
Chapter 622 Dark Horse

"Who the hell are you guys?" The [Berserker roared].

He was clearly more skilled than his opponent, but the other party still overpowered him. The reason for this clearly had to do with the other side's equipment and maybe level. The [Berserker] easily understood this. But his equipment was of level 20 Upper-tier Rare-Steel rank. It had cost him a lot but the [Berserker] never regretted it. However, he was currently being overpowered in this category.

The only thing that could beat a level 20 Upper-tier Rare-Steel rank equipment would either be Dark-Gold rank, which was nonexistent, or at least level 25 Mid-tier Rare-Steel rank and above. 

But that was insane; not only were weapons of that category expensive but the enemy would have to be at least level 25 to use them. The only ones at this level of power were true pinnacle rank experts and above, and it was clear from trading blows that his opponent was not one.