
Infinite Realities: Re

When a normal day turns abnormal, Kaleido Mora finds himself stranded in another universe wrought with danger and death. Now armed with nothing but his newfound gifts and talent, Kaleido must traverse this strange world with no real goal in mind. From a normal teenage boy, Kaleido slowly delves deeper into the madness of the world around him as he becomes more and more of an old monster. With schemes and plots running for millions of years, how would a "normal" boy survive and thrive in this world ran rampant by Gu? But as he grew in power and learns more of the nature of the multiverse, would he really be content by just returning to his original one and live a peaceful, normal life? _____________________________________________________________ AN: I know, I betrayed you guys again by dropping FBM Rewrite, but I don't really care. Anywho, welcome new readers of moi. While I'm not the best around this place, I'm certainly not the worst. You can say I'm just good or above-average in terms of writing skills, so you can at least expect a pretty decent story. To entice you guys a bit, the world for Volume 1 is Reverend Insanity which is kind of cool, and I'll try my best to write a good story for you guys! Please be sure to save this story to your library if you find it interesting, and maybe even give some power stones and comment your thoughts if you feel like it. Anyways, WOW! This new synopsis feels a lot more mature and gentlemanly compared to before. Just a quick side note, your author is a raging homosexual from time to time, so of course this novel's mc is also bisexual. Hey, might as well self-insert a little part of myself into the story, right? _____________________________________________________________ Other socials for some unknown plan (be sure to drop a follow): Twitter - @NoNameDeityWN (Started writing in December 18, 2022 – 388th day of writing)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Ch 2 – Transmigrated to Another Universe


The sound of leaves and grass blowing entered Kaleido's ears, causing them to twitch in response. As if awakened by the sound along with the strange sensation he felt all over his body akin to lying face-down into a bed of grass, he opened his eyes and was greeted by the color green.

Green. Green and darkness, those two were the only things he can see.

'Huh?' the strange sensations, the strange sight he first saw upon opening his eyes, the feeling of lethargy as if he has just undergone long sleep, it was overloading his system that his mind blanked out for a short moment.

But after meditating seriously for years already, the moment he took in a deep breath, he calmed down and moved his arm. Instantly, as if to confirm his suspicion, his exposed hand felt like it brushed against the grassy ground and pressed on soft dirt. Pushing himself up with a grunt, he finally saw what he was lying on, and just like expected, grass.

Grass. It was truly a grassy ground. The grass was emerald green in color and full of vibrancy that even with the faint light, he can still see how full of vitality the grass was below him. The next moment, Kaleido turned his head to the sky and saw a strange view.

It was a starry night sky where a full moon hung high above the black sky. Leaves and thick branches obscured his vision, but upon seeing the view from high above, a strange feeling seemed to well up from within him. It felt uncomfortable and wrong; the moon, the stars, the leaves, the air, they felt wrong for him.

He darted his eyes all around the area, seeing the forest-like scenery that surrounded him. Thick grass, dense trees, a leafy roof, an earthy scent. It wasn't just forest-like, it was a forest. But those sights weren't the thing that felt wrong.

He looked more and more around him. The strange fruits that hung from the thick branches of the trees, the strange flowers scattered all around, the colorful leaves ranging from different colors of red to pink, and the strange shrubs and bushes. That still wasn't it.

His eyes darted all around, all in the hopes of finding what was 'wrong,' until finally, he knew it.

"This… the space of this world, the time of this world… they both feel… unfamiliar," he himself doesn't know why it felt unfamiliar. He doesn't even know why he would describe such abstract concepts like space and time as unfamiliar. For all he knew, he could just be in another world or something.

But no, he deeply knew that this was another universe altogether. How? His instincts, his senses, and his intuition all lead to one thing, 'This is a different universe?'

A normal person would of course also probably think the same thing. Maybe they'll assume they're in a different world, a different galaxy, or a different universe, but they won't know the truth. Unlike them, Isaac KNEW he was in a different universe. Even if he has no actual proof, it felt like he was right, it felt like his assumption was the truth.

But that was strange because why would he believe such a baseless and false claim? He was a logical person who only believes in rational reasoning, so for him to subconsciously and consciously believe this 'truth' his brain formulated, it made him feel quite strange.

But of course, even if he were to know that he was in a different universe, that was the least of his worries.

'The time… it's already midnight.' He thought to himself once again. He didn't know why, but he also 'knew' that it was midnight. In fact, he already knew that the moment he opened his eyes, but by looking at the moon in the sky, he can also confirm that fact.

'I'm in a forest… in the middle of the night. All alone, with no food and supplies other than a bottle of water.' He assessed while looking at the insides of his bag. The only other things he has with him were his bag which had his school supplies, his bottle of water, and his clothes. His phone was already broken. 'Tsk, this must have been broken when I was sucked into that strange thing.'

Putting back all of his belongings into his bag, he stood up with a sigh and felt a bit of fear. Even with his above-average abilities, he knew that realistically speaking, he would probably die in this forest all alone. But that attitude of his quickly changes upon calming down.

"Hmm?" His eyebrows lightly rose and he stopped his movements. Without even looking, when a cold gust of wind lightly grazes the grass and trees below him, it felt like he 'saw' those grass and leaves rustle. Not only that, but the 'range' of his awareness rapidly increased, but at a certain point, his mind started to get overloaded with information.

But that wasn't all. He clearly felt the passage of time, his lifespan, the amount of time that needs to pass until it reaches day, and such. So many intuitive thoughts and information entered his mind that made him surprise.

He calmed himself down. He opened his eyes, focusing directly on the area in front of him, and envisioned the 'domain' of his spatial awareness drastically lessening, and he condensed it into a small ten-meter diameter all around him. In this area, he felt like an omniscient god! The finest of details was observed by him and directly entered his mind, from the swaying of leaves to the minute insects moving around.

Not only that, but combined with his astute temporal awareness, it felt like he can even predict the future!

'Isn't this like that soccer boy's ability from that manga? He had insane spatial awareness and can predict the sequence of events that would happen. Isn't this the same, but with the added fact that I also have insane temporal awareness?' Kaleido rubbed his chin while picking a pebble from the ground.

If he were to give an analogy, his sudden surge of spatial awareness gave him all-seeing eyes, and his temporal awareness gave him the ability to accurately predict when events would happen. If an apple fell from a tree in the distance, he would be able to accurately tell the distance of the apple from the ground and the branch it was attached to, how long it would take to fall to the ground, the distance between him and the apple, how fast he would need to run to catch the apple before it falls, and if he has access to enough data, he can even predict how a slight gust of wind can change the trajectory of the apple, predict where the apple would bounce off to, and so much more

Of course, for him to do that, that would mean his processing speed would reach an inhumane level! But weirdly enough, even after thinking for so long, he noticed a strange thing. 'Why isn't this pebble falling to the ground?'

Just before he started thinking intensely, he was subconsciously tossing the pebble up and down, and when he looked at it… he saw that it was still slowly falling down onto his open palm. In fact, when his gaze slowly moved at a snail's pace to another area, he saw the rustling leaves and swaying grass moving ever so slowly.

His body felt like it was unable to keep up with the speed of his thoughts, shocking him deeply once again. Not only does he has insane spatial and temporal awareness giving which can theoretically allow him to even predict the future to a certain degree if he refines his skill enough, he even has the ability to think at a rate where the world would be moving at a rate so slow that the pebble he subconsciously tossed still hasn't fallen down onto his open palm.

'This… I might actually be able to live all on my own in this forest if worse comes to worst! Just this ability alone might allow me to produce supernatural effects akin to superheroes if the theories in my mind are proven true… Wait, my body actually feels so amazing right now!'

He widened his eyes again as his thinking speed returned to normal. Catching the pebble, he felt his body move according to the way he wants it to move. His skin which was pale white before was now snow-white, and his body roared with vitality. He moved his hand, and it felt like it was moving in an unhindered manner.

He took in a deep breath, and the fresh air filled his lungs with an otherworldly feeling he has never felt before. The air was so fresh and clean, it felt like he was snorting water from the purest lake!

He stared at the plants all around him, they were so vigorous and full of life. The sky above was so clear and bright, and the moon's light shone brightly, unhindered by any man-made obstructions. At that moment, the only word that can describe what Kaleido felt was… freedom.

An entirely new universe inside a jungle. He was alone, with death just right around the corner due to dwindling resources. There were no signs of any human life in the area, meaning he might be the only human in the world. But at that moment, he only felt boundless freedom!

He felt exhilaration and endless excitement for the unknown future!

At that moment, the ridiculousness of his situation finally dwelled upon him. He was literally transmigrated to not just another world, but to another universe! It wasn't a God-given encounter, a gift brought by someone else, he was literally just so unlucky, or lucky to encounter a fracture in space-time and was now inside a different universe!

Now after that, he suddenly finds out that he now has supernatural abilities that give him an immense advantage compared to before. At his estimates, he believes that he might even be able to predict the future once he refines his spatial and temporal awareness enough.

He burst forth, sprinting forward at unbridled speeds. He dodge and avoided any obstacles in his path as he saw far ahead into the distance with vivid imagery. The passing leaves, the disappearing grass, the gusts of cold winds, he clearly 'saw' them and moved through them like an all-seeing god.

His 'domain' rapidly expanded, from 10 meters to 11 meters, and 12 meters. By the time he stopped, it has already expanded to twice as before, 20 meters! But he was still brimming with energy, he can still run for longer. So why did he stop?

'A lake!' he cried out inside his mind and stared at the clear lake in front of him. It was large, larger than any lake he has seen personally on Earth. The lake water was so clear he can see the bottom of the lake, and as he walked closer to it, he finally saw his reflection.

But upon doing so… he can't help but be shocked by his own appearance.

Hair divided into black and white, heterochromatic eyes that followed the same color scheme, and even strange splotches of black and white that he saw just below his exposed collar. After seeing those strange splotches of color that dimly glowed in the darkness, he hastily took off his clothes and finally saw what they were.

Running all throughout his body, from his arms, legs, chest, and back, there were strange markings of black and white scattered all throughout! He stared at his body in disbelief at these markings of strange and unknown origins. Just a glance alone and he knew they held profound mysteries behind them, and as he stared at his arm where markings can be seen, it was as if his mind is entering into a deep trance that sucked him in.

Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, his focus was taken when he suddenly heard the sound of leaves and bushes rustling in the distance. And when he redirected his gaze, he saw dim orange and yellow light in the distance.

'Are those… torches?! Fire equals sentience, holy fuck! This is probably a chance at survival! Please, to any gods out there, please let me live in a world with humans and civilization! If not, please don't make them xenophobic!'

AN: This chapter has 2085 words.

From minor coincidences, it would quickly escalate to a battle against [REDACTED].

Am I a genius to use "It" as conflict while using "This" as a cheat. I mean, if you have a decent brain, you'll realize what those markings meant in a heartbeat.

Anyways, thank you very much for the reviews dear readers! I didn't think we would reach more than ten reviews in just a single day! Wow, to think my novel is appreciated by so many already, it really does bring a tear to my eye.

I wonder what I did to have so many reviews in the get-go, sigh, I guess only those who have been at the very start would know the true dark history of this event, uwu~

If you like the story so far, I would appreciate if you were to send power stones in return.

(December 18, 2022 – 388th day of writing)

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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