
Infinite Regressor

Hanper_MP · Games
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4 Chs

2 World Turned into the Game

I closed this screen and saw menu with different icons. In top right was my photo, height, weight and age. At top right was 6 icons: Inventory, friends, messages, clan, skill tree and stats. Bottom right has some code that I don't know how to use for now. Bottom left was my outfit, now I had there my school uniform and old watch that I got from my grandfather. I clicked on each of them:

[School shoes]

Defense: 3

Durability: 73/100

System Description: Normal shoes.

[School Jeans]

Defense: 5

Durability 88/100

System description: Normal jeans.

[School Jacket]

Defense: 6

Durability: 84/100

System description: Normal jacket.

[Old Gold Watch]

Defense 1

Durability: 41/100

I didn't had time to check my stats when I heard Leo shouting.

- "What is that!? Do you see the same as me, Jack?" He asked. He looked very confused and I understand that.

- " What blessing did you got?" I asked him. I wanted to know do we all have them and are they are different.

- " Can you see my screen?" He showed his screen and I looked at it.

[Aura manipulation (A+) (Passive)]

[Allows user to read and manipulate aura]

(Aura Skills: Basic aura reading, condensed aura ball.)

What is this skill? Its so good, much better than mine. But I have skill that is S class but he have A+, that is strange.

- "Wow, your skill is so good!" I said honestly.

- "Yeah I know." He said with smile on his face.

"What about you?" Leo asked me.

- "Nothing much, what about you Mal?" I changed the theme, I don't know why but I didn't wanted anyone know my skill.

- " Well, I will just show" She showed her screen to us.

[Master Herbalism (B) (Passive)]

[Knowledge about most of the plants and higher effect when using self-made medicine]

- "That is nice, you can be like support" Leo said.

- " Yeah, I just wanted something different."

She said with sarcastic smile.

- " Hey, but there is other side, you always will be safe." I said that because that is true. She is support so she will always be protected.

- "We need to check what happened to our families so we are gonna split up now" I said.

I was worried for my mum so I wanted to go home as soon as possible.

- "Oh yeah, because it looks like a game so much, I forgot that this is still real life" Leo said with awkward smile on his face.

- "I saw that there is 'Friends' button let's see how we can add each other." I told them.

We added each other, it was easier than I thought. You just need to send request on the code that is on the bottom right and other side need to accept it. We split up and went to our houses.

While I was running back to home I saw President talk on TV in one of the shops. There was subtitles so I didn't need to go inside to know what he is saying.

- " Dear citizens, everything is alright, you don't need to panic. Just keep doing what you were, we will protect everyone if something happens."

That was a very bad lie but I understand that because nobody knows what just happened.

I ignored what he said after and kept running.

On the way I say people shooting fireballs and thunderbolts. Some guy tried to rob the shop but owner was stronger so he easly beaten him up. I just kept running and after 10 mins I got to home.

I'm living in a small house with my mum and dad. At that time he is working at office, only my mum is not in home at that time.

House looked very normal from outside but when walked inside I that everything was upside down, it looks that there was a fight.

- "Mum?" I shouted but there was no response. I checked every room but nobody was there.

Only thing that I found strange was that there was that there was white dust on the floor but I don't know why it was there.

I can tell that she didn't went out of the house, someone kidnapped my mum. But why? We are not rich and they broke TV and other stuff so they are not doing it for money. The only reason I can see is that she got some very good blessing and they somehow knew that.

For now it was 22:00 so I decided to go sleep for now. I will think about everything tomorrow.