
Infinite Reality Travel

The Characters are not mine please support the original media or source. A guy suddenly transported and inhibited someone else body. And if things haven't been weird enough there's a gacha system. There will be more attache to this.

HeavenlyMarks · Others
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13 Chs

Chapter 2: Don't Be Suspicious



With dread and horror in his face he begins to panic and asking internally

'Why am I here'

'Who am I'

'Actually who's body am I in'

'Did I get Isekai'd?'

'No I didn't even meet a God or Rob'

'Does Isekai count if you meet a God?'

'Did I get hit by a truck'

'No I didn't even died I just slept. Unless the truck flew into my room that is'

'So how the hell am I here'

'What will happen to my mom'

'She's gonna be all alone now'

'No one to take care of her'

'My god my prelim exam was supposed to be passed right about now'

'What happened to my stuff'

'Did my game finish downloading'

'Why the hell did I think about the exam and my stuff. Focus and think straight me you dumb fuck' and

'Oh my God I'm panicking and hungry. So calm the fuck down me. Breathe in and Breathe out then Analyze.'

He Breathes in and breathes out calming down a little bit. And started to look around for clues on where he is.

From the looks of it he comes from a rich background and he has a really large bed like fit for a royalty type. The ceiling when he looks up it is painted like a cloudy sky with a sunny sun. At the corner he can find what looks like a Electric Piano. There are about three doors and a window then from logic one of those doors will be the exit .

And finally the one that gave me more clue's the paintings or when he properly processed more correctly it is a poster of Elton John with signature from the legend himself, A very young looking Gwyneth Paltrow in a red bikini, A Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, The Bohemian Rhapsody Queen with the complete signatures from the band, and Pokemon with the catchphrase 'Gotta Catch them all'. His dread that persisted was instead replace with amazement cause of the signatures from the Music Legends themselves.

With the posters being a very big help and happy our MC thinks ' Ok I am in a world similar to my own.' MC looks at the other poster that gives him more clue' But what bothers me is the young looking Gwyneth Paltrow poster that's seems newly bought which tells me that it isn't the same year but now the question is What time am I in, Who's body is this and Where am I. '

With that he walks toward the window and to his shock there is something that he has not seen in his life well his previous life and only seen in pictures Snow. The astonishment quickly disappears and he ponders where he is ' Ok I am not in the Philippines anymore but somewhere where Snow is common. ' Now he searches for more information there are three doors he enters the closes door and see what's inside.

Inside that room there is a TV, A Bean Bag, PlayStation 2 and a Mini Fridge filled with the Classic Pepsi and Coca Cola with some unknown drinks. He search for more information what he found is a Gameboy with the game card of Pokemon Red and Blue, Super Marion Land, Metroid II, Donkey Kong Land, Dragon Warrior III, Metal Gear, Tetris 2, Spiderman, Mario Tennis, Castlevania II, and The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. More game cards of Final Fantasy VI,VII, IX,X, Silent Hill, Crash Bandicoot, Resident Evil Biohazard, 2, 3, Metal Gear, Tekken 3 and Street Fighter Alpha 3.

" Wow where can you even get this games anymore and some of them looks freshly bought from the store. "

Then he search the drawers which was filled with candy, sweets and snacks.

Those candy, sweets and snacks are the following: Jos Louis snack cakes, Hickory Sticks, Thrills Gum, Dare Maple Leaf cookies, Lay's Ketchup Chips, Coffee Crisp chocolate bar, Ruffles All Dressed chips, Crispy Crunch, Mackintosh's Toffee, Kinder Surprise Eggs, Wunderbar, KitKat, Smarties, and Sour Patch Kids.

" Whoever this guy sure love there junkfood though I only know about 2 of these."

After that surprisingly there is a equal amount of comic's and technology books. He simply ignored the tech books but instead focus on the comic's. There are some Marvel, DC, Hellboy and some Manga the big three is in here Dragon Ball, Bleach and Naruto.

Though he almost gave up trying to find more clue's but when he looks at the unknown soda from the fridge. He internally slaps himself cause it's right there he should have look here but nothing can be done. Once again he looks at the drink named "Canada Dry" and "Clearly Canadian". He said to himself " I either am in USA or as the name suggest Canada. " Now possible knowing where he is decided to search for the other room.

Instead of going to the middle which he guess as the entrance and the exit he goes to the farthest door. Once again he opens the door and looks what is the contents of the room.

It is a Bathroom with a large bathtub, toilets, mirror and sinks. Except for the bathtub there are a lot of amenities. But what he focuses on the most is a calendar with the exact date ' February 02, 2001 Canada. '

" Ok I am in the past as it seems. Though those games should have been a dead giveaway cause those things were old then to be fare I thought this guy was a collector or something similar. "

Then finally he looks at the mirror what he saw shock him. What he looks like is that he has brown hair, Warm Ivory skin, A very rare eye color Teal, and he has a gap in his tooth. His height is about 4.5 feet tall but you would have think that he was a dwarf but he looks like a kid about the age between 9-10.

Since when and where is answered the final question is who am I.

" Ok these is what I found out: Has a Musical Talent for Electric Piano, Has a Sweet Tooth, Is both a Tech Geek and Comic Nerd, Age between 9-10 years old, Has Brown Hair, Warm Ivory Skin, Teal Colored Eyes, Has a Gap in his tooth, And Canadian. Now who am I."

He keeps contemplating on who he is but he just can't seem to crack it. Until someone shouted then he remembered.

" Good Morning, Master ..."


WHO IS THE POOR FELLOW? You'll find out in the next chapter but do you have any guess well then type and comment here on who the character is. Before you read the next chapter

Also the MC name will be discussed after all he has a name before that but what happened.

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