, Bell and Marc, holding his arm.

Marc: "Hey… I know I'm being rude, but I don't think that's how you're supposed to treat the princesses."

Bell: "Sir Knight, could you kindly remove your grip before you make the princesses feel more pain?"

Both Bell and Marc's eyes were showing bloodlust. Especially Bell. The knight leader noticed Bell's eyes felt like he was staring at someone who had killed people before.

The knights and mages around them were all startled by their sudden movements. But then seeing them grab their leader's arm without hesitation or permission, the knights all pointed their swords at them.

Ve was scared and hugged her mom. Juro nodded at Venchia, telling her to stay behind him.

The knight leader said, while looking at Bell and Marc, "Release your grip before this escalates."

Bell: "Nah, you release yours. You're hurting their arms."

Juro: heh these bold brats.

The knight leader looked at the princesses' expressions. He saw the pain and anger in their eyes. He sighed and let go of their arms.

He then bowed at the princesses and said, "My apologies for my sudden action. I was only following protocol."

He then glared at the other knights who had their swords pointed at Juro and his companions. The knights immediately sheathed their swords.

"Mage," the knight leader said.

A mage quickly made his way to the princesses and used healing magic on their arms. He gently touched their arms with his hands, and a soft green light enveloped them. The pain subsided, and the bruises faded.

After receiving the healing, Hayla spoke. "It's okay, but as the princess of this kingdom, I demand that you let them pass through and invite them to the castle."

The knight leader frowned and said, "But Your Highness, we cannot let any strangers just be invited to the castle. Letting them into the kingdom is fine, but the castle is too much."

Hayla: "They are not strangers. They've taken care of me and Ayla for the past days, and I've become very close to them."

The knight leader was about to protest, but Hayla interrupted him. "It's an order."

• • • •

There was silence in the air after what Hayla said. Some of the knights and mages were in disbelief at how she was so persistent on those people. As the knight leader was about to open his mouth again, Bell spoke first.

"I'm sure His Majesty is very worried for his daughters, so why don't we quickly wrap this up, hm?" Bell said. He then looked at the other knights and said, "Quickly report to His Majesty that the two princesses have safely returned to the kingdom, and that he has some visitors as well."

Juro, Marc, and Hayla were all impressed by Bell's wording and surprised he could say such things at that young age without being trained about formal manners and wordings.

The knight leader, on the other hand, was a bit frustrated by Bell's sudden interruption. But then he looked at the other knights and gave them a nod. The knights quickly left to report to the king.

The knight leader then looked back at Bell and said, "Follow me."

And so the seven of them followed the knight leader. As they were walking, Hayla couldn't help but express her gratitude to Bell and Marc for stepping up earlier.

"Thank you," Hayla said with a warm smile on her face.

Bell and Marc smiled back at her.




After a couple of minutes of walking, the knight leader stopped. In front of them was the royal carriage.

The royal carriage was a sight to behold. It was a large and elegant vehicle, with a white body and a curved roof. The body was adorned with intricate carvings of flowers, vines, and animals, as well as the coat of arms of the Enchanlet Kingdom. The roof was covered with blue velvet, and had four golden tassels at each corner. The windows were made of clear glass, framed by yellow curtains that could be drawn for privacy. The wheels were made of wood and metal, and had yellow and blue spokes that shone in the sun. The carriage was drawn by four white horses, wearing blue harnesses and yellow plumes. The driver and the guard wore blue uniforms and yellow hats, and carried swords and trumpets.

Marc's eyes widened as he saw the carriage. He had never seen anything so luxurious before.

" 👁️ 👄 👁️.....wow...."

=====NOTICE ⚠️=====

As I've said my schedule might become messy because I have school but I promise y'all I'll never drop this series and will continue till I make it to thousands of chapters.




Name - Bell Aize

Age - 9

Gender - Male

Race - Human

Attribute - Mix mana

Title - Sinner

Old Title - 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒆




Strength: 70

Speed: 62

Vitality: 77

Intelligence: 140 (+1)







(Dark Regeneration)


(Dark Claw)

(Mix Mana Regeneration)

(Dark x Mana Leap)

(Wind magic - 26%)



(Ishka Village) Population: 200+

(kingdom of Nielism) Population 1.2M+

(Enchanlet Kingdom) Population 50M+

Latten village) Population: 500+ (Locked)

(Locked) (Locked)

(Locked) (Locked)

(Locked). (Locked)

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(Locked). (Locked)

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