
Infinite Regressions In The Tower

Humans all over the world got transported into a strange tower, where they would awaken abilities akin to those of fairytales. And at the same a creature announced that if they did not clear the 50th floor, humans would be wiped out of existence. Kim Taeho was like everyone else, but he had awakened a unique ability. An ability that would make him stronger than anyone else: No matter what I do, no matter how many times I try, I still can't beat this floor because of this skill: - Perfect Clear [X] - If a perfect clear is not achieved, return to the point when you first entered the floor.

wokkajun · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The Wolf

As I tried to look at the sky above, I noticed that it was still day.

"Haha, I guess the other players didn't get any experience points because of me."

Now I really didn't care if the other players had any experience. Because this was only the first floor, they could definitely catch up when they climbed the other floors.

And at worst, I will owe them a favor.

As I walked back to the field, I thought of a small problem.

Because I killed all the monsters, the other players were probably still low-level.

Then the same thing would repeat as last time. They would have to fight elite goblins as level 1, and that could only end in one thing.


They could try their best, but most people would probably die. Only after leveling up could they kill them.

Well, it wouldn't be that bad. Since there are players like Lee Min-ho who have a naturally strong skill

He could kill elite goblins with some effort, so it shouldn't be that bad for him.

But for most other people, this was really bad.

That's why I need to make another plan.

If I killed the wolf instantly, it would make the elite goblins appear at the same time.

This should not happen, no matter what.

Imagine fighting some normal goblins, and they suddenly disappear.

You would probably be confused, but not even a minute after another monster appears.

And this is not a normal monster; this is an elite goblin, which is a lot stronger than a normal goblin.

This would catch a lot of people by surprise, which could end with a lot of deaths.

That's why killing the wolf instantly is forbidden for me.

As I was walking to the field.

'Maybe just letting it live is the solution'.

If you think about it, I didn't have to kill it immediately when it spawned.

Because when the wolf spawns, other monsters cannot appear. This was what the system told me after 500 monsters had been killed.

"I think this would be the correct way." I said while stretching my arms.

My plan was to hold the monster back until every player had entered the field.

When the wolf spawns, every player will get the same notification, and they will rush back to the field.

Well, some of them would rush back.

Other players might wait until the wolf has been killed by other players.

This could either be because of fear or the feeling of,

'Well, some have to kill the wolf anyway; I might as well wait till the wolf has been killed'.

Some people might get that thought, but it was a pity.

Because since I was here, I wouldn't let anyone kill the wolf until every player had entered the field.

At some point, the players who waited for the wolf to die, must enter the field and find out what was going on.

If the players from my first regression heard about my plan, they would probably think that it was easy to say but hard to execute.

But truthfully, I don't think it would be that hard to do. The wolf really isn't a struggle anymore, so I could see it as an exercise using light weights.

At the same time, other players wouldn't die to the elite goblins that would appear after.

My plan after killing the wolf was to kill all the elite goblins. So the only thing the players had to do was wait for me to kill all the elite goblins.

I could see sunlight through the trees, and I knew that I was close to the field.

And as I entered the field, I noticed the same group of people that always stays behind.

It was a group of elderly people, including Yon.

"Same old, same old."

I walked over to the spot where the wolf would appear.

And as I looked around, I noticed that the elderly people were all looking at me.

'Why are they looking so intensely at me?'

Do I have something on my face, and that's when I noticed that I had green blood all over me?

'That makes sense'.

They were probably shocked by the blood on my clothes.

Well, what could I do? When I try to kill the goblin as fast as possible, there is no time for me to worry about appearances.

So the end result is that my clothes are filled with the blood of the goblins.

I guess I should say something so that they know that I am not scary.

"I am not dangerous; I come with peace." I said it in a gentle tone, loud enough so everyone could hear me.

'Sh*t why did I say it like that'.

Now I definitely sound suspicious; this was evident by the untrustworthy look of the elderly people.

'Well, it doesn't matter now'.

All I had to do was wait for the wolf to spawn.

[Announcement: 500 monsters have been killed!]

[Announcement: A special monster will spawn in the field!]

[Announcement: Monsters will not appear until the special monster has been defeated!]


The wolf stepped out of the portal and raised its head up in the air.


In the middle of its howling, I dashed and punched it, smashing it to the ground.


After smashing it to the ground, the wolf slowly tried to raise its head.


But I smashed it to the ground again.

My solution wasn't to hold the wolf until every player entered the field.

No, it was easier to keep knocking the wolf out until every player entered the field.

This would be the easiest method, which I thought of while waiting for the wolf to spawn.

After noticing that the wolf wasn't moving anymore, I stopped and clapped my hands.

"Well, that should be that for now."

I don't know how much time it would take for the wolf to wake up, but at least the problem is solved for now.

All I had to do now was wait for all the other players to enter the field.

And as I looked around the field, all the elderly people had shocked faces because of the sudden monster spawning in the field.

At the same time, I saw Yon, and I realized that because I knocked the wolf out, she couldn't communicate with it like last time.

It was like killing two birds with one stone.

After some time, I noticed Park Junsu enter the field with his group.